Once McGonagall left, I carefully looked over my apartment. I thoroughly inspected every inch of each room and cast every detection spell I could think of.
It's not that I didn't trust Dumbledore... It's simply... Nevermind, I don't trust him.
Once I was sure there was no way for anyone to spy on me, I set up a few of my things. It wasn't necessary, but I wanted to give the illusion that I actually lived here. You never know when you'll need an alibi.
I kept to only displaying smaller personal items. I don't need anyone questioning how I was able to bring furniture so quickly and undetected. Undetectable Expansion Charms are illegal without a permit, after all.
Once finished with my apartment, I decided to familiarize myself with the castle. I didn't want to go straight to the Room of Requirement or the Chamber of Secrets just yet. Something told me Dumbledore would be tracking my movements for the foreseeable future, and I don't want to lead him to anything I plan to use.
I spent the next three hours exploring hallway after hallway. Hogwarts really does live up to its title of being a magical castle. Things looked so much brighter and lively than what I remember from the movies.
The first hour was spent with me smiling like a loon as I discovered every possible enchantment around. The castle is like a magical wonderland. Magic was everywhere. Everything had a slight glow of magic to my eyes. I felt like a kid in an amusement park for the first time.
After I had had my fill basking in the magic, it was time to get to work. With things constantly changing in the castle, I memorized the backgrounds of paintings, unique pillars, windows, and archways.
Even if the person in the painting were to leave, the background doesn't change. The many suits of armor couldn't be trusted either. It would be too easy for them to simply walk away.
The moving stairs were another challenge. I focused on the archways leading off of the stairwell. I figured I could always just fly to the hall I needed if the stairs were being uncooperative.
Near the end of the third hour, I had created a partial mental map of the lower levels of the castle.
I'm sure I was missing a ton, but I was now confident I could mostly travel to the key areas I would need, such as my apartment, classroom, and the Great Hall.
After checking the time, I decided to cease my exploring and head to the Great Hall. I still had over half an hour before the ceremony was scheduled, but I didn't want to risk getting lost and being late.
Stepping into the Great Hall, I immediately noticed the low-hanging sun in the enchanted ceiling. It bathed the hall in a simulated glow of evening.
Below the image of the sun, were four massive long tables. Each table was set with hundreds of glittering golden plates and goblets. Each piece of cutlery added to the glow being cast about the room.
Huge flags were hanging over each table, suspended in mid-air, but slightly swaying as if in a soft breeze.
A flag for each of Hogwarts Houses hung on the far wall, above the High Table reserved for the staff. In the center of the High Table, was a large golden throne, I assume for the Headmaster.
Standing alone in the middle of the Great Hall, I was both impressed and disappointed. It looked far better than what the movie presented, but it seemed to lack the same amount of charm the rest of the castle gave off.
Perhaps, that would change once the ceremony began?
Taking a random seat at the High Table, I removed a book from my subspace and began to read.
Less than ten minutes passed before I felt a familiar presence attempting to sneak up behind me. I remained still except for a smirk, slowly forming.
When the presence was directly behind my chair, I wasn't surprised when a pair of slender arms wrapped around my chest from behind. In a soft and husky voice, Aurora whispered into my ear. "You're in my chair."
Putting my book away, I leaned my head back slightly. "I'm more than willing to share." Giving my thigh a slight pat, I wiggle my eyebrows at the sexy woman.
Aurora rolled her eyes at my childish antics. "Behave." As she was unwrapping her arms, she leaned in and bit my earlobe.
With a scandalized expression, I stared at her as she took the chair beside me. Noticing my look, she elegantly raised an eyebrow at me.
We continued flirting as we waited for the other staff members to arrive.
As each staff member arrived, Aurora would introduce me to them. Everyone was being friendly and courteous. I must have answered the same questions half a dozen times, but I bore it gracefully.
There was a lull in the conversation when Dumbledore entered the hall with who could only be Severus Snape.
The greasy hair, hooked nose, and slight resemblance to a young Alan Rickman were nothing compared to his billowing robes. Seriously! There is no way his robes could move like that without the aid of magic.
Leaning towards Aurora, I quietly whispered, "I want the spell to make my robes do that."
Covering her smile with her hand, she softly whispered back, "Good luck getting him to reveal it."
Taking another look at the billowing robe, I can't help but classify it as a must-have for any epic entrance. "Oh, I'm gonna get that spell."
By this point, Dumbledore reached his throne. Before sitting, he formally introduces Gilderoy Lockhart and myself to the rest of the staff.
As Lockhart was giving some ridiculous greeting, I took the time to inspect the golden fraud. Only his vanity matches up with his movie actor. If I'm being honest, he's a much younger man than I was expecting, in his late twenties and a head full of ridiculously long curls.
Yup. I don't like him.
I'm unsure if it's due to my knowledge of him being a fraud or his self-important demeanor. Either way, we won't be friends.
Shortly after we were all seated at the High Table, the Great Hall doors silently swung open. The second through seventh-year students excitedly made their way to their respected house tables.
At the Gryffindor table, I was able to spot a pair of red-headed twins I assumed to be the Weasleys and a bushy-haired girl that could only be Hermione.
Hermione looked rather worried. Guess Harry and Ron didn't make it onto the train.
Looking about the hall, I would occasionally catch some of the older students pointing out Lockhart and myself. I doubt anyone was expecting to see two new professors. I can already imagine the rumors being spread around the tables.
It didn't take long for the excited chattering to quiet down. McGonagall's narrowed eyes were a damn good deterrent.
As McGonagall lead in the first-year students, I noticed a dark-haired girl excitedly waving at me. It took me a second, but I quickly placed her as one of the children that attended my Halloween Feast last year.
I was never told the name of all the children, but I returned the girls wave, nonetheless. My acknowledgment only seemed to excite her more as she began to point me out to another girl walking beside her.
Putting that aside, I only half-heartedly watched the Sorting Ceremony. The Sorting Hat sang a clever little song before sorting each student into a house.
Several names drew my notice, but after watching them being sorted, I lost interest again. From what I remember, there wasn't any divergence from the book.
I don't really care if events stay true to canon. I'm confident enough in myself to handle most things but, there is no point in changing canon for the simple reason of changing canon.
I'm sure things will break away from the books soon enough.
My point was proven when Dumbledore introduced Lockhart and myself to the students.
When Dumbledore introduced Lockhart, the fraud stood up and struck a 'dashing' pose for the students, which drew several admiring eyes from various aged girls.
When Dumbledore finally introduced me to the students, I merely stood and took a small bow towards the students. My introduction drew several loud gasps and excited murmuring across the Great Hall.
Glancing towards the fraud, I caught the sight of his charming smile turn hollow, and a slight bit of jealousy flashed across his face.
Leaning towards Aurora, I quietly said, "It looks like he doesn't like competing for attention."
Aurora casually looked towards Lockhart before whispering, "You know the law. Two men enter, one man leaves."
My mind comes to a screeching halt. Closely inspecting Aurora, "Are you quoting Thunderdome?"
Aurora gave me a confused look, "What are you talking about?"
"I'm just a bit confused. I distinctly remember you saying you didn't like the movie, but here you are quoting it." I quietly said.
"Shhh... The headmaster is still talking." Aurora replied before looking towards the old man.
I couldn't help a smile forming. I knew she would like Mad Max!
Once the feast was finished, the students were escorted to their respective dorms.
I took this opportunity to escort, Aurora back to her apartment. I didn't leave until the morning.
Thursday, September 3rd, 1992
Sitting down for lunch, Harry Potter looked rather sullen. He and his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, just came from double Defense Against the Dark Arts.
To say it was a disaster would be putting it lightly. The class started with a completely worthless quiz about Professor Lockhart. Then the git unleashing a pack of Cornish Pixies on the students!
Once the pixies took his wand, Professor Lockhart fled the room, leaving Harry and his two friends in charge of rounding up the Pixies!
It looks like another year of a useless D.A.D.A. Professor. To add salt to the wound, Professor Lockhart is responsible for Harry's detentions.
Harry never thought he would see the day when he preferred the Caretaker, Argus Filch, over anyone.
Harry was brought out of his self-pity by the animated talking of a group of first-year students sitting beside him.
Harry couldn't help but think how the small group looks like they're having a much better first day.
The small group's excited conversation drew the attention of Hermione.
Leaning towards the group of first years, Hermione politely gained the attention of the small group. "So, what class did you guys come from?"
A dark-haired girl gave Hermione a friendly smile. "We just came from double History of Magic."
Speaking up with a mouth full of fried potatoes, Ron Weasley rudely butted in the conversation. "Sounds like this group's off their rockers, if you ask me."
Hearing the rude comment from the freckled ginger, a chubby blonde-haired boy quickly spoke up. "You know nothing! Professor Dovahkiin is the greatest wizard ever! His class was amazing!"
Raising both arms in front of him, "First, it was all..." The boy began waving his arms animatedly as he spoke. "Then, there was this, this... And suddenly... I even saw a..." Staring at Ron with his eyes wide open, he balled up his fists as his entire body shook. "It! Was! Awesome!"
The first-year dropped back into his seat, exhausted from his demonstration. The chubby first year gave a final jerk of his head as if he thoroughly explained everything.
Hermione, Ron, and Harry could only stare dumbstruck at the display they just witnessed.
Before any of them could say a word, the dark-haired girl spoke up. "He's not wrong, you know? Professor Dovahkiin is probably the greatest wizard alive."
Pausing to take a sip of her pumpkin juice before she continued, "My mother always said, the professors at Hogwarts are true masters of their craft. I really didn't know what that meant, until today. Although, I should have known better, Professor Dovahkiin is an amazing Lord."
Ron slowly raised his fork filled with potatoes to his mouth as he stared at the first years. "Bunch of loonies," he said under his breath.
Harry was confused. He had to ask, "Who is Professor Dovahkiin?"
Hermione began gathering up her books from the table. "We're about to find out. Our next class is History of Magic."