6th out with friends

Nick went out to the city hang out with his friends they first went to a coffee shop to talk for a bit but Hendrick new Nick was different and felt he was strong so He wanted to go earn some money he tells nick lets go do a monster quest Hendrick suggest the strongest monster at the place it says it is level 10 million Nick new what was going on but still went with it as he thought it would be ok since there friends. when they get there Nick wants to see what Hendrick ' Molly and kaitlyn can do so he tells them to attack molly being a made give both them boost kaitlyn and Hendrick then use a sword skill doing little damage to the beast but being in school level them all up Hendrick was level 2000 molly was level 1350 and kaitlyn was level 1500 they than ask Nick to attack Nick uses 5 percent of his power with his syth he swings so fast Hendrick and the other didnt see him move but when they look back the monster is dead Nick says it must have been lucky but Hendrick Knows something is up. it was now getting late being 8 a clock they agree to leave but Hendrick asks to go to Nicks house Nick was hesitant but sayed ok when they got there Hendrick says can you tell me your real level Nick lies tho and says 100 million Hendrick is happy He tells Nick that he is part of the Royal family and need some one strong to help in the war the average warrior on there side was 50'000 but the enemy's was stronger the weakest one being 100'00 and the strongest one on the enemy's side being level 50 million Nick seeing this as opportunity to be known and make big bucks says he will do it if he is the only one fighting Hendrick says your crazy man the enemy has 50'000 troops Nick says he knows and that he wants to do it by himself Hendrick hesitant says alright 2 weeks later Nick is ready and is about to fight seeing the hord of enemys on the other side he goes with his syth killing 100 people per swing with the upgrade it was 15 feet long and had a 8 feet long blade on it 1 hour later Nick is on to the final boss killing the 50 million level enemy easly the leader was level 100 billion Nick Knows if he kills him he will gain 50 billion levels turning on his boost and aura glowing up the area in dark and light with sparks he does his finishing move calling from the gods and demons to give him power does a shooting attack of power 1 shooting the enemy.. after he gets back he gets rewarded 5 million dollars. he goes home quickly being tired.