Chapter 66: Magic Tutor Alex (3)

"And that is evrything on the basics of magic"

Alex announced after many months of teaching causing the now not so enthusiastic Tosca to again gain a glimmer of excitement in her eyes as she had before.

"Can I learn how to cast spells now"

She asked excitedly as hope glimmered like shining stars in her eyes as she waited in anticipation of Alex's answer.


It was as if the world had ended and poor Tosca slumped down as she sat one her oversized pillow. She looked at Alex with eyes that begged him to explain his cruel answer.

"The magic I am teaching you is much harder to learn than this world's magic, but given enough effort, will become much more powerful, because it's so powerful and has limitless potential, it also has significant dangers to it and if one is not prepared to face those dangers one might find himself swallowed by his own magic."

"Then what are you going to teach me next"

Asked Tosca, she now understood the reason but that didn't mean she liked it. SHe wanted to learn magic but all Alex has had her doing since he started teaching her was memorize the quality of each element and concept and how they interacted with each other. He then had her learn to read and write a strange language, he called the Ancient tongue, she can now proudly say that she had mastered six words. She was told that she will have to continue studying the language until she knew it all by herself, luckily Alex gave her a lot of reverence material.

After so much work having her almost lose hope in finally being able to cast spells, he went and told her she had finished the basics. The basics... after so long.

"We will now move on to the absorption and increase of manna capacity. In other words, we will no learn how to increase the amount of manna you have within your body."

Tosca's attention was immediately heightened when she heard this. Manna was the source of all magic and having more means she will be able to cast more magic.

"Not only is it essential to cast spells, but good manna control decreases the chance of your spells backfiring. Not to mention with the pitiful amount of magic within your body you will be lucky not to past out when you cast the most simple of cantrips."

Tosca looked down in shame when she heard this.

'That is why Master, didn't teach her how to cast spells yet, it's not that he wouldn't but that I can't even cast the simplest spell without passing out. So embarrassing.'

She thought as she quickly wiped away her fantasy of being able to continuously spam fireballs and lightning bolts as she fought valiantly alongside Aura and her Master.

"Now, our souls are like small well your soul is like a small energy generator, which constantly supplies your body with a specific amount of manna and soul power. The best way to increase the amount of manna our soul produces is to strengthen our souls, thus making it able to produce more energy. I will be giving you the "Ancestral tree manifestation art' after this lesson, how far you come will be up to you, previously I handed you a lot of information on how to cast spells and the like thinking you will try some spells and fail miserably..."

Alex smiled wryly as he thought how Tosca completely forgot about everything he left her and did not even bother reading through it even once.

"... well now with this manifestation art you will be able to cast some simple cantrips after you have achieved minor success with it, this will allow you not only to strengthen your soul but also use the outside manna and elements in tandem with your own manna to cast spells, effectively reducing the amount of manna needed normally by about forty percent."

After his final speech, he handed Tosca a book with a somewhat faded brown cover and an imprint of the 'Ancestral Tree' on it.

"I am looking forward to what your manifestation looks like"

Alex said to Tosca with a warm smile fully expecting her to succeed in practicing this art.



After knocking Aura slowly opened the door and walked into the room carrying a tray, she took a plate of the tray and handed it to Tosca. Tosca's eye sparkled as she looked at the plate filled with homemade chocolate chip cookies.

Aura then walked to a nearby table and set down the tray and slowly removed the teapot and cup from the tray and placed it on the table before retrieving the tray and turned to Alex with expectation in her eyes.

"Good job Aura, it smells delicious"

Alex praised as he smelled the aroma drifting from the teapot and petted Aura's head which she she happily accepted with an "uhn", before leaving with a skip in her step having received.

Alex moved towards his seat before sitting down and reclining backward. Tosca watched him curiously before asking.

"Master, I never knew you drank tea, I thought you loved..."


Alex asked as he poured the delicious brown gold from the teapot, the stupefied Tosca watching, she then decided just to stay quiet and much on her cookies.

With a sip Alex let out sight in enjoyment remembering the hundreds of millions of years of torture he spent without his coffee, forced to drink tea as a replacement.

'Mine lips shall never touch tea again as long as there is coffee available'

He thought contently as he took another sip, but soon his face scrunched up in a frown as he felt the summons of one of his tokens.

"Tosca I will leave you to train in the "Ancient Tree Manifestation Art", if Aura asks to tell her I will be back soon, I have to take care of some urgent business"

Alex said as he soon started growing taller and taller and taller, an ungodly pressure ensuing the surroundings as an air of ancientness started pervading from him, but before his transformation was complete he had already teleported away.

Somebody ruined his coffee time and they were going to pay, dearly.