Chapter 82: The Dance (1)

"Granpa! You're causing a scene", Tosca said in a panic as she saw more people gather to have a look at what was going on.

" Oh, my bad" Lambert said cheerfully, Tosca didn't know whether to laugh or to cry at Lambert's apology as he didn't even try to mean it, be it the words he spoke or the tone he used.

"Well enough waiting", Lambert spoke as he opened the door, stepping out of the pink beetle, his appearance caused many people to make weird expressions as they watched this massive man get out of that tiny car. Issei was quick to follow as he too got out of the car, but he didn't gain any attention as everybody was looking at Lambert.

Following the two men, Tosca and Aura got out of the Beetle, their appearance stunned the crowd, two peerless beauties got out of that little car, the way they carried themselves was different be it the haughty but strangely gentle Aura, or the kind and innocent Tosca they stole on that night the hearts of many men and even some women.

Lambert smiled as he saw everyone's attention being diverted to the girls, it was only natural, although Lambert was a large and muscular man with many scars covering his body, he had almost no presence. He gave the feeling of being no different than any other normal man.

Having given the two girls some time in the spotlight Lambert approached Aura and held his hand out to her, a gentle smile covered his face as he looked at her. Aura felt her heart pounding incredibly quickly at the time, with a light blush creeping up her neck.

Aura slowly stretched out her hand and interlocked her arm with Lamberts so that he could lead her as they walked towards the school entrance. Isei was quick on the uptake and made the same gesture towards Tosca but with a bit more awkward smile on his face. Tosca laughed as she interlocked her arm with his while having him lead her, walking behind Lambert and Aura.

They walked up to the school gate where they were given a form to check in to before being let in. Lambert held himself with dignity and grace as he stepped forward, each of his steps were even, his breathing steady and his gaze calm. Aura by his side leaned against him as they walked, keeping with his pace, each step having her waste sway into it giving some young men high blood pressure as they watched her.

A certain someone that was walking behind Aura had a front road seat of her hip swaying action, causing his face to be blood red with a great threat of nasal leading happening, Tosca walking beside him could only shake her head as she watched him get bedevilled by Aura. Luckily she had a secret weapon and a single pinch to Issei's mid-second brought him out of his daze like the a greater dispel magic spell.

"Behave...", she whispered into his ear causing his blood pressure to go up again as he felt her breath on his ear, "...or grandpa will kill you".

Cold, that is what Issei was currently feeling, his hot feelings of looking at Aura's swaying ass while having Tosca whisper into his ears was gone like your money near the end of the month, the last part of Tosca's sentence held no intent to them but just the image of Lambert punching him was enough for him to destroy all perverted thoughts he had.

Just the thought, that massive palm of Lambert swinging into his face, killing him like swatting a fly, the scene of his gravestone erected over a grassy plane, written on it, ' Here lies Issei Hyoudo, killed by double D's, death now takes him forever just like his V-card'.

With those thought's Issei's mind cooled down immediately if only for this night, he will be an absolute gentleman...No, he shall be like a saint, too pure to have any filthy thoughts.

Unfortunately, after having declared his sainthood he saw a girl with blood-red hair and a pink dress that suited her perfectly. Then his eye's wandered to a specific place and he couldn't help but swallow, 'Huge!.... so beutifu... ah fuck Issei you did it again you asshole'.

Lambert was sitting at a table with Aura while enjoying some punch, looking at the kids and they're parents enjoying there time dancing, talking eating and just having a great time.

"It's nice", He said, Aura gave evrything a look over before nodding her head. "It is, it's been a long time since we went to a celebration of any kind."

"Yeah, ha, look at Tosca", Lambert said as he pointed to were Issei was dancing with Tosca, It would seem that she had two left feet and didn't know how to dance while Issei, well he was no expert but at least he faired better than Tosca.

"It would seem that she is having a bit of trouble," Aura said as she smiled, "Oh, it would seem there is a certain redheaded girl that keeps looking at Issei, cold she has a crush on him or something", Aura pondered as she kept seeing the redheaded girl taking secretive glances at Issei.

"No, she might just have discovered his potential, thus trying to induct him", Lambert said with a knowing smile.

"Induct?", Aura asked in confusion.

"Yes, High-Ranked devils like that redheaded girl have a group under her called the peerage, which works almost like chest pieces with her being the king, see that other girl next to her with the overly large breasts and long black hair, that should be her queen, the blond gay looking guy should be her knight with the petite emotionless girl being a rook."

"I see, wait! Master my breasts are around the same size as hers...does that mean you think that...that...", Aura felt a bit morbid at the moment.

Lambert saw things quickly going downhill so he thought of something to get her mind off things. "Hey, Aura care for a dance?"