Ángels Sent from Heaven

"Get in the Car, Kaden!" As soon as I saw the paparazzi I knew I had to go back home. "Why?"

"Unless you wanna get knocked over by the paparazzi I would say stop asking questions." Once I saw Kaden was already In the Car, I put my seatbelt on, put the car in reverse, put it in normal and sped off.

"We barely got out of the car, and there were already at least 20 paparazzi."

"That's how fame works Kaden, haven't you gotten use to it."

"Not really, but I told you we should've brought the girls."

"No one knows about my girls. Except for family." Why wouldn't he know that no one knew. I mean have you ever seen a news title

[Mira Gomez a slut? Mira Gomez 2 daughters, how did she get them?]

I would never put my darling daughters in the spotLight of such a cruel world where they would be called Bastards.

My darlings are not bastards, they are Ángels send from Heaven. God saw I was suffering and sent them to come and save me.

"Why are you crying? Pull Over." Since I was crying, I pulled over. In the streets of London I think driving while crying is dangerous.

"Why are you crying?" Kaden grabbed a tissue from a tissue box near, and dried my tears. "I don't even know. I was think about my girls, about how they were gift from god because he saw the pain I was in."

"God loves you Mira. He blessed you with 2 beautiful daughters, and a Handsome husband." I laughed, and soon I stopped crying. I thought about the bright side. God did bless me with 2 beautiful daughters and a Handsome husband. Except for the fact that, that handsome husband was Kaden. A very egoistic man who wants everything his way. While I'm just a very sassy girl that loves to read and was a victim of rape and now has the most beautiful girls in the world.

But before I knew it I was looking at Kaden again. I seemed to be opening up to him a lot, and I'm not quite sure why. The only time I had cried my heart out to a boy before was never in my life. The boys in the books don't count.

Except this time we didn't just look into each other's eyes this time, I will say I was caught off guard. Kaden grabbed me and kissed me passionately.

I tried to resist at first, but the deeper we got the more I wanted. All that yet only one thing rang through my head.

The image of Kaden naked in bed, as I watched him from afar. Hmm maybe one day it'll happen. But for now I must enjoy this kiss that god has brought upon me.

The kiss lasted at least 1 minute, when we finally let go To breathe. I was still trying to process what happened, so I got lost in Kaden's eyes. They were gray, went along well with his pitch black hair. However I was very much rare, I had beautiful red hair and to add to that I had Heterochromia. One of my eyes was blue while the other was green.

"Kaden I-"

"Shhh, you don't have to say anything. Just give it some time." Give what some time, did he really think I was gonna let him off easy for kissing me.

I was not worried at all, it seemed to be her first kiss by the way she had reacted. It was as if lightning struck when we kissed. Electricity pumped through my veins. I felt energized, and I laughed as I saw how embarrassed she was.

"Why did you have to kiss me with no warning."

"Well why did you not try to let go."

"Well I'm sorry my 90 pounds can't compare to your 150." She really knows how to lower my self esteem. She just called me fat, and here she is laughing in my face about it. Sometimes girls can be very cruel.

"Why do girls gotta be so rude."

"Next time don't stick your tongue down my throat without a warning." After I said that I started the car and we got back on the road.