Chapter 13: Trip To Kyoto

Stepping out of the train at Kyoto station Alex looked around, "Quite lively isn't it" Alex asked as he watched the crowd moving about. Aura standing by his side looked around curiously, nodding her head.

Exiting the station Alex stepped onto the streets of Kyoto, choosing a random direction he started walking. Aura quietly followed Alex, looking around with curious eyes. "Where are we going, Master?" Aura asked not able to contain her curiosity anymore.

"To where my feet take me," Alex said as he kept walking


Walking past numerous building Alex had a slight smile as he explored the city, he never stopped just kept walking while looking at the sights along the way. On multiple times Aura wanted to stop, but to her dismay, Alex just kept walking.

Alex finally stopped after the two entered a giant bamboo forest. He had moved off the designated path and found a little clearing within the bamboo forest, there he quietly lied down on the ground using his hands as pillows.


Aura had been watching Alex for the whole time since he exited the station, she had seen him walk randomly directions, she had seen him merely glance at the beautiful buildings and temple's and now she saw him lie down in the middle of a bamboo forest not uttering a word. Aura was beyond confused, she didn't understand what her master was doing, thou that was nothing new because most of the things he did had always escaped her sense, but this time was special because she was totally clueless, there was no hints or anything to explain what she could only call madness that had taken over her Master.

Still, deep in thought, Alex's voice drifted into her ears causing her to snap back in attention, "Figured it out yet?" he asked not even making the effort to look at her as he took a deep breath through his nose and released it out his mouth. Aura watched on as he kept repeating this action.

Aura sat down by his side as she watched him closely, her Master was never one to make things easy on her, he would leave her to figure out most things by herself saying something like, "You can't always depend on me" or "There will come time's when I won't be there to help you, at which point you can only depend on yourself", Aura understood this, of course, she had experienced such situations before but it didn't mean she liked what he was doing.

Calming her thought's Aura watched Alex closely, trying to figure out what his goal was why she was just lying there breathing in and out. She kept watching him looking as closely as possible for anything, but to her agony, she didn't find anything useful from his actions. This didn't mean she would give up, but it was a foreboding event that will cause her ahead ache to try to figure everything out."


30 Minutes Later

Aura was scratching her head while looking at Alex mumbling, "Each breath is exactly the same as the last everything is exactly the same, but why?...."


3 Hours Later

Aura was scratching her head still looking at Alex who hasn't budged an inch. "What is it? What is it Master's doing? Come on Aura think."


6 Hours Later

Aura started pulling on her hair as she stared at the motionless Alex with bloodshot eyes, "There must be something, something."


10 hours Later

"Something..." Aura mumbled, her bloodshot eyes half-closed as she tried to stave off her terrible headache. Worst she still hadn't found a clue.

Just as she was about to rest a little, Alex finally moves to cause her to shoot to her feat waiting in bated breath for his next move. Alex stood up the stretched while giving a long outstretched yawn. Looking around he was stunned when he met the completely red eyes of Aura.

"Aura, are you okay?", Alex asked concerned. His voice brought Aura from her daze as she quickly went to grab his shirt with tears once again threatening to come out, "Master, help me! I just can't do it!"

Looking at Aura, Alex could only sigh. He didn't expect her to get anything it was just a probe. She was an elemental thus she should have been very sensitive to other energies, but she found nothing while he had been inhaling and exhaling spiritual energies in massive quantities.

"Spiritual energy, Aura" Alex finally spoke. Aura stared at him blankly for a moment before realization struck her as her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped.

She staggered backward while mumbling to herself self "I've been staring at Master this whole time while he breathes in spiritual energy and then breath it out, but only now that I think about it how is that possible?", looking up at Alex she asked again, "Master how can you use spiritual energy."

"Secret" Alex said with a smile as he started walking out of the forest. "Come on lets head home".

Aura was following him while speaking in shock, "But Master, didn't we come here for a reason", Alex without looking back spoke, "Already did what I came to do".


While Aura was bussy staring at Alex like an idiot he had been connecting himself to the lay lines of Kyoto, as a Titan, he had been able to absorb any energy in the universe and use it to strengthen himself. Though Titans, can't use this energy for anything else but strengthening themselves or for healing if there was ever in there life a chance to actually take damage. Alex no longer being a titan could still connect and absorb these energies as he had done in the past, the difference is he could now not only absorb these energies but manipulate them as he would with mana or his aura.

Having connected to the spiritual leyline in Kyoto, Alex used it to find a very special fox, it was quite easy seeing as she was the very center of Kyoto's spiritual leylines. With that done he merely took a look at how the fox was doing, though he was easily found out so he cut his connection that he took so long to make to the Leyline.


"Master, why did you choose the bamboo forest of all places to lei down, there were many other places with just as much spiritual energy?" asked Aura as the two were taking the train back to Kuoh.

"Well, the forest is more peaceful which makes it less likely to be disturbed." Alex gave her a quick reply.

"Aura, I might have to leave you at Kuoh for a while" Alex spoke abruptly, his words causing a relaxing Aura to suddenly tense as his head spun his way.