Some people I know ain't the nicest and they're sneaky and deceiving and then eventually it will catch up with them Updating when your animal bites somebody they have to put it down amaze their parents come in your house and shoot your d***** dog Right in front of you and you have to learn the hard way. It would like to be an adult. You won't have an heart attack to be greedy and selfish and stupid and naive it's like an overdose Every day you have to wake up and realize you've done the wrong. You're gonna lie in it in your squalor you will learn from your mistakes by ending other people's relationships just because they settle down doesn't mean you don't have to like the kids move the. F*** out leave you mean nothing to them anyway you like it or not? You can't always be out for yourself. You gotta be there for your family because if you're selfish they say in The Bible one who is selfish is not graded blessing. They are an unblessed and they're to live the hard way of a poor person in poverty they were on their own for their very own good for the rest of their life lest they it a jail or owe for doug's self... Being arrested for the first time it's like breaking your arm your shoulder blade... Indiana is the worst place you want to f*** with especially New Castle c***. Sucking cops that I don't like that 1 officer shouldn't never take that sweet kind heart of a man down now hes bitter and sad and he doesn't know what to do other than trust as instincts. Try your best. Most people I know are learning they're lesson in life Because it is karma? Are the way we'll come back and bite? You twice as hard than you think. Because when you wake up the next day? You expect to have a good day when you're having a bad bad day. Life will destroy you if you don't do right because if you continue to f*** with other people's life and their merchandice you'll wind up be. Ing poor for the rest of your life or locked up. For all your wrongs which will happen because you're a bad person and I hope you read this book you'll learn in life of a real person that. Wishes she was a dud but she aint s*** she's a p**** and an F and liar in a thief she thinks she could. Start trouble with people and it's just gonna come back and bite her all over the d***? World and you know it And many other her f****** b****** too because they are just as stupid so they can all go to h*** So they can't suffer for the rest of their lives.......