Things went down swing the way I thought it would be this person thinks she's great she thinks you can hush people but I've hushed her. She's post harm to people that used to love her but now said she's brought home to them. All h*** is coming to her because if she keeps this up she's gonna wind up dead in a d*** ditch just like coy. Now this nasty white girl thinks she's so perfect but she aint perfect. She needs to look on the mirror but that mere shatter to tell her the truth she's f****** ugly for her rooms and she will do that. Time dead or alive in a cell cause she' has it coming..... Many people are gonna be hurt in this war but they're gonna survive cause. We are survivors we are gonna get you. We are survivors we're. Gonna hurt cause. We are survivors so you're gonna get f***** u* sure enough you're gonna. Eat it? Your. Teeth? You're broken bones leand poison and many other things you'll date somebody else and who o d u on battery acid and heroin yellow snowed oeros