Chapter 04


"Whoa, Yoongi. This place looks expensive. I don't think we should eat here." I stated as we stood in front of a large restaurant painted in red and gold.

"I've got money. Don't stress Geparlys." Yoongi shrugged as he waved his wallet around. .

"I..don't know." I mumbled.

"Shut up and go inside." He demanded. I did as told while helping him inside also. We came face to face with a young waiter.

"Table for 2?" He asked. I nodded with a smile. "Great. Right this way, please." We followed along behind him as he took us to the back of the restaurant. It was quiet and had beautiful lightning. If anything, it was overly romantic.

"Wow... This place is beautiful." I gasped as I helped Yoongi sit down.

"Would you like to see the wine menu?" The waiter held out a menu in front of his chest.

"Actually, we'll just have a bottle of your finest Chardonnay." Yoongi grinned. He bowed his head and left.

"So, what are you planning to do during these three weeks?" I queried.

"Well, every few nights we are going to go out to a nice restaurant and fine dine. I will treat you to dinner, dessert and nice wine. I'm going to make you fall in love with me before the end of the 3 weeks. Then, I'll blast my brains out while you sleep... That wasn't even supposed to rhyme. Ha!" Yoongi explained. As he said, it wasn't deliberate, but it made a lot of sense.

"I...what?" I was taken aback.

"Your wine, sir." The waiter came back and poured wine into our glasses, then placed it in a bucket of ice. "Is this your girlfriend?"

"Yes. Yes it is." Yoongi answered proudly and confidently.

"Aren't you a luck man. She's beautiful." The waiter boy smiled and walked off. I started blushing, because i can't handle the compliment.

"On a scale of 1-10, how beautiful do you think you are, Geparlys?"

"Uhm... Like a 3." I bit my lip shyly.

"No, no. Don't downgrade yourself. I hate that shit." He scrunched up his face.

"OK then. Maybe I'm in, an 8?" I mumbled questioningly not wanting to brag too much about my appearance. "Wait. Forget about that. Did you really say that you were going to blast your brains out? As in like commit suicide?" I whispered the last part.

"Yes. Keep up Gerparlys. I also told you that you would fall in love with me by the end of three weeks."

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't think that. I know that."

"Yoongi, if you had love, why would you kill yourself?" I bunched my lips to the side.

"Because I've been traumatized Minji. I can't go on in life knowing that the last thing I saw before I went blind was my best friend getting blown to bits." He yelled, but not too loud.

"Will you make me a promise?" I asked and he nodded in return. "If I fall in love with you by the end of 3 weeks, will you please note commit suicide."

"That depends if I love you back."


"Dibs on the bed!" Yoongi called as we entered the hotel room and into the main bedroom. I didn't overly care whether or not if I got to the bed or the couch. As long as we didn't have to share a room. I couldn't stand his attitude anymore, and I still have three weeks to put up with that.

I can't believe he has the decency to say that I would fall in love with him and then he would commit suicide. The fact that he's so open about it makes me feel upset. Then, I also have to remember that I'm his career, and he has to tell me these things. It's just that I'm not  used to them opening up so freely with question.

"Goodnight Yoongi." I sighed as I left the bedroom. I went into the living room area and  changed into my pyjama clothes. I then got blanket from the storage cupboard and set them up on the couch. I huffed as i became comfortable and decided to send Hoseok a text, telling him that everything was going. As I sent it, I got a call from Jimin.

"Why is your brother at my house?" he said as soon as I answered.

"I told him to go there if he didn't want to be at home. Work has made me look after a patient outside of the hospital for 3 week, so do you mind getting me the last few notes from for class?" I asked him.

"Alright. See you in 3 weeks." And he hung up. My phone conversations were never long with Jimin.

"Minji.." Yoongi bellowed in a slight whisper.

"What?" I groaned.

"Did you just spray perfume that isn't Geparlys?"

"Yes I did. So what? Go to sleep. I'm tired." I threw my phone, not expecting it to go half way across the room. I groaned again and just covered my head under the blanket.

"Why are you angry?" He pried.

"Because I become grumpy when I'm stressed and tired." I explained truthfully.

"Why are you stressed and tired?"

"Yoongi, please. I'm going to say something I'll regret. Just let me sleep." I cried.

"OK, OK. Goodnight grumpy face." if he was in the same room as me, I would've thrown something at his big head by now. I was soon consumed by sleep, but it didn't feel like too long later when I woke up in the middle of the night. The clinking of bottles and glasses was heard from the mini bar in the large, luxurious room. I left the couch to find out what the noise was, and found Yoongi touching and smelling the different alcohol bottles.

"Yah! What are you doing? I shrieked, snatching a bottle out of Yoongi's hand. If I didn't come sooner, he would've skulled the whole bottle down.

"I'm, I was, I am, I'm th-thirsty." He stuttered.

"Let's get you back in bed."I guided him back" to the bedroom in the dark. If Yoongi didn't have his white cane, we most likely would have fallen over many items. "You aren't allowed out of bed unless I am awake. Do you understand?"

"Yes." I put him back on the bed and went back to the couch, hoping I could continue my dream of fate and destination.