Chapter 61

After some time, Eun came to their practice room with some food. They all became happy to see her. Eun put the trey on a small table and stand in front of them. They were so hungry that they go to eat but after seeing the food, their hunger dies. There was just salad for them. And they do not like the salad. "Seriously? We have to eat these?" said Chi Won.

"Why you bring these?" asked Jung Hwa. "I know why," said Ha Joon and look at them.

"Because it's another order from Jung Suk, Right?" said Kang Min with a heavy voice.

"Yes, he will fire me from my job if I do not listen to him," said Eun with a disappointed voice.

"He feared you?" asked JE.

"No, he told me," said Eun.

"Now, please, eat a little. I know you couldn't have your breakfast. If you wouldn't eat now, you will become weak." said Eun and requested them to eat.

"You are done here. Now you could go," said Jung Suk with a hard voice.

"You were hungry. Eat them up," said Jung Suk.

"We can't eat these things," said Kang Min. "You have to," said Jung Suk. loudly. Eun was standing there and she got afraid by hearing his scream. She was looking at Jung Suk. Jung Suk noticed it and said, "What? You could leave now!" said Jung Suk loudly. Eun went from there. She knows there habits very well and also knows that they love to eat and also they don't want to eat any kind of diet food. But they are fit because they have to do a lot of exercises and if they wouldn't eat enough, they couldn't stay strong like before. So she was worried about them. How could they live their life now if this guy(Jung Suk) keeps irritating them like this? Suddenly she remembers why they must have to listen to him. They could avoid him just like they were ignored Woo Jin. She made a plan also but she can't talk with them now because they are too busy nowadays. And also, they have been followed every moment. So she felt disappointed and become hopeless. She wants to join their concert but they couldn't give any attention to her. She feels like they are going far from her and she is gonna lose them.

"Are you ready?" asked Jung Suk.

"It's time for departure already?" asked Tae Jin.

"Yes, just hurry up. You have to get makeup too," said Jung Suk. They couldn't have their lunch also because they are not used to eat those. And now they are feeling like they have no strength left to perform on the stage. However, they get ready and all of them go to the concert hall. They want to perform their best but they couldn't. They were missing Woo Jin too much. Tae Jin have tears on his eyes as he was the most emotional person among them.

"What happened Tae Jin?" Kang Min comes to him and consoles him. He knows what the matter was.

"Everything will be alright. Okay?" said Kang Min and start performing again. They all were upset but they were cheered by their fans. And they have to show a smile in front of the public. So, nobody could understand that they are in pain. They just saw their happy and handsome faces. But what was behind it, nobody knows anything.

Eun was going somewhere. She actually wants to meet Woo Jin. But his phone was turned off and she knows where he could be. So, she went outside without telling anyone. When she reached the hospital she saw Woo Jin was going inside right then. She followed him and reached the room where his wife is in a deep sleep. Woo Jin stopped beside her. Eun couldn't see his face but she could understand how he is feeling. Eun also felt so bad for her. "I am sorry. I should save you. I should come with you. Please forgive me. Maybe it won't happen if I didn't let you go outside alone." said Eun with a very sad voice. Her eyes were wet when she was telling this. Woo Jin didn't notice her so he startled when she begins to talk. He turns his head and see Eun. Eun could also see his face now. His eyes were so red like blood. His face was looking so pale. He was looking dangerous but he was quiet and standing like a statue.

"Why you came here?" asked Woo Jin sadly.

"To meet you," said Eun.

"Why?" asked Woo Jin.

"To take you back," said Eun.

"Haha, what a joke!" said Woo Jin and try to smile but he failed.

"This is no joke. You have to take your own place. Don't let anyone else take your position. Please, come back." said Eun.

"So easy, huh? Do you know how much I have to suffer for them? But they never respect me. They never listen to me. They did what they want. Now, they are free. They could do whatever they want. Nobody is in their path. And you are there to take care of them. I know how much they love you. So, don't worry about them. They are alright. But it is me, who is not alright. Whose life ruined because of them. I could get revenge from them but I won't because I also have feelings for them. And now, I will stay here until my last breathe. Now get lost." said Woo Jin with an angry voice. "You are wrong. They love you so much like their elder brother. I know they are not matured yet. They behave like your sons. They want to refuse you because they love you. And you don't know how much they missed you. They can't...." said Eun and going to say more.

"Stop it! Just get the hell out of here! I don't want to listen about them." saying this Woo Jin put both hands on his ears and press hard so that he couldn't listen to anything.

"No, I will not stop. They are in danger. Their new manager doesn't allow them to have food, going outside, or even talk to each other. How could they lead such a life? They have to exercise and practice all day. And they lost their smile. They lost their charm ness. They are not blinking like before. When you were with them, they have all of it. And that's why they could gain success but I am feared that they would fail in the future. They would lose their career and they have to leave from there. And none could help them without you. Look at their live performance, what could you see?" saying this Eun took her phone and showed it to Woo Jin. Woo Jin listened to her every single word. He put his hands down and come to her. He looked at her with a helpless eye. Then he watches their live performance and found so much mistake. He saw that they truly lost their charm within a very few days and they could not do their steps properly. He also noticed that Tae Jin and Chi Won's eyes were full of tears. He could not look at it anymore. "Enough of this! What could I do? It is not in my hand. I got fired and now I am forbidden to go there. What do you tell me to do?" said Woo Jin and begins to cry.

"Control yourself. We have to find a way out. Call me if you get an idea. And also give me your number by which I could communicate with you." said Eun and condole him. Then she went to the lady. "Ara-ssi! Wake up soon. This man will go crazy if you won't get up soon. He loves you a lot. Please don't hurt him anymore. He has a pure heart and so everyone is hurting him. But you are his wife. How could you do it to him? And also, please forgive me. I can't keep your words yet. But I promise, when Leo comes back, I will surely give that to him. So, don't worry and just get well soon." said Eun with a very soft voice.

"I am get going but do you change your mind?" asked Eun to Woo Jin. Woo Jin could not answer anything. Tears are falling from his eyes and he keeps looking at the floor.

"Why you are crying like a soft girl? Just smile because if you stay sad, your wife will become sad also. Make her happy. And come back soon. They need you. We need you. I can't look at them in this situation. In those painful faces." said Eun gently and walk away from there slowly. She was thinking of something in her mind deeply. Suddenly she heard a voice of crying. It looks familiar to her. She wants to see who the girl is. She searched for the girl and saw that there was a girl sitting on a chair outside of a room. She was crying. Eun goes to her and tries to look at her face. But as the girl was covered her face with hands, she could not see her face.

"What happened?" asked Eun to the girl. The girl look at her face and Eun got shocked by seeing her.

"Ji Na! Why you are here? What happened to you?" asked Eun shockingly.

"Euna! Where have you been? I was so worried about you. I missed you so much. Why you didn't even call me? Do you forget about me?" said Ji Na and wiped her eyes.

"I have a different situation but why you are crying?" asked Eun and stand in front of her.

"Kang Ji Hyung!" said Ji Na and start to cry.

"What happened to him?" asked Eun being shocked.

"He has an accident," said Ji Na and hug her and start to cry loudly.

"Slow down! How could this happen?" asked Eun and put her hand to Ji Na's shoulder to console her. Ji Na slows down to cry and tell her what happened with him.

"There was a race arranged by some college students. They want all the cool guys at our college. Kang Ji Hyung was a biker, you know. So, they want him to take part in that but he refused to take part. So they called him a coward and bullying him. I can't bear that and I told him to take part in the race. He wants to understand me but I didn't want to listen to him and told him that I will not stay with him if he would not take part in that race. So, he took part in the race just to make me happy. He was the fastest of all. He was the champion of levels one and two. But there was an enemy of him. He didn't want to let him win in the final. Both of them were their top speed and they ran their race at the same speed. That boy was afraid of Kang Ji Hyung and thought that he might lose him. So, he hit him and that causes the big accident of my love. actually, I put him in this position. If I would agree with him and did not allow him to take part in that race, I might save him. He is in a very dangerous position now because of me. What should I do now, Eun? What should I do?" said Ji Na and cried out again. Eun holds her and wants to console her but she couldn't.

"Then you are the cause? Why Ji Na! Why? Why you are always like that? Why you never thought of others and just want to do whatever you want? Now, could you understand what happens when you just think about yourself?" said Eun.

"I know Eun! I know! But I didn't know that this would happen. I will never do anything like that." said Ji Na while crying.

"Okay, stop crying. He will be alright soon. Go home and get some sleep. I know you stay here like this for the whole night. Isn't it?" said Eun softly. Ji Na looks at her but couldn't reply anything because she was telling the truth.

"I will stay here until you come back. I will inform you if needed."

"But..." said Ji Na and stopped.

"No but. Just do what I say. Go home. I will go and visit him once." saying this Eun move from there slowly to go inside. Ji Na also stands up and was going to leave but she stopped in the middle and ran to Eun and holds her tightly.

"Please take care of him until I came back," said Ji Na.

"I will. Maybe he is your boyfriend but he is my friend. So don't worry." said Eun.