Chapter 74: Accepting The Invitation

While Aura was busy helping Tosca pick a dress and talk about how she would look to the dance, Alex was off to tell Issei, Tosca excepted his invitation.

He went to the Hyoudous front door and knocked at the door.

'How should I go about this' Alex thought as he heard movement on the other side of the door, it opened and who greeted him was a beautiful brown-haired woman, Miyumi.

"Oh, Alex, what brings you in... never mind come, come in"

'She's grown older' Alex thought sadly as he once again was reminded that unknowingly to him time has passed.

"Thank you", Alex said, not letting his thoughts affect his demeanor or show to the outside world. He walked into the house and waited for Miyumi in the hall to lead him to the living room, though he knew where it was it was only polite to wait for the host.

"So what brings you to my little home", Miyumi asked as she sat down a cup of coffee for Alex while pouring her self some tea.

"Can't I just come for a visit"

Miyumi laughed a bit when she heard his reply, "We'll just take it then as me being surprised, neither I or Garro have seen you in a long time."

"Sorry about that, time just passes too quickly, I can hardly keep up"

Miyumi put her cup down, "I know what you mean, it feels like just yesterday Issei was but a baby but look at him now, he's, well he's Issei but older."

"Hahaha, yeah, the boy still has his tendencies"

"It's not funny, how will he ever get a girlfriend if he acts like that, how will he ever get children how will I ever have adorable grandchildren to spoil!" Miyumi said, upset at how her son acted.

"The only female friend he has is your daughter, aah if only he could get together with her but it will never happen, she already knows about him. I suppose I could call it a blessing she still remains friends with him."

When Alex heard the first part of Miyumi's sentence he almost broke the cup in his hands and the floor beneath his feet in rage, but calmed down with the second half and even agreed with what she said. He wasn't against Tosca finding someone, but it will definitely never be somebody like Issei, he didn't hate the boy but he would never allow his girl to be part of a haram, he didn't know what the parents of all Issei's future brides were thinking but to for him, Tosca and Issei will never happen, never ever, never like in never ever ever, NEVER!!!!

"Don't worry too much, Issei is a good lad if we look past his weirdness, he will get somebody that cares for him for who he is perversion and all."

Miyumi smiled at Alex hearing what he said," Yeah" she agreed but her eyes said that she didn't even believe herself.

"Any way where is the little sh.... hum, boy"

"Oh he came back not too long ago and ran straight to his room, he wouldn't even reply when I called after him," Miyumi said while looking a bit worried.

"Don't worry about it, can I go and see him"

"Of course, you don't even need to ask"

They got up and made their way to Isei's room.



"Issei dear, are you ok?"

Miyumi asked after knocking on his door on the second story of the house.

"Yeah mum, I just want to be alone for a while."

"Mr. Alex is here to see you, would you open the door and let him in"

"Mr. Alex?", some movement was heard on the other side of the door and soon it opened revealing a red-eyed issei.

"Issei, what's wrong, were you crying", Miyumi said as she stepped forward and inspected her son.

"I'm fine mom, just got something in my... eyes," Issei said a bit unsteadily.

"Both eyes? Quite an unlucky lad you are," Alex said while stepping forward with a punchable smile on his face.

Issei clenched his fists and stared at Alex as he was seeing his most hated foe, "Why are you here Mr, Alex?", he asked

"Ah that reminds me", Alex said as he turned to Miyumi, "Issei came over earlier and asked my dear Tosca to dance with him, but bolted before he could hear her answer."

With each word, Alex's smile became brighter and Issei's face became redder, thought be it from rage or embarrassment or both, we'dd never know.

"What! really?" Miyumi yelled not believing her ears as she stared at Issei with dazzling and proud eyes. "And..." she looked back at Alex, "..what did she say."

"Well since she had never gone to something like this, and became quite excited by the prospect, she said yes," Alex said while adding in his mind,' Unfortunately'.

"That's great!" Miyumi shouted and became all bubbly out of happiness of her son finally going to dance with a woman that isn't his mother while at the same time is one of the most beautiful girls she had ever seen.

"She... she said yes?" Issei said hardly believing it himself.

"Yeah, so when is it, you ran out like a coward before even letting us know." Alex sad while staring annoyedly at the lucky bastard that would get to dance with his little girl.

"uh... oh yeah it's in a month's time, the seventh", Issei said coming out of his own world.

"Great, I'll have a friend drive you in his car, it will look better if you arrived while looking awesome", Alex though while thinking of his monstrosity of a car.

Having finished his mission, Alex bid the two goodbyes while telling them to give Garro his best regards since he was still at work.

Hands in his pockets, Alex walked back to his house. Closing the door behind him he went up the stairs to the balcony of the house, sitting on a chair with a matching table next to it he slowly reclined his body, took out a book, and started reading, not in the mood for anything else at the moment.