Sweet [Edited]

+×+-+×+-+×+-+×Adam POV×+-+×+-+×+-+×+

Hearing muffled sounds, I opened my eyes slowly, sitting up, I felt a little bit lightheaded. Slowly regaining my senses my eyes peer through my eyelashes, Staring at the screen my eyes widen. For all people to see laid a man, tied up on a chair, held at gunpoint. My eyes couldn't move away, a flash of memories seeped through me. The frightening feeling of being in the same situation loomed over me.

"Oh, You're up?"

"Hey, Are you ok?"

"Yo, Adam?"


I felt a slap across my face, snapping me out of my trance.

"I'm so sorry, you weren't responding did I hit you hard?"

He quickly grabs my face, inspecting it. Throughout the inspection, I couldn't help looking down to see a noticeable bulge. I slowly remove my eyes to stare back at the TV. "What's Happening over there?" He stares at the TV before looking back at me. "Same old, Same new. Nothing interesting." He shrugs it off so nonchalantly, that it was quite frightening. Before I can even open my mouth, he had already walked away. I quickly turn off the TV and followed.

"Is the news always so detailed here?" He stares at me blankly. "Who said it was news?" I look at him blankly before realizing that he is correct, I did assume that it was news but it could be just a TV show. Like there is no way the news would show all that blood flowing from his body. Just the thought made me shudder. "You cold?" His question caught me off guard, so I just looked at him confused. Then I realized that I've been shaking ever since I saw the TV. I rub my hands. "Yea. A little bit." Without saying anything he goes upstairs. After some awkward time flies by he comes down, holding a blanket.

He slowly wraps the blanket behind me, holding it closed under my chin. "It's because you slept on the couch." Because of the close proximity, we automatically had locked eyes. Just gazing at those grassy-ocean eyes had my legs quaking. I've never seen such beautiful eyes. Making me feel as if I was drowning in a pool of affection but yet darkness clouded around them. I haven't noticed but my hands had easily come into contact with his face, and my thumb had been caressing his underlid softly.

"Your eyes, their so pretty."

Sort of as if I was entranced, my mind had cleared and I slowly regained consciousness. When realizing what just occurred a bright pink shade had come upon my face. Everything became background noise while my thoughts spiraled out of control.

That wasn't gay, he couldn't possibly think I'm gay just from that small fluke...That was actually pretty gay, very gay as a matter of fact. But I'm sure he gets a lot of compliments, his eyes are very unique. But wait this is America what if everybody has this eye color, Oh no, what if instead of thinking I'm gay, he's thinking I have an eye fetish...That would be even worse! Oh My God! Stupid Ae Chung, You couldn't have sounded less crazy when complimenting.

Wait...WHAT IF HE HATES ME AND KICKS ME OUT. I mean obviously he's going to find out I'm gay that's inevitable, but eye fetishes...that's out of the ordinary, you can't just guess someone's fetish, wait if I think like this it actually sounds like I have an eye fetish. Which I don't... At least I don't think so...

"Hey, you ok?"

"I don't have an eye fetish!"


Once I blurted out those words, I quickly regretted everything. My whole existence is a disappointment. My breathing makes the gods cry. His stoic face froze and his lips curved into a smile. He bit his bottom lip while trying to sustain his laughter but it didn't last long. His laugh became hysterical, he would look up at me and start laughing once more, which made me even more embarrassed.

Once he regained his senses he ruffles my hair with a wide grin. "I wasn't even assuming but thank you for clarifying." He wheezed once more before biting his lip. I rolled my eyes upon his taunting tease. I walked into the kitchen and, looked into the fridge, which was almost empty. But there was enough for a 계란볶음밥. (Fried rice with eggs). I open the crisper too see some beef. Beef 계란볶음밥? Why not. I grab the ingredients and set them on the counter.

As I prepare to cook, I feel him hovering over my shoulder. "Whatcha doing?" I raise my eyebrow at him. "What does it look like I'm doing? Cooking obviously." He rolled his eyes at me but once he saw my glare he put his hands in defense. "Sorry, Sorry, the princess is moody." He pinched my side which earned him another glare. I gave him a little shove to the side with my hips, since my hands were full.

"Mr.Thiccy over here."

I look at him puzzled, with a raised eyebrow. I must have looked constipated with my visible confusion. "It's a compliment." I gaze at him more confused than before. I knew what he said, but I'm just hoping I can get him flustered. But he doesn't budge from his unaffected expression. If anything seeing my confusion amused him. "It means your ass is so big any action you do it jiggles." His comment made me flush. What is with his wordings, why did he emphasize action? "I-it's It's not that big!" He chuckles at my flustered state. "It's big enough to move me though?" I stomp my feet and cross my arms, with a pout on my face. "Well, maybe it's just cause you're weak..."

He looks at me for a couple of seconds, before grabbing an apple from the basket. He grips it hard until it explodes right in my face. The explosion made me flinch back and he saw that. He licks the residue from his fingers while staring at me. "Sweet." He whispers before turning on his heel and walking away. Once he situated on the couch he yells out "Clean that up."

I couldn't believe the words that he just spouted out. Does he think I'm a maid of some sort? He makes this mess just because of a simple word. AND HE EXPECTS ME TO CLEAN IT! I grab an apple from the basketball. I toss it up in the air a couple of times. That's fine. I see. He thinks just cause he's 6ft of muscle, I'll curl up into a ball. I take my stance as I throw the apple at the back of his head. "DON'T FUCK WITH ME."

Bullseye. It hit perfectly in the middle of his head, I heard a low growl coming from his direction. But I was too busy laughing to pay attention. But once I opened my eyes he was standing right in front of me, I didn't even hear him move. "That hurt." His eyes looked the scariest they've ever looked, even scarier than his. I just wanted to curl up and disappear from his glare. He grabs an orange from the basket and squeezes it on top of my head. The juice flowed down my neatly brushed hair, it flowed down my cheeks, soon my tears followed the stream.


That's the only word I could describe him. His eyes soon lighten and he became frantic. "I-I'm so sorry, that was a bit too far. It was a joke. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Don't cry." He grabs my face and licks...yes licks, the juice from my face. All previous terror disappeared and was replaced with disgust, with a tad bit of horniness. I quickly push him off. "Eweeeee!" I grab a banana and fling it at him, but he ducks at the right time. He runs into the living room, leaving me in a fit of emotions.


With that, I continue cooking.