Something is wrong

Biting her lip she looked out the window and cringed when she saw her reflection on the glass.

Why was she now scared of looking at anything that contained her reflection?

Was it because of what she could see when she gazed into to the reflective item?

Was she that hideous or something?

After all her hair was slightly messy thanks to the wind and from rushing about.

Her eyes did show that she didn't get much sleep and the dark circles were present allowing people to see as well to her dismay.

Or could it be because by looking at the mirror it would remind her of the reality of what was happening?

She was mostly alone and had lost someone she cared about, and by looking at the mirror it would just remind her of the fact that she had caused it somehow by letting him close.

Who was this person who she could see in the glass though?

This troubled person who looked terrified to even look back at her?

Who wanted to run and hide because she didn't want to be seen or known?

It had taken a lot of Chloe's self-control to not break the window. Instead she covered it with the blinds by twisting the thin handle by the side, that covered it for now but it still didn't change the fact that her reflection would be seen the moment she pulled up the blinds.

Chloe was scared as she looked at her hands that were now clenched from restrained frustration.

It wasn't fair!

It really wasn't!

Should she be free from prison even though she didn't physically kill her friend?

This was the main question that hit her at times as guilt and pain filled her distressed form.

"He was not a good person, you should never trust him" said a voice that left her wanting to wail as her heart started to weep from their words.

"His intentions were not good, who knows what he would have done when your guard was down" the second hushed voice said, no distain in their voices what so ever instead it was almost as if they were trying to console her somehow.

But she didn't want them! She just wanted to be left alone! Normal but apparently that was too hard to ask for since they wouldn't stop, they never stopped hovering or speaking in her ears.

At times she did think that her eyes were playing tricks on her as she thought that there were some blobs moving in the shadows only to see nothing a second afterwards.

It had happened so fast that it left her mildly confused.

"I must be going crazy" she muttered as she shook her head and went to sit down with a loud thump, her bed springs groaned from the sudden impact before the springs went back to their usual position.

It didn't matter what her parents said, even if they believed her after they accused her of somehow killing her friend.

"It was not your fault, we don't know how this happened but we believe you and know that you would never do anything like that" Her father had said but was he right?

Because no matter what.

She could still feel her guilt and self loathing hit her repeatedly.

Who were the voices to say that her friend was bad?

They didn't know her friend like she did so who were they to judge?

She wasn't perfect and like him had made a few mistakes but he was turning his life around, only his life had been taken before he could make something of himself.

Chloe now feeling unable to stomach any food as she caught the smell of pizza turned her head, she allowed her mind to go back to that night once more as she laid on the bed and pulled the covers on her saddened form.

Remembering one thing before her friend was attacked- the sudden headaches.

But why though?

Why did they suddenly happen?

Did she overwork herself that day or something?

Had she been dehydrated?

She didn't know and was left sighing as it was probably nothing, after all headaches happen at anytime for any reason so what would that have anything to do with this?

"It probably hasn't… maybe I am being stupid" she muttered mentally to herself at how she could just be making excuses and grasping on things that were irrelevant.

Sighing heavily as she nuzzled her soft pillow while her hair half rested on the soft fabric and her right shoulder, her hand tightened its grip on the bedsheets as she tried to sleep.

That is if she could…

"Something is wrong" Chloe's mother said with a distraught look on her face as she looked at her husband, both were surprised at how Chloe wasn't coming down to eat one of her favourite meals.

Chloe's father's face showed that he was brooding before slowly nodding after he placed the slice down.

"I know Gwen, but what can we do?" the father said with a pained look on his face, even this was bothering him and it was hard to talk to his own daughter because of what she went through. How can they have a decent talk when things of ten point to the past? It was almost making his hair go grey from the stress and non stop worrying.

"You didn't see her earlier on Blane" Gwen cried as she placed her slice down a while later. "I am scared that something bad is going to happen, she is distancing herself from us and I am worried that she will pull away completely"


"No Blane, when we were talking college and her new classmate she went quiet some time in the middle of our conversation. She looked like her mind wasn't there until I yelled her name after she didn't respond the third time" This took Blane by surprise.

"She even knocked a glass because she was so startled and acted like she had seen something, Blane this isn't healthy and you know it" Gwen said with a withered look as she placed her hands on her lap, her greenish blue eyes were close to tears as she felt frustration take over.

Why couldn't she help?!

Why couldn't they for that matter?

They were her parents for heavens sake!