How Scary [Edited]

The sudden feeling of my passage being penetrated brought me back to reality. My eyes still haven't adjusted to the sudden change in environment so I woke up with a panic thought. "S-STOP. Please stop, I don't want this st-"

"Shut up."

Hearing Kyle's voice. My eyesight came to life. I saw my bare body through the foamy water, but I could visibly see something penetrating my lotus. My eyes slowly traced the hand and landed on Kyle's face that was so entranced and concentrated. 

Feeling the mystery item withdrawn from my passage and roughly jabbed into me. I screamed his name in agony. 

"Shut up! Before I get mad!" 

He looked up at me with bloodshot eyes. His face was scrunched up in anger, he looked mixed in confusion. His eyes dilating from betrayed to suffering to frustrated back to betrayed.

He whispered a few words that I couldn't recognize. He slowly took out the thing, and finally I came to the realization of what the foreign item was.

"You know that wont work." I slowly stated. "Just shut up and let me purifie-ean you. Let me clean you properly." I scrunched up my eyebrows kind of hurt that he was going to say purify as if I was tainted. As if I became a sin, a disgrace.

After a long pause he opened his mouth once more. "I brought EC, just in case." He clears out the access fluid from the brush and readies his hand to finish the 'baptism'.

"I think... I can do it myself now."

He stares at me for a few seconds, with a glint in his eyes. A smirk raises upon his now playful demeanor. I felt the sudden shove of the scrub forced into my corridor; a loud moan escaped in response.

I felt the vibration of his low growl as his chuckles rang off the walls. I don't know if my tears fell because of the resemblance of Kyle and 'him'. Or if I'm crying because of the sudden trauma that submerged in my already traumatic memories. All I knew was I was wailing in front of my crush and couldn't be more embarrassed.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry. You just looked so cute." He smiled with his pearly white teeth, making my heart jump 3 beats just from the mere fact that he thinks I'm cute.


Walking downstairs after changing into a pair of Kyle's shirt and sweatpants, since Kyle had lost my suitcase while cleaning. I saw the perfectly prepared food, no longer steaming hot. "The food… it's cold now." I was visibly upset at how it's my fault, I couldn't even just sit and talk. Maybe if I did...that wouldn't have happened. With a heavy sigh, I grab the plates. Opening the trashcan as i position to throw away the leftovers, the plates were quickly snatched from my hands. 

"Yo, Yo, Yoooo why are you so quick to throw out perfectly good food! You know some people don't even have the option to have such delicious home cooked meal and you dare throw it out?"

"It's cold now, we can't eat it. What were you expecting me to do?"

"Microwave it? Duhh?"

My face said it all. I scrunched up my face in disgust. "Microwave it??? Are you serious? Do you know the health issues the radio waves cause when you 'microwave it'."

He just raised his eyebrow and mouthed the word 'soooo'.  "Soooo? it just won't taste good. Just throw it out!" He observes my level of seriousness before setting down the plates. He walks up to me and slowly ruffled my hair. He bends down meeting my eye level. 

"Stop pouting." He grabs my cheeks pinching them hard. "It just makes me want to eat you up… anyways once and a while is ok." I quickly grab my flushed cheeks, not realizing in fact I was pouting. I softly push him aside. "W-whatever. If you die you die. Don't kill me with you." He slowly stands up holding his hands up in defense. "Okok I won't kill you if I die first." He walks back to the plates and puts his plate in the microwave and walks back to mine and wraps it in foil. When closing the fridge he turns around leaning on it. Eyeing me up and down. His eyes lingering on my neck before making eye contact.

The eye contact last for what feels like eternity until I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around sprinting up the stairs. I stop at the 3 doors once more. "Hey, which room is mine?" I yelled out. Hearing no reply or a sign of movement I turned around readying myself to run back downstairs, but before I could take a step, I saw him looming over me. A soft yelp was heard.

He scared the shit out of me. How is it possible to make zero sounds while walking up the stairs is he some type of ninja or some shit. I calmly looked up at him and I detect a slight smirk with that familiar expression but somehow this aurora feels more terrifying than I ever felt before.

"I haven't finished cleaning your for the time being...just sleep with me?"

He tilts his head at a 30° angle, while giving off a creepy smile. My anxiety never cease to appear, at the worst moments, making me become a stuttering mess.

"Um, y-yea. I-i u-used to to s-sleep with-h my-y fr-friendd h0me." (Literally how I sound in any social gathering.)

His smile quickly dropped when I finished my statement. He just stared at me coldly. Every muscle in my body tensed, I didn't dare move, let alone breathe. Just a gasp felt deadly. When he finally opened his lips, I closed my eyes shut, looking down.

"My coming over tomorrow. Can you go to school by yourself or do you want to carpool?"

"I-I-Ica can."


With that he walks downstairs and leaves.

How scary.