Ch. 40 Aurors

That's interesting. Why would Dumbledore say that?

Before I could begin to think about that question, Dumbledore seemed to forcefully pull himself out of his stupor.

Dumbledore turned a hard pair of eyes my way. "Professor Dovahkiin, you are the one to put the castle on alert?" With my nod, Dumbledore looked back towards Pettigrew.

"Tell me, Professor, why do you claim this man to be a Death Eater?" Dumbledore ordered.

A small well of panic hit me in my stomach. I didn't check Pettigrew's arm! He's supposed to have the Dark Mark, but I never confirmed it.

Fuck it. Time to roll the dice.

"Check his arm," I said in a soft tone.

Dumbledore's eyes fell to the left arm of the levitating Pettigrew. Without a word, Dumbledore swirled the Elder Wand towards the unconscious man.

My breath caught in my thought from the multiple sensations that hit me. I wasn't trying to stop Dumbledore's spell, but the fact he seemed to easily pull Pettigrew out of my control was still shocking. But what really stunned me was the deathly aura of the Elder Wand. It was different this time. It felt like my body was being caressed by the deathly sensation.

The feeling was extremely, disturbing yet pleasant...

A rough snort pulled me back to the situation.

On Pettigrew's exposed forearm, was a faded image of a snake intertwined in a human skull.

A sense of relief washed over me. Saved by the tramp stamp.

Magic suddenly bursts from every inch of Dumbledore's body. The halls are illuminated with a soft white glow as Dumbledore's magic intensifies.

More power is radiating off Dumbledore than any four wizards I've encountered combined. I would guess he's just below the strength of the Ancient One.

When I think the power has reached its limit, Dumbledore begins to wave the Elder Wand in intricate designs. With the completion of each series of movements, a wave of magic launches through the halls of Hogwarts.

As the waves wash over me, I get a feel for their purpose. Wards. Dumbledore is casting protections and barriers I've never even read about. The beautiful works of magic are able to subdue my annoyance due to the fact I still have a great deal to learn.

I can only make out the side of Dumbledore's face, but he looks pissed.

The kind and elderly wizard is nowhere to be seen. Beside me stands a warrior ready to wade into battle.

I can't control my hands as they ball into tight fists. By the Divines, I would love to fight this man! Right here, right now!

"Dundy!" Dumbledore commands.

The moment the wrinkled house-elf appears, Dumbledore is issuing commands. "Wake the staff. Send them to protect the children until Hogwarts has been searched. I want a count of every student and staff member immediately. If a staff member is not on grounds, find them. You will notify me the second an intruder or dark creature is discovered in the castle or on the grounds. Report to Professor McGonagall when the search is complete, and tell Professor Snape to come to my office. Go."

Without a word, the house-elf popped out of view.

This wasn't the senile old Headmaster many took him for. This is a man used to giving battlefield orders.

"With me, Professor Dovahkiin," Dumbledore orders as he swiftly moves down the hall with a levitating Pettigrew beside him.

I move up along the other side of Pettigrew. I dislike the idea of obediently following behind anyone, no matter how powerful they appear to be.

The walk to the Headmaster's Office was quick with the ground eating pace Dumbledore set. Honestly, he doesn't move like a man that's seen eleven decades. He didn't show any signs of physical weakness at all.

There's no way he hasn't enhanced himself in some way. I wonder what rituals Albus Too-Many-Middle-Names Dumbledore has subjected himself to?

Once we were in Dumbledore's office, he conjured a steel chair with a multitude of leather straps. A few waves of the Deathly Hallow and the unconscious Pettigrew was securely fastened to the chair.

With an unspoken order to keep an eye on Pettigrew, Dumbledore turned around and went to the massive fireplace in his office.

Large green flames burst from the small fire after a pinch of Floo powder was tossed in.

"Ministry of Magic, Auror Headquarters," Dumbledore said in a clear voice.

I carefully listened to what was being said, but I wasn't able to hear anything from the other side of the Floo Network. I was still able to piece together the general idea being discussed from the one-sided conversation.

Looks like visitors were coming.

I decided to stay out of the way and make myself comfortable while we wait. I was leaning against the Headmaster's massive clawed desk when Dumbledore returned from the fireplace.

With a tone that made it clear he wasn't interested in word games, Dumbledore spoke up. "Professor Dovahkiin, how did you discover Mr. Pettigrew?"

I didn't hesitate to give my prepared story. Removing my Hogwarts' Map from my subspace, I hand it over to him. Without any passwords or activation keys on it, Dumbledore doesn't have any problems recognizing the purpose of the map. A glint of surprise even shines through his stern appearance, as he looks over the enchanted parchment.

I kept my tone neutral as I talk. "I spotted a similar map on a pair of red-haired lions and decided to make my own version. Shortly after I completed my version of their artifact, I noticed Pettigrew's name. I didn't want to assume it was the actual deceased war hero hiding out in Hogwarts. So, I requested a list of the sixth and seventh-year students from Professor McGonagall.

Once I confirmed there wasn't a student with even a similar name, I set up a trap to catch him. I was a bit surprised to discover Pettigrew is a rat Animagus, but my capture was still successful."

Before Dumbledore could question me further, Snape burst into the room in all his cloak-billowing glory. Seeing the billowing spell in action, I'm reassured it was money well spent.

"I came as soon as I could, Headmaster," Snape said in his slow draw. As Snape moved close enough to view who was restrained in the chair, a vicious sneer spread across his face, and his wand dropped into his hand.

Dumbledore spoke up before Snape had a chance to cast a spell. "I will need a bottle of Veritaserum for the questioning of one, Peter Pettigrew, Severus."

Snape restrained himself long enough to give a jerk of his head. "It will be my pleasure." The moment he finished speaking, Snape turned and ran out the door.

I guess he enjoys a good interrogation.

Before either of us could comment, green flames erupted from the fireplace. A distorted image of an ugly and scarred man's face appeared in the flames.

"Albus Dumbledore! This is Alastor Moody, seven-four-four-nine-three-six." a gravelly-voiced called out of the flames.

Dumbledore stared at the distorted face for a moment before replying. "Splashing spiders, Alastor."

The image in the fireplace nodded his head, "Four coming over. Stun the fifth."

A smile spread across my face at the small exchange of code phrases between Dumbledore and the living embodiment of vigilance himself, Alastor, Mad-Eye, Moody.

With a green burst, a wide man suddenly appeared in the fireplace. As he stepped forward, his talon shaped foot made a dull thud against the stones. He wouldn't have been a handsome man, even if his face wasn't so heavily scarred. One of his eyes was slightly larger than the other, and he was missing part of his nose.

When the larger of his eyes started wildly rolling around in its socket, I was confident this was Alastor Moody. Dumbledore walking up and shaking his hand was also a good indicator.

Two more bursts from the fireplace revealed two middle-aged men, both wearing the standard Ministry Auror robes.

The fourth burst revealed a pink-haired witch wearing a dragonhide duster and sturdy looking combat boots. While I didn't know who the two men were, I didn't doubt the witch was the Metamorphmagus, Nymphadora Tonks.

True to his reputation, Moody pointed his wand at the empty fireplace until the green flames died out, and Dumbledore waved his hand in front of the stonework. I assume Dumbledore just closed his fireplace from the Floo Network.

With the little show finished, I paid little attention to the introductions of Aurors Dawlish and Williamson, both of which took up a position on either side of the restrained Pettigrew.

I was too busy thinking about Tonks. She was cute, but I was more interested in her ability to freely change her body. That would pair amazingly with my Biological Manipulation.

I wonder if she would let me study her body? For science, of course.

Tonks looked at me a moment before looking towards the others in the room. I was pleasantly surprised when she casually walked away from Dumbledore and the Aurors to lean against the Headmaster's desk with me. During her short walk from the fireplace, not once did she look directly at me.

She didn't say anything as she quietly leaned against the desk and crossed her arms. I leaned towards the short woman and whispered in a soft tone, "Love the hair."

Tonks' pink hair shimmered at the compliment. Looking up at me, Tonks replied in a hushed whisper, "Thanks. I love your... your..." Tonks let out a sigh and looked me over from head to toe. "Everything," she finished.

I joyfully smirked at that comment.

Tonks' eyes suddenly doubled in size, and her gaze shot up from my body and looked into my eyes with a startled expression. In an instant, her cheeks turned as pink as her hair, and she seemed to shrink several centimeters in height.

I barely had enough time to enjoy the small witch's embarrassment, when the grave voice of Moody spoke up. "Mr. Dovahkiin, how did you capture Peter Pettigrew?"

Giving the disfigured man a wide grin, I answered truthfully. "With magic."

Moody's scowl told me he doesn't appreciate the humor. The loud snort from Tonks probably didn't help either.

Before Moody could reword his question, Dumbledore answered in my place. "Professor Dovahkiin was conducting his nightly patrol, when he came upon, what he thought, was a pet rat. When Professor Dovahkiin attempted to secure the rat, it transformed into Peter Pettigrew. With his wand already in hand, Professor Dovahkiin had no difficulty in capturing him."

My face remains neutral through Dumbledore's fabrication. I won't expose his lie, but I fully intend to ask him why he blatantly fabricated a story about how I captured Pettigrew. Is he trying to hide the fact there is a map that displays the location of everyone in Hogwarts? I can see how Dumbledore wouldn't want any Death Eaters getting their hands on that.

Auror Dawlish, I think, looked between Dumbledore and myself, before asking me, "Is that so?"

I give the man a small shrug of my shoulders before answering. "It's not that impressive. Few would be able to escape when a wand is already drawn on them."

Dumbledore stepped forward and began speaking with the three Aurors before they could continue my questioning. Tonks looked like she was trying to pay attention to what was being said, but she kept stealing glances of me.

I was trying to think of a good ice-breaker when Snape swiftly entered the office. Clutched in his hand was a small crystal phial, filled with a water-like substance.

With a resolved tone, Dumbledore declared. "Now, we may begin."