What happened before:
Ruby glared goodnaturedly. "Lets go to lunch."
Ruby caught sight of Dumbledore's unnerving stare as she entered the Great Hall.
"Is it me, or does Dumbledore look like he wants to talk to me?" Ruby frowned as they sat.
"It could just be the blibbering humdingers." Luna offered.
Joyce spoke up. "He probably wants to talk to you about the prophecy you made this morning."
"The one in the Great Hall, or Potions?"
"Maybe both?" Adrian guessed.
Luna grabbed the bowl of pudding. "Oh, yum." she hummed.
"I don't trust him." Ruby bit her lip.
Adrian snapped his fingers in remembrance. "You could ask Professor Flitwick to be present if he calls you to his office. As a minor, you have the full legal right to request your magical guardian, which would be your head-of-house."
"Live saver." Ruby dramatically declared.
"Where?" Luna looked around wildly.
Ruby was confused. "What?"
Luna jumped right back in. "Why!" she giggled.
Joyce took pity. "A lifesaver is a muggle candy. Luna, you're a pureblood though. How did you know it was a type of candy?"
"Joy, we both live near muggle villages." Luna pointed out as if it was obvious, not seeming to notice how creepy it sounded that she knew where Joyce lived.
"Hey, aren't you a Hufflepuff?" one of the nearest Ravenclaws asked with a puzzled frown.
"And I'm at the Ravenclaw table." Joyce finished with a wince. "I knew I was forgetting something."
Joyce headed to the Hufflepuff table, sitting down next to a boy who looked like the male version of Joyce.
Ruby remembered Professor McGonagall had called for a 'Blackburn, Jason,' who the hat sorted into Hufflepuff.
Ruby was fairly certain he was Joyce's twin and resolved to ask her later.
"Miss Ravenwing," Dumbledore's voice rumbled through the hall. "Would you join us at the staff table?"
Luna serenely ate another bite of pudding while Adrian, Joyce, and Ruby exchanged significant looks.
"Yes, Headmaster?" Ruby asked with a sarcastic "you called?" implied.
For some reason, the headmaster's overbearing and condescending attitude was driving her batty, that and his apparent need to withhold information.
Ruby was pleased to note a slight frown mar his brow, before disappearing in a flash.
She was displeased to note his annoying 'twinkle.'
"I'm afraid I have an important matter to discuss with you, my dear. I would like it if you'd meet me at my office after your last class today. Fawkes will lead you there."
Ruby spontaneously decided he was going to have pain getting her to mindlessly obey.
If she'd learned anything during her time at the orphanage, it was to trust her gut, and right now it was telling her to not let up one inch.
Ruby raised an eyebrow. "Pardon my impertinence, Headmaster, but there are some things about what you last said that worry me. Aren't you the most powerful wizard alive or something? If this is something so great as to worry you, should it not be told right now?"
Dumbledore twinkled condescendingly. "Merely a manner of speech, my dear."
"Miss Ravenwing." she sternly reminded him. "Also, who's Fox? I am a muggleborn and a first-year on her first day, and I can say with confidence that I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Fawkes is the name of my familiar. He is a phoenix."
"That's nice." Ruby waved it away. "Alright, Headmaster, I'll meet with you, on one condition."
"What's that?" Dumbledore asked when she didn't continue.
"I request the presence of my head-of-house, Professor Flitwick. If, however, he is not available during the time you have proposed, we shall have to reschedule."
"Now, my dear, that's not necessary," Dumbledore sputtered.
"Maybe not, Headmaster, but as a minor, it is my legal right to have my magical guardian present."
"You can't," Dumbledore began, only to be cut off.
"Headmaster Dumbledore, on my Hogwarts letter it says you are "Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards. Is that correct?"
"Yes." the startled wizard confirmed.
"Then you are familiar with the law?"
"Yes, but you must understand the wizarding law is very different from the muggle law system, my dear."
"Indeed it is." Ruby maturely agreed. "Since I am in my first year, would you tell me the portion I missed where it stated that my proposal can be overruled?"
"My dear, you should not put words in my mouth." Dumbledore rebuked, changing tactics before it got out of hand. "I would be delighted to meet you and Professor Flitwick in my office after Defence."
Ruby had one last 'punch.' "Would that time be acceptable to you, Professor?" She asked, turning to Flitwick. "We can reschedule if you'd like."
Flitwick's eyes sparkled with mirth. "I am free then, thank you Miss Ravenwing."
"Permission to leave?" Ruby asked, offering him the small bit of dignity to dismiss her.
"Go ahead, my dear." Dumbledore smiled.