
Chapter Thirty

The world was frozen in place for May. Not a thing moved, not a noise was made. There was the sound of footsteps, then a loud bang. Then her body being flung to the side as Isha's body slumped back over the bench in a weird way before it slid to the ground.

"Isha!" Rose emerged from his shadow, feeling something wrong happening. She was still in the clothes from before, but that didn't matter. She looked down at Isha, blood pouring from his head. She felt his life rapidly slipping, but was unable to do anything. No, there was one thing. Her fists became clenched as she set her gaze onto the person responsible. She stood up, knowing she'd have to take care of this person before being able to help Isha.

"I-Isha?" It felt like the world froze yet again as Rose heard May's soft voice. "I-Isha you shouldn't p-pull a trick like that. Y-you could get hurt." Looking over at her, May was slowly approaching Isha, getting on her knees as she gently shook him.

"C'mon, it's nyot... it's nyot funny. I knyow your just.. pulling my leg." May's voice was exasperated as she shook him again. A pool of red was slowly forming, staining May's clothes and tail where it touched. A set of two more footsteps were heard, running to where they were.

"Hey! We heard a gunshot, what's going o-"

Mr. Ilan's face look as though the world just ended as he watched his granddaughter's attempt to refuse reality. Rose could barely stand to watch, looking away. She had to deal with the girl before she disappeared back to the apartment.

"You little.." It was then Rei attacked, slashing at the girl.

"Oh? You think I can't hold myself?" The girl responded, having blocked the blade with her gun, dodging the other one with a quick jump. The girl pulled out a cross necklace, causing Rei to stop in her place. "I'm here under orders." She stated with a smirk, looking at May.

"Oh don't fret hun. You'll join him soon enough." The girl spoke to May in an informative tone. May looked up at the girl, her face pale as she heard this. The realization slowly started to take her as she looked back down at Isha's body. She started shaking her head and hugged him tightly, starting to cry.

"You witch!" The old man became unhinged, swinging his cane and striking the girls hip, sending electricity through her as she crumpled to the ground with a sharp yelp and hiss. The girl coughed a bit, forcing herself back up, glancing at her firearm that had bounced from her hand.

"Charles Ilan. I've heard stories, but that hit." She shivered and hugged herself with glee. "That hit was something else. The rumors are true then, you and Miss Rei must have fled here huh." She smirked, but Mr. Ilan ignored her, calming his anger down as he realized he should assist Isha first, do what he can to comfort May as well. The girl then looked over at Rose.

"Awe, look at the poor little flower. You know, it wasn't by chance you met him." She stated with a grin. Rose's blood was boiling as she bared her teeth.

"I don't give a damn! You're going to pay!" The firearm then rose into the air, flying into her hand. The girl looked at the now armed Rose and snickered.

"You think I would hold any fear for you? Isha already took most of your power for himself when he half assed possessed you. Or rather Grigori." She added the last bit with a fiendish smile. "I wonder what's going on in that mind of his, well other than the bullet hole of course~"

Rose grit her teeth and went to pull the trigger, however nothing happened.

"Do you really think it'd be that easy? I only needed one bullet afterall~" She giggled to herself before being staggered as Rose lobbed the firearm at her, hitting her forehead and nose as both started to bleed.

"Hey! What will you do if this scars!" The girl yelped and growled, regaining her footing.

"You won't need to worry, there'll be nothing left to scar when I'm done with you." Rose growled back, her nails turning to claws. The girl cackled at Rose's words.

"Big talk for a person of your stature, in fact with how low you are I'm not sure I quite heard you." She replied, smirking as she took out a knife of her own.

"Then I'll whisper it to you when I cut you down size." Rose clenched her jaw. Rei slashed at the girl, only to be blocked by another person.

"Looks as though I've arrived on time, sorry for being late Zoey." The bookworm had returned, blocking Rei's strike with a bo staff.

"You're here now, and that's all that matters~" Zoey replied, the devlish smile on her face remaining as Rose slashed at her, Zoey dodging a little late as a piece of her sleeve was torn.

"Oh fuck all!" Rei howled, slashing at the bookworm from behind. Shock appeared on both the girls faces as the bookworm was ran through.

"Penny!" Zoey exclaimed, glaring at Rei. " This is an order of the Church you wretch!"

"Maybe, but not my Church!" Rei responded. Rose took the chance as she slashed at Zoey, this time making a good hit and slashing her stomach as Zoey jumped back.

"How dare you!" Zoey howled. Penny looked down at the sword, watching it get quickly pulled out, a part of her lower intestine getting pulled out with it. The girl collapsed to her knees, trying to cover her innards.

"Gr-granpa..? Is he o-okay?" May whimpered, watching her grandfather speak verses over Isha as he held his bible out, attempting to heal him.

"Oh! Don't worry. That little injury is nothing." Zoey cackled. "It's more of the mental side, isn't that right gramps?" She smirked, jumping from the second slash Rose attempted. 

"May, take care of Isha." Mr. Ilan stated, standing up. The hole in Isha's head was fixed, and Rose could feel his life starting to stabilize, however he himself was still unconscious.

Penny regained herself and jumped at the old man with a loud shriek.

"I am sick of these games!" He yelled, pulling his sword out. 

"Penny!!!!" Zoey shouted, and with a sick plop, Penny's head rolled on the ground, the white snow turning red.

"I don't think ya understand lass. Worry about yerself first, ye?" He started walking towards the girl who had now collapsed with fear, the old mans aura being too much for her as the snow around her colored yellow.

"W-wait, I-I'm just f-following orders…" She begged, trying to back away.

"Oh, dunt give me tha' blasphemy. One can deny orders, 'specially if they go against the word of our Savior. An' yet here you beg the momen' you lose. Pity. Now, tell us wha' exactly you meant earlier." Charles' sword buzzed with electricity as it pointed at Zoey's neck.

"I-I… I wasn't t-told much! I-I was j-just.."

"Oh? Was the wee litl lass just talking big whilst it be convenient? Oh, how the church 'as fallin." He sighed at the whimpering girl.

"N-no, w-wait!" The girl shrieked as her throat was about to be pierced.

"I'd rather not make a hobby of this…" He sighed, about to let it sink in. Rei and Rose looked on, not having said a word. Something about the old man said this was the right choice. "It's a shame my poor granddaughters first slumber party was rudely interrupted like this.." The old man sighed, looking down at Isha and May. 

Suddenly an explosion of aura erupted from Isha's body, Zoey erupting into a cackle. The old man tensed up, giving the girl a chance to slash at him, just barely getting blocked by Rei.

"I-Isha?" May furrowed her brow as Isha's body snapped up. It moved awkwardly, limbs bending at weird angles.

"May! Get away from him!" Rose shouted, running towards them. Rose jumped and tackled May, pulling her away as Isha's body stood up, letting out a blood curdling shriek.

"Hieeeee!" May covered her ears as she shivered in fear.

"You'll all regret helping him now!" Zoey cackled. "And we'll have a strong-" Her sentence was interrupted as a hand shaped shadow wrapped around her, clenching her and crushing her in an instant as her head popped off like a bottle cap. Isha's body laughed, or cackled rather, his fist clenched as his long black horns manifested along with wings and a tail, his hair turning pure white and his eyes opening to reveal a jet black.

"Fufufufu.. fuahahahahahahahaha… Tha…t dumb.. .bi…tch… Then again… Maybe I should… tha..nk… her… hehehehheh.. ooppss… too… la..te…" There was a loud crack as Isha's neck snapped behind him, looking at Rose and May. This cause May to faint, her mind not able to take it. "Hihihiihihi!!"

"That's not Isha!" Mr. Ilan exclaimed.

"I think we could have guessed that!" Rei exclaimed back. "Duck!" She screamed as a large ball of fire passed just over her head, singeing a few hairs as Isha snapped his head back to them, walking into the road.

"Wh..at a.. coll…ection… hehehehe… so.. strong… nutr…ients.. for… Fe…lix… hihihiihih!" He stepped closer to them, Mr. Ilan sighed and readied his sword.

"I don't want to-" A loud thump resounded as a truck barreled through, hitting Felix as he flew over and hit the ground, landing unconscious.

"What…" Rei muttered as the old man fell speechless. 

"Isha!" Rose exclaimed as she ran over to his body.

"Where…. what..?" Isha slowly opened his eyes, looking up at Rose who promptly hugged him tightly.

"Fufufu… huahahahah!!!" The old man busted out laughing, almost keeling over. "Oh jeez…" He wiped his face. "I was worried there… then a truck.. pffft hahahha." He laughed whole heartedly, Rei letting out a chortle of her own as Isha looked up confused.

"What… huh??" He asked as he looked around. "What exactly…" His thought process was interuppted as his face was stuffed with flesh. 

"Better not let it go to waste!" Rose exclaimed, beginning to feed him the scattered flesh as well as carving up Penny. 

"I can't… move though.." He said in between mouthfuls.

"Well, I can't blame you after taking a truck head on!" Mr. Ilan laughed again. "I can't! This poor old mans ribs!"

"Wait, what!? Aaaggggckckk!!" Isha shouted, the pain of his bones suddenly hitting him. May then woke up, rubbing her eyes.

"It's so coolldd!!" She complained. "Why are we outs- wait…" She looked at everyone before her eyes landing on Isha. "Isha!" She then pounced on him, causing an annoyed hmpf from Rose. "You're back!"

"Gah! My ribs! My riiibbss!!" Isha howled as May purred. The old man only laughed harder, wheezing now as Rei smiled on, Rose stuffing more meat into his mouth.

The snow kept softly falling, the stars gently illuminating the sky. The old man helped the clean up, using the opportunity to also feed May. After the cleanup, the old man and Rei parted from them, Isha having healed now.

"Hey, don't get into trouble now, and watch out for.. pfft… trucks.." The old man did his best to keep his laughter down, Isha flipping him the bird in response. They had explained to Isha what had happened. He sighed and waved as the two walked off.

"C'mooon Isha!" May pulled his hand, Rose pulling the other one. Isha abided, smiling softly at the two as they tugged him along.