When I finally resurfaced from the dead, I felt as if my whole body was ripped into two. Neither side had less amount of pain, it just hurt. And the more I laid there the pain grew. I felt as if I became a vegetable but with all senses still intact.

I finally got the courage to sit up, and while doing so I felt the pops and cracks of my aching bones. I finally was able to look around my surroundings to see I'm in Kyle's room. Across the bed was a mirror and I was able to see my nose was properly bandaged and wrapped in a nose cast.

But I could also see how miserable I looked. My eyes were swollen from crying, I had a cut on the side of my cheek and my lip had a tare.

This wasn't how it was supposed to be.

I was supposed to be happy.

Why am I not happy?

Why can't I be loved?

Am I just not worthy?

What sin did my past life do to give me such horrible karma?

Maybe I deserve this. I deserve this somehow. Maybe this is just how my life was supposed to be. Maybe I don't deserve to be normal. Maybe it's because I'm gay? I deserve this because I'm gay.

If I was straight would life be different? Would my parents be alive? Would my sister not have commit suicide? Maybe I would've never even befriended him maybe, people would like me?

I hate this. I didn't ask for this. I just want to be normal, with a normal life, with normal friends, and a normal lover. That's all I ask for.

"Why are you crying?" I didn't realize Kyle had come and sat down next to me so when I heard his voice I subconsciously flinched back. I stared at his outstretched harm in fear.

He noticed how tensed I've become and lowered his hand. "I've apologized." My eyes were darting everywhere but his eyes.

I didn't want to make eye contact. If I do, he'll hit me.

"I've already apologized!" Without a second warning, I felt him grab both of my wrists as he pulled me closer. "I-I'm sorry please forgive me." I said shutting my eyes hoping it would stop my tears from falling. "Why are you apologizing now?" I bit my lip as I mumbled something faint, hoping he wouldn't hear. "You're making me feel bad."

"I-I'm sorry." His hand glazed over my cheek as he began to wipe away my tears. He pulled me by the neck as he kissed my eyelid softly. "I'm sorry for hurting you last night. That wasn't my intention. I don't know what came over me.'s your fault too. You're also partially to blame." Kyle had whispered that in my ear, while pulling me closer as he nibbled on my ear lobe. "You force me to be like this because I can't trust you."

He slowly pushed me down while kissing various places on my head softly. "You say you love me. But yet let another man touch you." I felt his grip squeeze my waist. "It's making me mad just thinking about it."

He unwraps his towel showing how hard he has become. He begins to grind his member on my clothed penis. "Don't disgust me. I'm all you have. Remember that, okay?" I feel his callous fingers grip on the hem of my pajama pants.

Regaining the senses of my trance like state. I quickly grab onto his wrists. "I f-forgive you. S-so please." I was quick to give him the puppy eyes as I plead. "Why? You don't want to make love with your lover?" With those questions I feel the tension rise once more. I have to think fast about how to diffuse the situation without ending up with sex.

"M-my mouth! I'll use my mouth." Without a second to protest, I grabbed his rod into my hand and placed it on my lips. I let my saliva accumulate and let it drip down on the tip. I slowly began to rub up and down, letting my saliva cover it down to the hilt. I poked the tip of my tongue in his urethra as I began to slowly take his shaft in between my lips. With my free hands I would stimulate his balls and rub what I couldn't fit. I'll rub my tongue under the head as I suck and bob my head up and down.

I feel his hands grip my hair as he pushes my head down. The speed of his thrusts was much faster than I could handle with my nose broken. It began hard to breathe, I felt my mouth go numb from the force, but he kept thrusting at the same velocity before finally letting go and jerking the rest off onto my face.

I began to wipe his cum off my face. But the tension in the room did not subdue. If anything it got worse. His hand gripped on my neck and pushed me down. Once again his hand was on the hem of my pants.

I grabbed his wrist once more stopping him from continuing and quickly blurted out. "SIX WEEKS!"

"Six weeks for what?"

"That's how long it takes for anal tares to recover… So please… Six weeks, that's all I'm asking for. We can f-fuck as many times after, but it really hurts so please wait." He stared down at me, before continuing to pull down my pants, that I so desperately tried to keep on.

"Well you have two holes, what's the problem."

"T-That… that has tares too…"

We stayed in silence, before a heavy sigh escaped his lips. "And how long does that take to heal?" The reality is it only takes two weeks but I wasn't about to admit to that. "S-six weeks too."

"And what, your nose takes six weeks too?!?"

"N-no it only takes 3! I can still suck it."

"You look too pitiful, it turns me off."

"I-I'm Sorry.

"Stop apologizing."

"I-I'm Sor-"

"This is pissing me off." I didn't know how to reply so I just hung my head. I hear him get up and rummage through his closet before coming back out. I see him changing to a white turtleneck with some blue jeans.

"Just stay here. Take a nap or something. I'm already late for school."

"What about me?"

"Didn't you say it hurts?"


"Or was that a lie."

"N-no no. It does. I'll take a nap. Thank you."

I wrapped my body with the blanket and burrowed my head with the pillows. I heard him coming in and out of the room a few times but by the time he actually left I've already dozed off.


Oh yeah BTW Adam the Original is up, how would y'all want me to post those? There's only 61 chapter so do y'all want all at once? Or once a week?