
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Rose was sitting in the apartment, more specifically in the bedroom with one of her old stuffies in her arms. She didn't really want to leave Isha's side, but she knew he had to get stronger. He needed to control whatever it was lurking in him.

But, at the same time, she didn't want to lose him. She was ultimately terrified of that. Afterall, he was the first person she's talked to for the past few hundred years.

It greatly perplexed her. Why did she let him stay in the apartment? Why couldn't she have just scared him off like she did the others. Maybe it was because of whatever he is. Maybe not.

All she knew was that she was attached to him now. Between the two years of watch-ing him and the week of them speaking face to face. Rose was genuinely planning on eating him that day. It did throw her off a bit that when he fell on her he just brewed some tea and tried to talk to her.

That only delayed her plan of eating him. The longer he had stayed in that apartment, she was able to feel some of the power leaking off him. It had been getting stronger over the course he'd stay there, to the point she wanted to consume him and take his power.

Maybe that's why she didn't scare him off? But it didn't matter anymore. That night when she went to finish him, the trash can lid hit her. It was almost as if the shadow it-self flung it at her, but that would have been impossible. Right?

She was still planning on finding away to eat him; but with their souls tethered, it made it rather… difficult. She was able to feel what he was feeling. She couldn't really see what he saw; especially not anymore as he's found away to most of his memories from her now, whether it's consciously or not.

But between the little she did see and being able to feel what he feels. Before she knew it, she didn't want to lose him. The only issue —at first anyway— was the attention seeking cat.

May was an issue for maybe a day all in all. Rose quickly was able to sympathize with her. They were similar after all, albeit Rose was older by quite a bit. It might of also of been partly due to the feelings she felt from Isha.

Isha —despite what Rose would like— doesn't view them as romantic assets. Well, that wasn't quite it. It's not that he didn't have that kind of feeling, but more so he was scared.

For whatever reason, Isha felt afraid. However, it wasn't only towards them, it was to-wards everything. Rose soon understood this. Every waking moment Isha had, no mat-ter what, there was always at least a little fear.

This nor only perplexed Rose but caused her quite a bit of worry. She did everything she could —since she noticed that is— to relax him, or at least remove the fear. But no mat-ter what, even now amongst the current nervousness he was feeling, there was fear.

Recently it had become greater, but there were times it spiked. Namely a few times when he was asleep, as well as the time the other him fought the old man. Rose wanted to help him, to find the source of his fear. But to her avail, she wasn't able. Or rather she wasn't allowed.

That's why she didn't argue when Rei had said she couldn't go with them. Rose lis-tened in hopes Rei could train him to gain control, maybe then he might not be afraid.

"Stupid Isha…." Rose mumbled with a huff. She was no longer in the outfit that nearly broke Isha's bank, but rather in the clothes he first gave to her. They may have been a pair of random clothes to him, but they calmed her down.

It was —technically— her first set of clothing. So, she curled around her stuffie under the covers of the bed. She knew it was too soon for a normal person to become at-tached, but she wasn't a person anyway so what'd it matter. She wanted to stay by his side.

Rose froze in the bed. Isha's fear level had just skyrocketed, as well as anger and… something she couldn't quite tell. She was tempted to go to him but stopped herself. Rei was with him. And if he got hurt, she would feel some of the pain as well. So, there was no point in interrupting and possibly screwing things up.

"I just have to be patient… and wait here…" She mumbled to herself, hugging the stuffed animal tighter. She prayed that this decision wouldn't haunt her later.