
Bright Lights.

Sirens are heard in the distance.

The water falling from the ceiling can't put an end to it.

The bright sunny day didn't warn them from what was to happen. No one knew what they had done but one. The damaged bell kept going off. The bell that one herded them from one place to the next was now the music of their death. The banners on the walls burned up as time went on. The screams sound as it touches them. Adding to the orchestra of the disaster. The sheets of music burned up, none of them were going to do justice. Not like the music of their pain does. Smoke fills their lungs with every breath. The heat that surrounded them was almost unbearable. It kisses their skin, leaving it's marks behind. The flames take what it wants, the lives of those it surrounds. Little did they know the girl who started the disaster sat in the corner, waiting for it to take her. Her arms had blood dripping down them. It didn't help ease it. She wanted it to go faster. Still not fast enough though, she thought. She wanted it to end her misery, not caring who got hurt in the process. The screams she heard made her smile. They were able to feel a small fraction of her pain. She looks down at her scars, some she caused, but most of them they caused. She ran her hand down the burns on her arms, though they were not caused by the fire around them. Their touch had caused her to scream so many times before. She failed before but here she won't, she can't. She won't fail as the building falls around her. The flames touched her body, yet unlike the others she welcomes the pain. Some of the students and teachers got out. They were wimps to her, running away from the unevable. They were running from death. It will take them eventually, so why run from it. As she started to lose consciousness, she dimly heard her name being called over and over. She brushed it off, no one was concerned about her. She was nothing but a play toy. All she saw before she passed out was a figure coming towards her.

Relief filled him as he saw her, laying in the corner. He knew she did it but he refuses to let them know. The reason why pained him. Without her knowledge, he went through her things. He found it in her trash can. The one thing she never wanted to pass. He also knew who did it. His fist still wounded from the scum's face. He could still feel the blood on his body, even though it was washed off long ago. He won't let them take her from him. He won't let her take herself away from him. He will save her, whether she wants him to or not. The high schooler's death wish took so many people. The people who caused her to do this, lost their lives around them. He heard his name being screamed. He turned to look at his friend crawling to him. Anger shot through him as he looked at the boy on the floor. He knew what this monster did to her, what it cost her. He should've killed him when he had the chance. Now he has a choice: let him live or leave him to die. It wasn't a hard decision. He turned away and walked to her, his little sister. He tried to protect her, from them and herself. He was unable to keep everyone away from her. When he got to her, he picked her up. Holding her close, he walked away. He will not lose her. He will make it out with her alive. He will not be buring her. He won't let them have that victory. He will show them her worth. As he made it out with her, happiness surged through him. The ship was still there, waiting for them. He got in with her in his arms. The doctors rushed over to take her from him. They will save her. She will survive.

Their mother sat on the floor of the flying vessel, her arms and legs bound. She couldn't believe her son did this to her. What did she do to deserve this? She didn't believe it was because of the wretch she is to call a daughter. That thing is nothing to her and should be nothing to him. She loves her son and wants the best for him. In her husband's family a girl is not born. His seed should only produce boys. That is why she married him, to have little boys. She got one with her first born but her second was a girl. Having a girl for a second born was disgraceful as it sits. She had birthed a girl as a second in a family that was meant for boys. Why would she love that? Why would she love the thing that destroyed her. She would sit by and laugh as her husband would bruise it. That is all it is good for, a punching bag. Why is she getting punished for it? The law said it was fine so why doesn't he? She gave him everything, loved him with everything. Yet here she sits awaiting her punishment from her son. She felt the helicopter take off. The door in front of her opened up and her baby boy entered the room. What will he do to her, she wonders. Will he beat her like he did to his father. The dead body of her husband rolled and touched her causing her to jump. She heard the musical laughter of her son. He was laughing at her misery of touching her dead lover. "Wondering what I'm going to do to you, wondering if it is going to be the same thing I did to father," he asked her. Afraid of speaking she just nodded. She hoped she would not suffer the same fate, that she would live to see the next day. She would not, she realized as her son tied himself to something. She tries to figure out what he is planning but it was too late. She was already falling to her demise. She screams as she falls out of the helicopter to the ground.

He looks down at his mother as she falls out of the ship. He wonders what happened to him. At the beginning of the year he loved his parents but now he is responsible for their death. He never thought he could do such a thing, yet here he was. He was starting to fear himself. What was he capable of? What else could he do? He already killed his own parents, what's stopping from doing anything else? The bat he used to take his father's life falls out of the machine, the same bat his father used on his sister. The body of his father following suit of the bat. He feels no remorse, they had it coming. They deserve it for what they did. The law was on his parent's side but he refused to let them get away with it. He will protect her no matter what. The door closes and he unties himself. He hoped he made it to her in time to save her. He will never forgive himself if he didn't make it to her. It's not only her at risk to be lost. He wants her to have everything she did when she left the house this morning. He knew there was no point in saving her if he didn't come in time. He walked into her room and saw her out cold but alive. His earlier question was answered. She is what will stop him from doing anything else. He will not hurt anyone else because she is safe now. He will make it so she is always safe, from now on.