Ch. 8 The Deal

I'm taking a gamble, but the Ancient One should see this as an attempt for trust. The calamity I mentioned will be happening long after I am already gone from this universe. Maybe.

The Ancient One casually twists her hand and takes control of the unconscious sorcerers. With a wave of her other arm, a large, golden portal opens. Another twist of her hand and the three sorcerers are sent through the portal.

Not going to lie, I want that ability!

Looking closely at her, I can't help but size her up. I immediately notice she isn't wearing the Eye of Agamotto. Judging by the power she displays in the movies and without the aid of the Time Stone, I'm confident I can beat her if she chooses to fight.

But a fight won't help me.

The Masters of the Mystic Arts have several spells that are far superior to what's found in Skyrim or the Potterverse.

From what I understand, the Sling Ring has no limit on distance. It's even hinted at being able to enter other dimensions. There must be a grain of truth with that since the only way to escape the Mirror Dimension is with the aid of a Sling Ring.

Even without a Sling Ring, the Masters of the Mystic Arts have amazing teleportation abilities. Dr. Strange was able to teleport himself and Thor around the New York Sanctuary without even touching Thor!

They also have the best known defensive spells in either universe. Dr. Strange was able to tank an energy blast from the Infinity Gauntlet, and Wong was able to hold back aerial bombardment from Thanos' ship. I have nothing that can match that.

Even thinking about the clone spell Dr. Strange used has a ton of applications I could apply.

Also, I need the Ancient One to link me to the energies from other dimensions.

Agamotto proved it's possible to achieve the link alone, but it would save me a huge amount of time and effort to have the Ancient One do it.

I want those overpowered spells, and the fastest way to them is to play nice.

"You don't need to worry about them," I calmly state. "Those three will wake on their own in an hour or so. Perfectly fine."

Closing the portal, the Ancient One assumes a more relaxed stance. "I am aware. You are not the first wizard we have been forced to interact with."

That doesn't really surprise me. "Preventing others from summoning demons, I take it?"

"And more," she happily informs me.

Sensing that she's waiting for me, I grudgingly assume the lead in the conversation.

"Where are my manners? My name is Xavier Dovahkiin. Welcome to my home. If you would follow me, we can find a comfortable place to sit and talk."

Receiving a nod, I turn around and make my way towards the stairs. I only take a few steps when I notice my bedroom door laying in the hall. I take the time to cast an overpowered Mending Charm on the door. I resume my walk downstairs as my bedroom door flies down the hall and reattaches itself.

I have to look into several rooms before I find a comfortably sized parlor. The Ancient One gives me a questioning look as I guide her into the parlor room.

I can't help but defend myself, "Cut me some slack, I just bought the place a few hours ago. Besides, I did say we can go 'find' a comfortable place."

Taking a seat in a large armchair across from the Ancient One, I cast several Magelights to brighten the room. I'm going to have to look into magical lights or lighted ceilings. I'm already getting tired of having to use the spell to light a room.

Once comfortably seated, I continue to play the host. "Can I offer you a drink? I don't have any tea, but I have coffee and alcohol."

"No, thank you," she immediately replies in a calm tone.

"Very well. Allow me to briefly introduce myself. As you have already seen, I am a person with Magicka. If you wish for me to narrow that down. Wizard. Sorcerer. Warlock. Seidr. Take your pick.

"I am currently studying to be a professor at a magical school for children. Next year, I hope to be employed by that same school. Hopefully, that helps clear some of your doubts about me."

Staring into my eyes, the Ancient One asks, "You mentioned possible futures and a calamity. What have you seen?"

I take a moment to decide on what I should tell her. She can probably tell if I lie, but I can't risk telling her the truth. With a grim look, I stare back into her eyes. "I will tell you what I've seen. What I know, and what I hope.

"I have seen you and your successor many times. I have seen massive invasions of Earth. I have seen the death of half of all living beings, and the one to cause it. I have seen a Being of immense power.

"I know that neither of us can face such a being as we are. I know that there is a way to prevent such a calamity, but it has almost no chance of success. I also know that in all my viewings of the future, we have never met."

"Hopes. I hope we can learn from each other to teach one another. We can protect so much more, and maybe even fight off the being that triggered this."

At the end of my statement, I mentally cross my fingers. Hopefully, the Ancient One doesn't connect that the 'Being' I mentioned isn't Thanos. Other Me is a considerably closer threat to me than the Mad Titan.

An awkward silence seems to fall between us before she speaks up, "Tell me, Xavier, what is it you can teach me?"

I raise my hand up, and a golden light begins to swirl around my fingers. "Healing. I have several spells that you should be able to learn. Being able to heal yourself and heal others is of significant benefit.

"One spell, in particular, will be of great use. Each casting of it will last one hour. During that time, all injuries will heal at tremendous speeds, you will not tire, and you will not age. It will not replace the power you gain from the Dark Dimension, but it will reduce your need for it."

If my mention of the Dark Dimension phased her, she doesn't show it. I guess she accepted the possibility I would know her secret when I told her I have seen her successor.

The Ancient One leans back in her chair. "While healing spells would be of great use, you stand to gain much more from this."

She's clearly setting up for negotiations. That's both good and bad. She's willing to teach me, but she wants something more than healing spells.

I lightly nod at her to continue. Assuming a lecturing tone, she explains, "The Masters of the Mystic Arts harness energy drawn from other dimensions of the Multiverse to conjure and cast spells. In order to draw energy from another dimension, a link must be established.

"Without that link, it is impossible for anyone to learn our form of spells. The advantage I previously mentioned, is your body is already imbued with its own form of mystic energy. Given ample time, you would be able to combine dimension energy with your own..."

I can't help but interrupt, "You're posturing. What else do you want?"

The Ancient One slightly smirks at me. "I'll need a favor to be named at a later date. Give me your word, you will fulfill this favor, and you have a deal."

I absolutely hate his idea. I have no idea what kind of favor she will ask for, and there is a strong possibility my magic will prevent me from backing out.

It's not all bad. Time is on my side in this scenario. Other Me set this mission for five years. After this mission is complete, Other Me might send me to a different universe. Dr. Strange won't meet the Ancient One for another twenty-six years. I'll likely be gone from this universe before she can call on that favor.

As much as I hate agreeing to the possibility of owing a favor, I stand to gain a great deal. Quickly thinking of a few loop-holes, I carefully think of how to word this.

"I give you my word. So long as this favor does not violate Wizarding Law or directly threaten the life of anyone in my household, I will see it done." That still isn't to my liking but should give me a bit of safety.

"I accept," the Ancient One states. When she moves to stand up, I follow suit. As she reaches her hand out to me, a worn business card appears between her first two fingers. "When you are ready, come to this address."

Taking the card, I see an address for London in flowing script. After I take the business card, the Ancient One steps back and opens a portal beside her. "Until we meet again," is the last thing she says before stepping into the portal.

A soft pop pulls me out of my thoughts as I was watching the portal close. "Does Master need anything," the squeaky voice of Trixie asks?

Looking at the anxious house-elf, I'm oddly comforted. "No, Trixie, but thank you. You can go back to sleep."

After Trixie pops away, I place the card in my subspace and return to my room. It looks like I'm going to have to speed up my studying.


Waking the following morning, I go through my morning routine. After my magical exercise, I sit down to breakfast.

As Trixie is munching away at a bowl of fruit, I absently stare at the worn business card. I would love to start learning how to use a Sling Ring, but I have too much on my plate as it is.

I'll have to wait until my Hogwarts education is finished before starting to learn from the Ancient One.

After I finish eating, I make my way to my new library. Opening the double doors, I find myself in a two-story room, with tall decorative bookcases lining the walls.

Half of the shelves are empty, but there are still several thousand books. Slowly reading over some of the book titles, they don't all appear to be spellbooks. There are books on history, sports, and even muggles.

There are several spell books on Charms, Transfiguration, and D.A.D.A. that I don't have. There's even a book on how to prepare for the Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test.

Picking up a Charms book, I begin to scan through the spells listed.

Seeing a spell that I remember from the movies, I turn to the chapter on the Patronus Charm. The Patronus Charm is listed as a fifth-year Charm, but I've not attempted it yet.

I scan over every detail listed in the book. I review the advice on how to concentrate on something that brings you deep joy, as you make an unconnected circle for the wand movement. It doesn't have to be a real memory, but a detailed thought that brings you a sense of love.

That's probably, how Snape can cast a corporeal Patronus. Thinking of some love-filled moment with Lily.

Putting that thought aside, I begin to think of my own memory to use. Deciding to use a combination of my American and Breton families, I set myself to engrossing myself in the love-filled thought.

Once I am deep into the memory, I absently raise my arm. Making the needed wand movement, I feel my Magicka race down my arm. With a bit of a smile, I call out, "Expecto patronum."

But my magic doesn't exit my hand. It doesn't seem to be able to exit like it's stuck.

Moving back to my happy memory, I focus my concentration on how much love and affection I feel. Regardless of how uplifting I'm feeling, my Magicka will not exit my hand.

Stopping my attempt, I pull out my fifth-year Charms book. Finding the Patronus Charm in the new book, I comb over the instructions. It is mostly the same, but there are a few differences.

Making the changes mentioned in the second book, I get ready for another attempt.

My second attempt to cast the Patronus Charm ends in failure. My third, fourth, and fifth attempts, all end in failure. It's the same thing for each of them. My Magicka isn't leaving my body.

Not one to give up, I move to a N.E.W.T. level Charms book. Near the front of the book is the Duplicating Charm, a sixth-year spell. Quickly reading over the chapter and memorizing the wand movements, I turn to an end table standing by the library entrance.

"Geminio," I state the incantation. With a small swirl, a second end table pops into existence. Looking over the duplicate and original, they are identical in every way.


The Duplicating Charm is considered to be a more advanced spell. So, my failure to cast the Patronus Charm shouldn't be due to the level of difficulty. I'm convinced my memory is sufficient for the spell to succeed. My Magicka just refuses to exit my body.

Turning back to the Patronus Charm, I slowly clear my head. Once ready, I concentrate on my love-filled memory with both my families. Deciding to not use the wand movement, I attempt another try.

"Expecto patronum!" Shouting out the spell causes my Magicka to stir and move down my arm, but fails to exit my hand.

I repeatedly attempt to cast the charm using a wide selection of variations of simulated wand movements. Some do nothing, and some cause my Magicka to stir a bit. But none actually work.

Reviewing all the possible causes, I come to one conclusion. With a frustrated sigh, "I'm gonna need a wand for this."