Deep Cleansing Luxury Bath and Cosmetics

Rosalia looked at me with a glowing face. "What was that ability?"

"Shadow," I responded while turning on and off dimension ripper, which now transformed the lower half of my arm into a rift almost like an invisible gauntlet. "A mobility spell for my class I got from the dimension shop."

Rosalia looked pensive. "You turn into a floating mist when you use it. Kind of reminds me of cleaning spray."

I laughed. "Cleaning spray, really? You know I prefer a more glamorous comparison… Although I can kind of see the resemblance."


Rosalia put a hand to her stomach, a noticeable grumble coming from within her body.

"Oops, hehe…"

"You hungry?" I asked her, to which she nodded in response. I was also getting hungry, since it was a while since we last ate. "Let's go secure some food."

Before heading out, I opened the dimension shop just to check if there was any food that I missed. Nope, there wasn't a section for that. Although... we did need a bathroom here, and a storage room for all the loot I had, which was nearing my carrying capacity. I had a strange feeling that I was getting scammed into buying things by a captivating catalogue pamphlet.

Would you like to purchase Storage Room for 100 souls?


A sliding door appeared in one of the sides of the dimension room.

Would you like to purchase Basic Bathroom for 50 souls?

Actually, a good bathroom led to a good life. Maybe I could afford to splurge a little. I pressed no on the screen.

Would you like to purchase Luxury Bath Suite for 200 souls?


Another door appeared in the dimension room. I snickered internally.

"Come take a look, Rosalia," I said to her. "I just got the Luxury Bath Suite upgrade for the dimension room."

She let out a bouncing laugh at the absurdity of what I just said, given our current situation. "Let me see!" Rosalia chimed enthusiastically.

We raced to the new door that appeared and opened it, revealing what could only be fittingly called heaven on earth. The marble adorned room with high ceilings and expansive width felt steamy the moment I walked in, with hot water pouring from a statue of a naked girl standing with her legs together at the knees and one leg hovered slightly above the floor, holding a vase above her that was the source of the gushing steamy water. On the other end of the bath, a statue of a naked guy with his torso twisted in a thrusting motion had a spear in his hand as he skewered a giant oblong shaped squid-like creature.

The bath itself was the size of several king sized beds, and the water was the perfect temperature and waist and chest deep, ideal for relaxation and unwinding. Incomprehensible runes and glyphs lined the side of the bath. A waterfall rushed down from a sloped indent on the wall, which I guess was supposed to be a glamorous version of a sink. Clean white towels were hung from a bar near the sink, and a wicker laundry basket sat neatly beside them.

"Oh my god," Rosalia exclaimed upon seeing the splendor. I was also blown away–this was a steal for just two hundred souls. If I earned enough souls to upgrade the dimension room further, I could create such a luxury living experience. This was amazing.

"You wanna go first?" I asked her. We were both grimy from the battle with the dwarves.

I turned around to talk to her, just to discover that Rosalia was already taking off her top, slipping off her white cleric robes and revealing her slender figure. The black star on her left breast was particularly mesmerizing as it jiggled while she shook her top off. Her white priestess robe top fell to the ground, revealing a full sleeve tattoo and three lines of words directly above her hip bone that said–

Quand il me prend dans ses bras

Il me parle tout bas,

Je vois la vie en rose.

"We can bathe at the same time," she replied while continuing to undress, her blonde hair shimmering by her shoulders. She wasn't wearing any undergarments under her clerical robes, and so her bare breasts were at full display showcasing their shapely natural beauty. "It'll save time, and I don't particularly mind." She dropped her top into the wicker wooden weaved laundry basket, which began to shake with some sort of magical force. Within a few seconds, her priestess robe top reappeared on a table nearby, neatly folded and freshly laundered.

I definitely was not regretting this purchase. It even had magical laundry functionality!

"If you really don't mind, sure we can bathe at the same time," I answered. Although I was a bit apprehensive, I wasn't going to turn down the chance to take a bath with a beautiful blonde goddess like Rosalia. Having a busty girl like her to accompany me was quite possibly one of the only ways that such a luxurious bathing experience could ever be enhanced.

With a clank, I awkwardly took off my armor and placed it in the laundry basket, as it reappeared on the table nearby almost instantaneous, polished to a sheen. Actually at this point, I probably didn't benefit from using the iron full plate body armor anymore, since the penalty to mobility was not worth the marginal benefit anymore now that I added [Golemancer] and [Major Bloodbath]'s plus 50 defensive stats to my arsenal.

Actually, maybe that was wrong. I did notice that stats didn't directly translate into power in this game. A +80 piece of armor still gave more protection than unarmored +100 defensive stats simply because armor was still, well, armor. But for now, the clunkiness was definitely holding back my potential, so I decided to side line it and use it sparingly. After all, I was a thief class, and heavy armor didn't suit my aesthetic.

Speaking of aesthetics…

Rosalia, now fully nude, dipped her leg into the bath before entering fully. "Aaaaaahhhh, it's so nice~" she said, swishing the hot bubbling as she stretched and made an ultra satisfied face.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist, then set it to the side as I entered the water near Rosalia. The lava stone heated water and the slight, soft bubbling as steam rose from the bath was just absolutely divine. "Definitely… worth… it…"

"Hey Spoon," Rosalia said while slowly swishing her way closer to me. "You should try using the cosmetic shop~"

"Oh?" I replied. I knew of its existence, but didn't bother to use it because I had no real reason to.

"Yeah, it has all sorts of options to make you look cooler," Rosalia continued. "See this sticker?" She cupped her breasts with her hands and brought them up, so the black star that I had noticed many times already was even more shoved in my field of view, and water dripped down her body.

I felt my member begin to stand up as Rosalia's ongoing assault of visual stimulation was too much.

"I think you'd look a lot better with some cosmetics," Rosalia said while making a rectangle with her pointer finger and thumb on both hands that she looked through with one eye. "There are soooo many good options, but I think the most important part is that the base material has to be good for any of the options to look good. You have a nice face and plus you're really tall, so your base material is pretty on point~"

I laughed. "Thanks, I know. You're not lacking in base material yourself," I said, scanning down her body. "Definitely not lacking."

Rosalia laughed. "See, the star sticker tattoo really accentuates my boobs. If I wanted to, I could even do this~" Rosalia stuck her tongue out to the side and started tapping in front of her, then made a dragging motion with her finger. The star tattoo began to move lower and to the right, until her nipple was surrounded by a black star shaped outline.

I felt like I was going to get a nosebleed at the sight. "Rosalia, this is too much visual stimulation…"

Rosalia giggled. "It's all virtual anway~ Why not have fun with your appearance~"

She was right about that. I should have some fun with my appearance as well.

[Open main menu.]

I located an icon in part of the menu that I never accessed until now. It was a smiling cartoon bear with a tennis racket and hat on.

[Would you like to access the Cosmetic Shop?]


Welcome to Eclipse Online's cutting edge Cosmetic Shop~

Jesus. This shop made even that game I played in my childhood, Maple Story's glitzy cosmetic shop pale in comparison. The amount of visual assault in the form of shimmery apparel and cosmetics ranging from makeup to outfits to masks to non-human features like bunny ears that moved naturally while you talked was overwhelming.

A few of the selections really interested me. There was a wide variety of masks for sale, from hahoe masks to teddy bear face masks to a giant white bunny head. They could come in pretty handy when staying incognito was necessary, or when you wanted to mess with your friends.

I also noticed that some of the selections were race locked. As of right now, the only selections available to me were Human and Orc. I was slightly curious what orc cosmetics looked like, but that was a task for another time.

I scrolled down the intimidating list of items before finding two items that looked pretty cool.

[Red Heart Face Sticker]

A face sticker tattoo in the shape of a slim, cursive red heart.

I liked it a lot because it was slanted and slightly wispy at the bottom, which gave the heart an artistic look.

Price: 10 silver

[Roman Numeral VI Sticker]

A body sticker tattoo depicting the roman numeral VI.

Price: 10 silver

Honestly, these items weren't expensive at all compared to some of the other items on the cosmetic shop like angel wings, which cost a whopping ten gold. I bought both of them and equipped them, the heart right on my cheek, and the roman numeral on my chest.

"Wow, you look handsome~" Rosalia exclaimed, walking closer to me. She placed a hand on my chest around the VI and ran her fingers down my body, and took her other hand to touch my cheek. "They look kind of sexy~"

That felt almost like a provocation coming from her, with her star shaped boobs jiggling back and forth right in front of me as she touched me with both hands. Well, if she was going to keep touching my chest…

I lifted my hand and placed it on her left breast, and squeezed softly. Out of all the girls I had seen both in real life and on screen, her boobs were definitely on the nicer end in both size and shape. My hand felt like it was sinking into a squishy marshmallow, and even her nipples were soft and light pink.

Rosalia covered her mouth with the tip of her fingers and looked up at me with a feigned surprised face. "What are you doing?"

"Just wanted to see if your tattoo feels as good as it looks," I replied with a smirk. "Maybe I'll see how it tastes too."

Rosalia ran her fingers further down my body until her slender hand met my member. She wrapped her slim fingers around it and tugged lightly.

"I'm hungry," she said while holding in a smile. "Shall we go get dinner?" She continued to tug on me as she spoke.

"We can, but what are you doing right now?"

"Oh, I'm just washing you," She replied, giggling. "Have to make sure you're nice and clean before we head out."

Rosalia sank down and cleaned me thoroughly with her mouth, making sure to scrub every spot rigorously with her tongue, before we decided to head out.


We finally reached the shore after dimension room hopping several times to make sure we didn't hit the ground at terminal velocity. We landed in a beach shoreline that wouldn't look out of place on a tropical vacation magazine's front cover. But for this tropical vacation to be successful, we needed to secure a food source, and also look for my golem's core. There were a lot of bodies and rubble as well further down the shoreline, that was worth poking around at later.

"Food… hm… any ideas?" I asked Rosalia.

She pointed at the ocean. "We can go spear fishing! Like that statue in the hot tub from earlier~"

"Not a bad idea," I responded.

Rosalia cut down a tree branch and started sharpening it with my iron longsword, and I summoned my Adamantite Poleaxe to try my luck at fishing. The turquoise waters were crystal clear, as a variety of tropical fish swam around, even darting between my legs. Some of these fish were definitely fantasy based, while others had real life versions.


I thrusted my poleaxe into the water, which had a spike at the top like a spear point. The fish scattered right before I could get one. I waddled over to another spot, and tried my luck again.

Rosalia tied her white robes up above her knees like a short dress, so her robes wouldn't get wet in the water. Thank god that we didn't even need to worry about our clothes getting dirty, because the Luxury Bath Suite had a magical laundry functionality. I made many regretful purchases in the past, but this was not one of them.


Again, a narrow miss on a small fish. I wasn't used to weilding a poleaxe, and the adamantite material made it heavy as a rock, although the additional strength helped me wield it reasonably well.

"Oh, I got one!" Rosalia exclaimed excitedly, holding up her makeshift spear to show off a medium sized fish wriggling on the pole. "Spoon, look at it!"

"Nice catch!" I shouted. We weren't going to starve to death at least, since fish were plentiful in the area here. As I waddled over to her to examine her catch, something in the water caught my eye.

A fin was protruding out of the water, heading towards our direction. It was definitely not a shark, because instead of a single smooth baby blue colored fin, the fin looked more like a sail.

"Rosalia, get out of the water," I snapped. "Now."