Chapter 68

"I have heard that some guys are dating here," said Woo Jin.

"What?" surprised JE. He was the only one who didn't know anything about this. "Isn't it true?" asked Woo Jin. Ha Joon and Tae Jin were surprised because they didn't know how he got that.

"But as our agreement, some people can't date right now. Did you forget?" said Woo Jin.

"But.." said Tae Jin and stopped.

"Let me tell you," said Woo Jin without any expression.

"Kang Min, Jung Hwa, Young Soo can date from now on. Ha Joon can date after a year. Tae Jin and Chi Won can date after three years. Jeong Eun can date after four years. Got it? Now, can we please give attention to our daily life?" said Woo Jin.

"What? Three years?" said Tae Jin surprisingly.

"Yes, do you have any objection?" asked Woo Jin.

"No." said Tae Jin worriedly.

"I am telling this because it's my duty. If you want then you can but you have to be aware of paparazzi. They should not know about you. Because if they know, then the public will also know about you. That should not be. Got it?" said Woo Jin orderly.

"I know about you," said Woo Jin and smiled at Tae Jin.

"What?" surprised Tae Jin.

"What?" surprised all of the other. Everyone looks at Tae Jin so he becomes ashamed and his face turned red and he looks at the floor.

"Tae Jin? Is it true?" asked Ha Joon surprisingly. Tae Jin shook his head affirmatively and his face turned redder than before.

"Who is she?" asked Young Soo.

"It's our star," said Chi Won with a sad face.

"Really?" asked JE shockingly. Tae Jin shook his head again affirmatively. "Woah! You are really lucky!" said JE. "Don't try to be so innocent, Ha Joon!" said Woo Jin. Ha Joon became surprised and also get angry.

"Isn't it Ha Ni?" asked Chi Won.

"Yes," replied Ha Joon.

"I knew it!" said Chi Won excitedly.

"We all knew about it," said Young Soo. That time Ha Ni came to the room and everyone looks at her. She was looking so beautiful.

"Honey! You are still here?" asked Ha Joon.

"Yes," said Ha Ni smilingly.

"Don't you have any other work? Your team is searching for you," said Ha Joon surprisingly.

"No, they won't. Because I quit," said Ha Ni.

"You what?" surprised everyone.

"Yes, I quit," said Ha Ni.

"But why?" asked Chi Won.

"Are you ready?" asked Ha Joon's mom and entered the room.

"Mom?" surprised Ha Joon again.

"Yes, I am going with her. To learn some business so that I could become the next CEO of Lee cosmetics. And that's what I wanna tell you." said Ha Ni.

"We will miss your songs," said Tae Jin, Chi Won, and JE.

"Why? Ha Ni?" asked Ha Joon.

"It's my decision," replied Ha Ni. Ha Joon can't tell anything, he just looks another way and took a long breathe. Ha Ni and Ha Joon's mom went from there slowly. Suddenly, Ha Ni stopped and ran to Ha Joon. She hugs him and said, "Love you, Oppa!" Ha Joon smiled and said, "I know." Ha Ni leaves him and went from there with Ha Joon's mom.

"Now, please, Can we get back to our work?" said Woo Jin. They have to do some exercise then they also have to do some practice. Because they have a concert tonight. They all have done their practice and they wear nice clothes before they went to their concert. Whenever they went outside, Eun stays alone inside the home. So, she finished her work within that time. Today is not different than the others. She finished her all work then she went to the detective's office. She knows that Leo comes back from London. She wants to give the Pendrive to him and finish her job properly. But Leo was not there. He hasn't come back to his work yet. So, Eun get disappointed and come back with a sad face. When she came back home, she saw that everyone come back and they were waiting for her. They finished eating and went to their own rooms. Eun was also sleepy so she went to Tae Jin's room. She actually wants to go to her room. When she reached the entrance of her room, Tae Jin stopped her by holding her hand.

"What?" asked Eun.

"You don't need to go anywhere," said Tae Jin.

"Then where I am going to sleep?" asked Eun.

"Here." saying this, Tae Jin pulls her hand and she comes close to him.

"Let's sleep together," said Tae Jin. Eun could not understand anything because she was too much sleepy. She lied on the bed and close her eyes. Tae Jin also lied beside her and hold her tightly. Both of them were too tired that they fall asleep within a very short time. The next morning, when she woke up, she saw that Tae Jin was sleeping yet. She get up from the bed and went to the washroom. That time, her phone starts ringing. She ran to her phone because Tae Jin was sleeping yet. When she picked up the call, someone speaks from the other side.

"Finally! We can meet with death other, right?" said a male voice.

"Who are you?" asked Eun.

"If you want to see your friends alive, then you must have to come." said the guy again.

"Which friends? Who are you? What do you want from me?" asked Eun loudly.

"I will text you all the details." said the guy again and cut the phone call.

"Hello! Hello!" shouted Eun. After some time an SMS comes to her mobile. There was a video too. In that video, a girl and a boy have been tightened up strongly. As their face was covered with big clothes. She could not recognize those persons first. But after some time, a guy came to them and put off the clothes. Now, she recognizes them and got afraid. It was Ji Na and Kang Ji Hyung. Both's face have bitten marks and also have bloodstains on their face.

"Euna! Save us!" said Ji Na while crying. There was a text message and in that, they told her where she have to go and what she have to do. She changed her clothes quickly and took the Pendrive and went outside without telling anyone. She went to Leo's office again but he haven't come yet. So, she went from there and took a taxi and reached in that address. A guy was standing there. Maybe he was waiting for her. He have curly hair, beard on his face, a hat on his head. He was wearing a black suit. He was quite tall. But he was looking dangerous. He came to Eun and hold her arm like she was a criminal and he was a cop. He took her with him and they reached the room where Ji Na and Kang Ji Hyung were taken.

"Ji Na! Kang Ji Hyung!" shouted Eun. Both of them could not talk because their mouth tightened up. So, Ji Na look at her and cried out. Kang Ji Hyung also look at her and tried to free from there but he couldn't.

"Don't worry. I am here now. I will save you no matter what." said Eun and come close to them. Then she wants to free them up.

"Uh-huh. We could not let them go now." said a guy and come to them. He holds Eun's hair tightly and pulls her up. Eun got hurt and tried to exceed herself.

"Why you caught them, you cowards!" shouted Eun.

"No, no. We are not cowards. You messed up with our thing and you hide like a coward. So, who is coward now?" said the guy and leave her. Eun turned back and wants to see the face but she can't because that guy was wearing a big and strange mask on his face.

"I will give you what you want, but you have to let them go first," said Eun with a hard voice.

"Really? Okay. But how could we trust you that you won't cheat us after we let them go?" said the guy.

"I promise," said Eun.

"No, First show me that." said the guy with a cruel voice.

"Here it is," said Eun and show him the Pendrive. That guy wants to snatch it from Eun but she didn't give it.

"Uh-huh! A deal is a deal. I will give it to you and you will let them go." said Eun and smiled angrily.

"So clever you are. Fine!" said the guy. Then he pointed the other guy and he freed them up.

"Now, It's your turn." said the guy. Ji Na ran to Eun and hold her.

"I know you would come," said Ji Na. "How you get involved into these?" asked Kang Ji Hyung and come to her. "It's a long history. I will tell you later," said Eun. She just wants to get out of here so she throws the Pendrive and that guy caught it. Then she holds Ji Na and Kang Ji Hyung's hand and starts to run from there. The guy didn't stop them because he gets that thing which he wants. He stands still and laughed at them. The three of them come far from there and stopped. All of them become so tired that they could not run anymore. "Can you tell me the history? I want to know," said Kang Ji Hyung while breathing heavily.

"Ah! I will tell you later," said Eun breathing heavily.

"Why?" asked Ji Na.

"How could you get in this situation?" asked Eun angrily.

"What? Now it's our fault?" asked Ji Na. "Do you know what was in that Pendrive?" asked Kang Ji Hyung.

"No, I didn't take a look," said Eun.

"Why? You should check that for once," said Kang Ji Hyung.

"I think it's someone's criminal record," said Eun.

"Cri.... what?" surprised Ji Na.

"Yes. But I have to give it to a detective, but I failed," said Eun worriedly.

"Yes, I failed," said Eun again and kneel down on the road.

"Hey! Control yourself. Let's go from here. It's too dangerous for us." said Ji Na and pulls her up. Eun stands up and starts walking.

"I am sorry, guys. You fall in danger just for me. And, I am a useless fellow. I couldn't keep my promise." said Eun while walking. She was feeling so guilty. "Stop it already. Nothing happened to us," said Kang Ji Hyung.

"What if something happened to you? How could I forgive myself? And now what would I answer to the lady? Ah! What should I do? They would not catch such a big criminal now just for me." Eun was so worried that she forgot where she was going.

"Aren't you come with us?" asked Ji Na. "Ah! No. I have to meet with someone" said Eun and walk another way.

"Mrs. Go! I am sorry. I am really very sorry." said Eun and cried out.

"Why you are sorry?" asked Leo. Eun didn't notice when he comes to them and stands behind her.

"You! Where were you for these days?" asked Eun loudly.

"Why? I was on a vacation," said Leo and smiled.

"What? Vacation? Aish! You.... How many places did I search for you? And you were on a vacation?" said Eun angrily.

"Hey, hey! Relax! I was just kidding. I was working on another case. But why you were searching for me?" asked Leo curiously.

"Why you are here?" asked Eun with an angry voice.

"To meet this lady. She is a reporter and she have some data from a big criminal," said Leo.

"No, She doesn't have that. I had that," said Eun and look another way.

"What? You had that? How? And also, how you know each other?" asked Leo curiously.

"Forget about it. Now, I don't have that," said Eun and took a small breathe. "What? Then where is it now?" asked Leo. Then Eun told everything that happened today from first to last.

"Ah! Maybe they already broke it. We can't catch that jerk now." said Leo with an unexpected voice.