st.shadows prince of the afterlife

as I asked him could have some water..... he said sure i need you too work on your homework....please....princess ok but... why did you call me that cause you are one fine with me ... . . i fell a sleep... he laid beside her i ask you this will you be my queen...i replied no....I can't but before I could sentence...he takes my heart and soul.... and pushed against the wall answer my question.... " FINE OK WILL " ...he started laughing out of control.... then started bleeding from his mouth and than he kissed me the I felt the harlots of darkness with in my soul and my heart stopped I blacked out.... mann heard me fall and he said "NOOOOO" "HADES " he ran as fast he could it was to late..... he saw laying on the floor.... he picked her up...ran up the stairs and he weeped and did not stop ..... she was blocked from going to the heavens he couldn't take her with him..... Jesus ran as fast as he could to get to her. so fled... st. shadows fuck yeah