Mercy he denied our father

At the Wedding,...

"In nomine Patris, Et Filii et Spiritus Santi, Amén." As the priest spoke, I held my baby girls in my hands. It was as if by the day she gets even more beautiful. "Amen." And like that they walked away hand in hand. The 2 little kids bound to be married when they get older.

"Look at my little sister, Katherine. With her sulky new husband, The Duke." I often whispered to my mother during these ceremonies. As I looked at how happy my little sister was at this moment. And as the ceremony had ended my family started heading out.

"Who would've thought such a happy ocasión would make so many people so miserable. Lord Warwick isn't even here." As my mother turned to look at all the faces in the room staring back at us.

It was almost as if they had seen a beautiful ghost and had just sat there in envy, especially Duchess Cecily, Edward's mother. "So much the better, mother." And then I turned to look at my baby girl.

Just then, Richard came, Edward's brother. I'm not gonna hide it, but Richard sure is my favorite brother, he's much kinder and mature. "Congratulations, Your Grace, on your first York Princess." And there cam Edward to my side, and also his mother.

However his mother had always favorited one brother and that brother was, George.

"She is not a boy though, so you have no heir."

"I shall have many heirs, Duchess Cecily. And the next one will be a boy." And then we heard a loud bell, coming from outside. "Edward what is that?"

That is when everyone started rushing outside, to keep my daughter safe from all the commotion I gave her to the midwife.

As we rushed outside we realized it was Lord Warwick, and? It was The former King Henry. What was Warwick doing with him, did he find out where he had been hiding.

"King Henry!" Margaret Beaufort was the first one to actually tell everyone who had been brought back to the palace. The man that killed Edward's brother and father, and put their heads on spikes.

Then Warwick started speaking, as if this was all part of his plan. "My lords. Or one time King, Henry, and now, our prisoner. He was roaming the fields of Northumberland. But I have ridden out and captured him."

"And you have brought him in!" Then In not even a second Richard turned and grabbed a sword from the solider ready to attack Henry. "Richard! No!" Everyone tried to hold Richard back, "Then let us Take vengeance for our father he murdered!"

"You will not! He is an anointed King. And how should we be any better if we in his butchery?" Then he turned to the royal court to speak to not one but all.

"He is a traitor and an Enemy to my rule! But God has brought him to us to show that my reign is just and true! We shall keep cousin Henry in a tower and show him a mercy that he denied our father. Go in God, cousin." It must've been really hard for Edward.

To face the man that killed his father. And the fact that, that man was his own flesh and blood.

Edward soon to show his happiness went and hugged seemingly the better cousin of his, Lord Warwick. "I am once again indebted by you, cousin."

"I serve you Edward as ever. Might I have a word with, your Grace."

"Of course!"

This was Warwick's big surprise. Surely he thought since he had brought the king his cousin. The king would give him anything he asked for. And what he asked for was not something small...