The Battle of Mountain


I killed it with one lash.

The archer goblin was still on the rooftop. There was no way I could reach it without a mobility spell. For example, I could easily reach the rooftop if I had Haerim's [Double Jump].

I stylishly blocked another wooden arrow with dimension rift. Singular arrows fired with a shoddy bow were too easy for me to manage.

"Love whip, attack."

My whip left my hand and flew up to the rooftop. The goblin's eyes were wide open in fear as the whip lashed at it twice, breaking its bones and killing it.

Between the merchant stalls, a blonde level 95 knight was completely surrounded by a mob of goblins. With each swing of his greatsword, a goblin was cut in half or seriously injured. The NPC knight's name was [Eric]. I raised my whip and joined in with Eric, engaging the goblins on his left.

Meat Shield appeared from a portal above one of the goblin's heads and scratched at it. It was good that she could pick up some experience as well. I wanted my pet to be strong, even if it was a useless cat and not a griffon.

"Thank you comrade," Eric acknowledged me between swings as I killed another goblin.

"We'll kick these goblins out of town," I responded.

Eric and I formed a whirlwind of goblin death, fighting our way through the city and leaving behind dozens of goblin corpses.

You have leveled up.

The goblins didn't give as much experience as they did before, but the sheer rate at which I was killing them meant I was gaining levels.


A farmer was on the ground with his back against a wall. On top of him stood a goblin baring its ugly teeth. It raised its spear, ready to impale the old farmer.



I shook off the recoil and watched the bolt connect right into the goblin's back, killing it instantly.

"Thank you, Spoon."

I offered the farmer my hand and pulled him up.

"We'll get through this together. Stay safe."

An unfamiliar horn sounded from the bridge.

"We've got trouble! It's orcs!"

World Event has been updated.

World Event The Battle of Mountain

Objective Goblins and orcs have formed a monster coalition, and are besieging the fortress city of Mountain. Defend the ancient city from the marauding monsters.

Difficulty ??

Rewards ??

Punishment for failure The city of Mountain is taken by goblins. All inhabitants will be killed or enslaved. The ancient city will become a monster breeding base, and humanity will lose a significant territory.

A horde of orcs were entering the city from the bridge. Eric grabbed my shoulder, his face completely different than it was just a moment ago. I could tell just from his face that orcs were a different caliber of monster.

"We have to retreat to the inner city walls. There's no way to hold them here. We'll have archer support from the inner walls. Follow me!"

I nodded and followed Eric through the carnage. Goblins fell like wheat at the hand of a farmer's scythe as we advanced. After I struck down my 40th or so goblin, I received another level up notification.

You have leveled up.

Level 20. It had a good ring to it.


Orcs were a completely different beast than goblins. What goblins lacked in physicality, they made up for in numbers. Orcs did not lack in physicality. Their massive muscles and intimidating stature made them formidable opponents. The orcs varied in size, and the larger ones were at least seven feet tall.

They completely changed the tide of battle, swatting away lower level users like garbage and bulldozing through the defensive formation of the city's level 80 guards.

"I'm level 15 now~"

Meat Shield was also growing at a healthy pace. I noticed that her claw attacks were dealing significantly more damage than before.

"Good work, keep it up."

Eric was a goblin slaying machine. His mithril greatsword cleaved goblins apart as easily as if he was slicing up a turkey roast. Even a blow from the broad side of his greatsword was devestating, crushing the bones of goblins.

I simply followed his train and tried to last hit as many goblins as possible to increase my experience. It was a scummy move, but in the end he was still an NPC and my consciousness didn't feel particularly bad about it.

We finally managed to reach the inner gate, with the orcs behind us and closing in by the minute.

"Lord Eric!"

One of the archers stationed on the wall called down to Eric. The archer and several beside him had the same lion symbol emblazoned on their uniform as Eric did on his chestplate. It seemed that Eric was a noble, and this was his family's military unit.

"Ethan, give us firing support. Tell the healers to stay on me."

He motioned towards me with his sword.

"And my friend here too. Keep him topped off."

The archer named Ethan nodded and relayed the orders to several people behind him. I noticed a soft glow coming from my body, and my hp was slowly being restored by Eric's healers. I turned and faced the carnage. Unarmed merchants, residents, and low level players that managed to make their way to the inner gate sought refuge in the inner city. In front of me I saw a blacksmith NPC with a massive hammer smash through a goblin.

A few yards to the left of the blacksmith, six players and three NPC guards were engaged in combat with a single orc, one of the first orcs that made it this far. The orc had two single handed battle axes in his hands. Several goblins jumped from the roof and engaged the players.

"Die, orc!"

A guard swung his polearm at the orc, gashing its shoulder. The orc yelled in pain and smashed down at the guard with his battle axe, crushing into the guard's chain mail. More orcs were arriving.

"I'm going on ahead."

"Godspeed, sir Spoon."

"Love whip."

The sultry black whip appeared in my hand obediently, and I lashed at an orc.


[63 damage]

Its physical resistances were high! The orc punched me with its brass knuckles.

[-170 health]

Due to your low vitality, you have been staggered.


A single punch did more than half my health. In a panic, I backed off and waited for my health to be restored a bit more. But the orc did not give me the space I needed, and started approaching.


The whip wrapped itself around the orc, who looked bewildered at what was happening to it. It struggled against the whip, and managed to free its right arm. I shot my hand out and grabbed his left arm.