[Wanted] Status

It was time to test out the power of an S rank demonic summon.

"Love whip!"

A sexy black whip appeared in the air in front of me. It had a cylindric shaped handle at the base designed for holding, and a long thin whip attached to the base.

I dramatically pointed my index finger towards the four players in the clearing, then vocalized a command.


Actually, I didn't actually have to say that out loud. Evelyn's tea was still clouding my judgement.

The whip moved forward indecisively and lashed at Troy, missing.

Wait. How does a whip move indecisively?

I had a feeling that the whip was inexperienced.

How can a whip be inexperienced? Maybe it was my control over the whip that was not great.

This was too much thinking for my half delirious brain.

"What kind of ability is this?"

Troy was getting besieged by a floating whip. The whip moved haphazardly through the air, as if it was being brandished by a drunk dominatrix.


The whip connected with Troy, leaving a blackened bruised across his chest. It wasn't very accurate, but the one hit it landed dealt nearly half of his health.

As a warrior class with high physical resistances, this was the first time his health ever dropped in such a large chunk. The pain itself nearly sent him into shock.

"I'll heal you~"

Euphemia lifted her staff and casted heal. Troy's health was partially restored.

It was obvious to the party they needed to attack the owner instead of the whip itself. The archer Dean knocked an arrow and drew his bow.

"Twin missiles!"

Dean let loose an arrow, then reloaded at lightning speed and shot another one at me. The arrows sped towards me in quick succession.

Aren't arrows just thin tree branches?

"Dimension rift."

I lifted my left hand, intercepting the flight pattern of the arrow. The rift swallowed the arrow whole, as if it never existed.

Mana: 365/376

I wasn't fast enough to block the second.

Thunk. The second arrow hit me in the shoulder.

HP: 215/231

Arrows hurt a lot.

Haerim ran towards me.

I directed the whip to return to me so it could defend.

Haerim jumped several feet in the air, like Cristiano Ronaldo hitting a header. It was extremely athletic, but she wasn't even close to me. It seemed like a complete mistake.

Just before she landed, she casted an ability.

"Double jump!"

Haerim launched herself again before her feet touched the ground, this time to an inhuman height. This had to be her unique skill. She flipped in mid air out of necessity, and raised her katana.

A guided missile in the shape of a female assassin was headed straight towards me. Her [Double Jump] launched her slim body into the air so fast and high that her downwards acceleration was deadly.

I had one more trick up my sleeve though.

"Love whip, restrain."

My whip launched towards Haerim and wrapped itself around her body tightly. Her katana dropped onto the ground as she levitated helplessly in the air, her body completely bound by my love whip.



She moaned softly, color flooding into her cheeks.

"Get it off of me…"

Euphemia blushed as she saw her teammate's tied up state.

Another arrow shot towards me from Dean's bow. With lightning fast reflexes and a flick of my wrist, the arrow was absorbed by the rift coming from my left hand. Dean's eyes furrowed into a frown as he tried to process what just happened.

"What kind of cheat character are you? How do you block my arrows? Is that your unique ability?"

"I thought your unique ability was summon cat! What kind of black magic is this?"

I laughed.

"I'm just a thief with quick hands."

I motioned for love whip to bring Haerim to me. Wiggling in the air, she floated towards me helplessly as she struggled against the ever tightening whip wrapped around her body.

Her loosely fit samurai clothing were transforming into a form hugging dress due to the tightness of the ropes binding her.

"Pervert! Molester!"

Tears were in her eyes and a hot flush filled her face.

I put my hand on her shoulder.

"No hard feelings, Haerim."

"Where are you touching, you molester!"


[-7 health]

[670 damage]

Critical Hit!

Haerim fell to the ground, her samurai clothes fluttering in the wind.

You have killed [Haerim]

You have earned 70 silver.

Your PK status has risen. You are more likely to drop items upon death.

Your notoriety in the surrounding area has increased.

I grabbed the whip's handle and advanced towards the remaining three.

[-12 health]

[-13 health]

It was impossible to dodge or block every arrow with dimension rift. My health was at roughly 70%.


I aimed at the healer standing far in the back. The familiar crack of lightning exploded from my palm, striking Euphemia.

[50 damage]


Despite her dramatic expression, Euphemia didn't take too much damage. Her magic resistance was high, and from this range the damage was significantly lower. Maybe it was better if I targeted the archer first.

I shot consecutive thunderbolts off cooldown at Dean, while sprinting to close the distance, ducking and weaving past as many arrows as I could.

Eventually I broke through, and landed a point blank thunderbolt on his body.


The recoil damage was starting to add up. I needed to be more sparing with my thunderbolt usage.

You have killed [Dean]

You have earned 70 silver.

Your PK status has risen. You are more likely to drop items upon death.

Your notoriety in the surrounding area has increased.

Another down, two to go. Their warrior rushed to the archer's defense too late, but was within melee range of me. At this distance, I needed to stand my ground.

Troy slashed at me, cutting deep into my chest.

[-71 health]

Health: 127/231

Due to your low vitality, you have been staggered.

Gripping the handle of my whip as hard as I could, I lashed at Troy.

[137 damage]

Troy grunted in pain. This was the power of an S tier skill.

He returned the blow, connecting with my side. His sword was faster than I expected, and my inexperience in fighting against a sword's range showed.

[-75 health]

Health: 52/231

I swung again.

[136 damage]

His health was in the red. Just one more hit!

Troy's health increased back to 40% from Euphemia's heals.

Fucking heals…

Troy lifted his sword. One more hit from his sword would kill me. I had to stop him.


The whip shot from my hand and snaked around Troy's arms and legs and bound him. Interestingly, the bind pattern was completely different for him than it was for Haerim. Troy was bound like a prisoner, while Haerim's binding was much more compromising.

Without wasting a second, I grabbed his head and began casting my only mage spell.


[-6 health]

[320 damage]

You have killed [Troy].

You have earned 62 silver.

Your PK status has risen. You are more likely to drop items upon death.

Your notoriety in the surrounding area has increased.

"Master is so strong~"

Meat Shield cheered me on from the shade of a big tree. It wasn't surprising that she was now siding with the winner.

Euphemia pointed her staff at me, trembling.

"I won't let you get away, animal abuser!"

I approached her with love whip in hand.

"Listen, I really don't benefit from killing you. Since you guys were honorable and let me move to this clearing, I'll return the favor and let you live."

Euphemia pouted. She was quite pretty in her white and blue healer outfit.

"I know you're lying. You're thinking of all the different ways you can v-violate me!"

"It's just a misunderstanding. I'm leaving."

Honestly, I didn't get much pleasure out of playing the bad guy role. At least not when it involved bullying pretty girls. I started walking away.



[-14 health].

Euphemia whacked me in the back of my head with her staff.

"Animal abuser!"


[-14 health]

Health: 18/236

Shit. Not good.

My physical defense is really low. Even a healer could deal significant damage to me with physical attacks!


My love whip coiled around Euphemia's body, wrapping around her breasts and stomach in an embarrassing fashion, leaving her wrists tied together behind her head.


Euphemia's eyelids looked heavy as she softly panted.

This [Restrain] ability was really something else against the opposite sex.

Maybe if I play up the bad guy part more, these guys won't bother me again.

"Love whip, tighten."


Sweat rolled down Euphemia's body and she unconsciously adjusted her body a little. The look on her face was slowly changing from a painful one into a teary, lustful expression.

My intention was to torture her. This wasn't quite the effect I was looking for, but I decided to go with it anyway.

I walked closer to her and lifted her chin, trying to play the part of an intimidating gangster.

"Listen, if you know what's best for you, tell your friends never to come after me again."


"Wait, I need to tell you something first."

Her voice got extremely quiet.

"Tell me what?"

"I have to whisper it… give me your ear…"

I leaned in and lent her my ear. Euphemia mumbled something so quietly I could barely hear. I leaned in a bit more.

An unfamiliar sensation shot through my body. Euphemia licked the inside of my ear lustfully, and the soft wet sensation in addition to the sound startled me.

In my shock, I released the grip on [Restrain] and Euphemia fell on the ground, right on top of me. Laying on me with her hands at the back of my head pulling me closer to her, she continued to lustfully explore the inside of my ear with her tongue.

Her soft, squishy body pressed down against mine. At this point even I was compromised. She was whispering softly directly into my ear.

"Tie me up again please… it felt so good…"