Chapter 90: A Talk Among Myths

With a flash Alex appeared in his room, he stood there for a few seconds staring blankly at the wall, before facepalming.

"Asfius you fucking idiot, no wait I'm the fucking idiot", Alex said out loud as Asfius was technically him yet just an alternative personality or ego, they shared memories they shared experience yet Asfius had never experienced anything like this on his own so it was pointless.

Alex was raving inside his own mind when suddenly a ghostly apparition appeared in front of him, it was unclear at first but within a few seconds, it became as refined and Alex could clearly see Asfius standing in front of him. The way he appeared was no different from the way he appeared when Alex was standing in front of Yris for the last time.

"Asfius?", Alex asked a bit of shock could be heard in his voice, he never expected something like this to happen, yes he had separated his past lives from his soul and held them together with a link to him, they would be the same yet not. He didn't do it because he rejected him quite the contrary he didn't want to lose them. They were each unique individuals that he held more dear than anything in his entire life.

Thus they had their own thoughts and emotions the same as they had when he was them, yet they are still him and he is still them. 'Ah fuck my head hurts', Alex thought when he thought about the thing he had set up. In all honesty, he had no idea how he did it, he just felt a hand guiding him he didn't know how to explain it just like you can't explain the great language of bullshit.

'Maybe that is what I did, I created something that should be considered bullshit and it ended up working!', Alex had wondered about it for many years and he came up with only one answer, 'I have no fucking clue'.

The ghostly Titan nodded as confirming that it was really him then spoke, 'I do not understand them'.

"I could figure that out myself, and feel it too, remember were linked, and when you took control I could feel my personality dropped to a level below a stone.", Alex said.

"Not wise to mock yourself you know", an ethereal voice was heard and within Alex's view, an elf appeared with glowing forest green eyes.

"Not you too", Alex groaned.

"It's almost like you do not want to see us old friend", the gravel-like voice was heard and an old man littered with scars appeared in front of Alex, his majestic beard waving under the non-existent air. "But we are more than happy to finally have found a way to communicate with you, it gets kind of stuffy you know."

"I'm going batshit crazy, I'm going batshit crazy, I'm going batshit crazy, I'm going batshit crazy...", a deep abyssal voice was heard by Alex being whispered into his ear.

"Mournomon you bastard", Alex yelled as he jumped away from the separation of the scourge, standing there as he laughed happily.

"I, know were bastards, Hahahahaha", Mournomon laughed with a deep voice.

"I have ruined myself", Alex said with a deep sigh.

"Don't worry it isn't mania or dementia", Mythander said, as he rubbed his chin, "You'r perfectly sain".

"I doubt it", Alex said.

"Do not worry, we are still one and the same old friend, we can communicate with you via our souls, but it has grown a bit dull in the emptiness so we wished only to see the world with you for once and not through you, you won't reject a request from yourself now would you.", Lambert said gently, his eyes overflowing with incredible power yet infinite kindness.

"Even though I hate the way you act Lambert, I also crave it. If only there were more good souls like yours and our brothers in arms during my time", Mournomon said grimly before laughing, "Ahhh, Alex once you have time return to our old world and finally burn it to the ground, you know as well as I that the day we died was the day the corruption reached its the peak, we wasted out life trying to save a dying world and now all we can do is put it out of its misery."

Asfius nodded his head, "The planet grieved at our passing", he said slowly, as he recalled through the link he had with Mournomon his final moments and the feeling he got from the planet was it a cry of agony as it's final hope died away.

There was a reason Mournomon could live so long even if he had enhanced himself with the power of a titan, it should have only lasted him to fifty thousand years, a dragons maximum would be around thirty thousand, the real reason he could live beyond a hundred thousand was that the planet itself sacrificed it's own power to keep him alive in hopes that he would rid it of the vermin that infested it, that killed it's children and ravaged its lands.

"It can still be saved", Lambert said while Mythander nodded, out of all their lives, only Mournomon truly had regrets, he regretted not burning the world entirely and cleansing it in order to prepare it for a new beginning.

Mournomon thought for a moment before he nodded, "If we return, I would like to be the one in control", he said to which everyone nodded at his decision. It was only right that he ended what he started.

"How will we find it?", Mythander asked, "Although I can scry the universe with my magic, it would take very long.

"Ask Yris", Asfius said, "She will tell us", he said again, and everyone thought for a moment he sounded a bit forced, but soon played it off as it was Asfius they were talking about.

In a certain palace next to the 'Big Soul', a certain goddess of destiny suddenly had shivers going down her spine and sweat break out at her brows as she watched and heard what Asfius said from the projection in the soul, the maid standing next to her was as bleak as paper while shivering the whole time.

'He's coming here?!', she thought and nearly passed out because of it.

"That would be plausible", Lambert agreed with Asfius.

"Then let's get to it, I'm ready for some killing!", Mournomon yelled as he slammed his fist into his palm, blasting flames spread out form his entire ghost body like a blazing inferno, thousands of crying and hat filled faces could be seen screaming out within the flames, his smile spread out showcasing his two jaws filled razor-sharp fangs.

"Mournomon, contain yourself or you'll harm little Tosca!", Lambert quickly said which caused all the fire to disappear like a blown-out candle. Mournomon had instantly suppressed all his resentment and sorrow, he was no longer being controlled by it like he was in his youth which gained him the title scourge, he had full control of it as he did during his last years where he could summon and banish it easily.

"Master are you...", the door suddenly opened with AUra coming inside followed by Tosca when they saw Alex inside the room surrounded by the apparitions of familiar figures they froze in, please.

"""""Aura!,Tosca!""""", the five said at the same time.

Aura gave every one of them a look over with quivering eyes, before speaking.

"What's going on?!"