
Back inside of the building, Hiroto and the group were still arguing with Katsura. Throughout the rest of the building, men dressed in a black uniform with yellow lining were rushing around, subduing members of the terrorist faction.

As they arrived in front of a door, they kicked it down and entered. "You're under arrest!" Their leader, Hijikata, shouted. "Come quietly, you terrorist scum!"

The people in the room reacted, "I-It's the Shinsengumi!"

Katsura quickly shouted, "Run away!"

"Kill them all!" Hijikata shouted, causing all of the members of the Shinsengumi to rush forward and engage the terrorists.

Gin, Hiroto, Shinpachi, and Kagura followed by Katsura rushed out of the room kicking the door down as the others were fighting behind them.

"Why did you drag us into this? *sigh* Look at the mess you've caused now, Zura." Hiroto said, exasperatedly.

"It's not Zura, It's Katsura!" Katsura shouted.

"Wh-Wh-Who are those people?!" Shinpachi shouted.

"They're the Shinsengumi, the Armed Police." Katsura replied, "An elite anti-terrorist squad they send in to wipe out rebel elements!"

Katsura ran forward next to Hiroto and said, "Hey, those guys are really annoying. So, what should we do then, boss?"

Hiroto shoved Katsura's face away towards Gin and said, "Who's your damn leader?! I told you I don't want any part in this!"

Before Katsura shoved into Gin, Gin grabbed Katsura's face and shoved it back towards Hiroto, "I don't want to be the leader! Don't push him off towards me! You're the oldest, so take responsibility!"

Hiroto grabbed Katsura's face and pushed it back towards Gin, "You know the old saying, we should pave way for the younger generation to have a chance to shine!"

"Ah! Stop pushing me around!" Zura yel- "It's not Zura! It's Katsura!"

"Zura, if you need a boss, I'm your man!" Kagura said, running next to Katsura. " "Whether you're doing something good or bad, be the boss." That's my motto!"

"You shut up!" Gin shouted. "Your mottos sound like something out of the mouth of a feudal warlord!"

"Well, she is part of a warring clan technically," Shinpachi added.

"Hey!" A voice came from behind, catching Gin's attention as he turned, only to find a sword stabbing directly towards his face.

Dropping to the ground, Gin dodged the strike as it stuck into the wall.

"There's no need to run. It's a nice fight." Hijikata said, looking towards Gin on the ground. "Let's have some fun."

"Hey, are you really a public official?" Gin said, "I'm surprised you passed the interview."

"Hey, we should report him to the police. He's trying to stab you." Hiroto said, watching the two.

"Idiot, I am the police," Hijikata said, taking his sword out of the wall and stabbing towards Gin on the ground, who rolled away and got up next to Hiroto.

Hiroto pat Gin's shoulder and said, "Man, you're getting sloppy these days, you know? Look at you rolling on the ground."

"I'm not getting sloppy, I was practicing my breakdancing for the next breakdancing competition extravaganza." Gin replied, with his wooden sword in hand.

"Stop lying!" Hijikata yelled, running and stabbing towards Gin, who sidestepped the attack.

Hijikata gave a sly grin, twisting his wrist, pointing the blade towards Gin's body and slashing towards him. Gin reacted quickly and jumped away, only letting a piece of cloth get cut.

Hiroto stood a distance away from Gin and rubbed his chin, saying, "Hmm, nice dodge. Sadly, you fell for the feint, -20 points to Gryffindor."

"What, Gryffindor?!" Gin shouted, "I'd rather be Slytherin!"

Hijikata saw the slash on Gin's shirt and said, "You're pretty good. Most people can't keep up with this transition."

Hiroto patted Gin's shoulder and said, "See, at least the Hufflepuff guy over there praised you."

"Who's a Hufflepuff guy! I consider myself Slytherin!" Hijikata shouted.

Shinpachi peaked from around the corner and said, "Why are they talking about the houses from Harry Potter?"

"That's dangerous. What would you do if you really hit me?" Gin said, rubbing the spot where his shirt was cut.

"You idiot! I'm trying to hit you!" Hijikata shouted, and then pointed towards Hiroto and said, "And what's the deal with this guy? Why aren't you trying to help your friend?"

Hiroto yawned and said, "Ehhh, why should I? It's not really fun to bully other people."

"Huh? You think you can beat me? Hahaha, that's rich. You don't even have a weapon." Hijikata laughed, pointing his sword towards the empty scabbard attached to Hiroto's waist.

Hiroto shrugged and said, "So? I'm a man who advocates peace. Why should we fight when we can just settle this peacefully over a place of french fries?"

"Idiot! You won't be eating french fries when I put you behind bars!" Hijikata shouted, and rushed towards Hiroto.

Hiroto grabbed Gin's shoulder and shouted, "Gintoki! I choose you!" Throwing him towards Hijikata.

"Ah! You ass!" Gin yelled out, blocking Hijikata's strike, locking their swords.

Gin and Hijikata scowled at each other, as they tried to overpower each other with their swords locked in place.

"Mr. Hijikata, watch out!" A young man of around 18 years of age walked up with a rocket launcher on his shoulder and shot it towards the two, launching a rocket towards Gin and Hijikata.

"Ah!/Gah!" Gin and Hijikata reacted, dodging the rocket as it flew past the two and exploded to their side.


The explosion knocked the two away from each other, letting Gin run away. As the smoke cleared, the young man with the rocket launcher walked up.

"You alive, Mr. Hijikata?" The young man, Sogo, asked.

"Moron, you coulda killed me!" Hijikata shouted as he sat upon the ground, pushing pieces of rubble off his uniform.

"Tsk, I missed," Sogo said, turning to the side.

A hand patted Sogo's shoulder, "Don't worry, there's always next time."

"What do you mean miss?! Hey! Look at me! Wait… Why are you still here?!" Hijikata yelled, waving his sword towards Hiroto who was encouraging Sogo.

"Hm? What do you mean? I'm allowed to be where I want to be. I already told you, I'm a man who advocates peace. Besides, It's not like I'm in this place because I want to be." Hiroto shrugged nonchalantly.

"Oi! Arrest him!" Hijikata shouted towards Sogo, who reacted and reached for Hiroto.

Hiroto nimbly dodged and said, "Wait now, I already told you that I had no part in all of this."

"Why should I believe you? You could be lying for all I know. Especially since we saw you running away with Katsura before." Hijikata said, raising the point of his blade towards Hiroto. The other members of the Shinsengumi surrounded Hiroto from all sides and pointed their blades towards him.

Hiroto raised his hands and said, "Hey now, I was coerced to come here, alright? Zura sent this guy to crash into the building below us and manipulated my guys to go deliver a parcel which turned out to be a bomb. Not our fault."

"Tsk, no use lying to us," Hijikata said. "Give up willingly, or we'll force you down."

Hiroto sighed and lowered his head. "Man, why can't I just relax at home. Maybe I should get married and settle down already."

"Get him!" Hijikata shouted, causing the other members of the Shinsengumi to converge onto Hiroto. Turning to Sogo, he said, "They're trapped inside that room there, barring themselves inside."

Hijikata pointed towards a door that was broken open but had various pieces of furniture blocking it.

"Hmm, you're right. It's gonna be quite hard to get them to come out." Hiroto's voice came from behind Hijikata.

"What?! Why are you still here?! Men!" Hijikata shouted, looking behind him only to see his men panting and covered with sweat.

*huff puff* "W-We can't hit him… H-He's too fast." One of the men said.

"What? Fine, I'll deal with you myself." Hijikata said, swinging the sword towards Hiroto. Hiroto easily sidestepped the attack, when Hijikata performed the same move from earlier, twisting the blade towards Hiroto.

"It's bad to use the same moves in a row, you know?" Hiroto said, closing in on Hijikata and tripping him.


"You! Stand still!" Hijikata shouted, getting back up.

"Are you an idiot? Why would I do as you say?" Hiroto taunted.

"Ah! Get him!" Hijikata shouted to the others, who ran towards Hiroto.


"AHHHH!" The cries of Gin, Shinpachi, and Kagura came as they kicked down the barricade to their room and rushed out.

"Wh-What are you doing?! Stop them!" Hijikata reacted and shouted.

"If you want to stop something, then stop this bomb, please!" Gin cried out with his puffy white hair from the explosion, holding a ball with the number 00:49 and ticking down. "You have a bomb squad, don't you?!"

"Aghhh!!" The members of the Shinsengumi cried out and started to run away from the bomb.

"Oi! Hiro! Take it! You can do anything, right?! Take the bomb!" Gin shouted towards Hiroto who was riding on Hijikata's shoulder and forcing him to run forward.

"Hell no! I don't want anything to do with a bomb! You crazy?! Deal with that yourself!" Hiroto shouted as Hijikata tried to slash at Hiroto who was on his shoulders.

"Get down, dammit!" Hijikata shouted as he ran away from the bomb.

"Nah, I'm quite comfortable up here. Now, less talking and more running!" Hiroto shouted, pointing forward.

"Wait! Hold on! Take the bomb!" Gin shouted, looking at the timer and screaming. "Ahhh! Only 10 seconds left!"

"Gin! The window, the window!" Shinpachi shouted, pointing to the windows at the end of the long hallway.

"Impossible! It's too far! We're dead!" Gin shouted.

"Gin, bite down on something," Kagura said, gripping her paracel tightly. "Oraaaa!"


"AHHHHH!!" Gin cried out, as Kagura smacked him across the face with the paracel, sending him forward and out of the window.

As gin was falling, he turned around in the air and threw the bomb high up into the sky.

2...1… *BOOM*

The bomb blew up in the sky harmlessly, without it having damaged anything.

On a separate rooftop, Katsura watched Gin hanging onto a banner on the side of the building. Quietly saying, "Live life beautifully, huh? Ha. What's so beautiful about that."

Katsura turned around and saw Hiroto standing in front of him. "Hiroto…" Katsura mumbled.

"Katsura… I won't tell you you should stop this. But you should know better than to try and involve me." Hiroto said with his arms crossed.

"I know." Katsura said looking away, "... But you're the only one out of all of us who can actually make a change. Why… Why won't you stand with us?" Katsura stared back into Hiroto's red eyes.

Hiroto stared back for a moment, and said, "You know why. Do you think I'll let him carry that burden alone? As I said, I won't stop you. Just don't go overboard." Hiroto then turned and walked away.

"Wait! Have you… have you seen Takasugi?" Katsura asked.

Hiroto paused for a moment and shrugged. "Who knows." And then walking away, leaving Katsura on the rooftop. He watched Hiroto jump off the building.

"You talk about burdens… Yet, you're carrying the heaviest one of all." Katsura whispered, before boarding the ship and flying off.