
Bullets keep flying like boys fly passed the enemy Always coming in and out her door champion herself out for drugs and are siblings Not knowing This was happening under our noses that she didn't know But The Thing is, here is the real truth. The bible will put you in hard life in a hard situation And calls you to have one thing with yourself self poverty self Pollution and integrity.... Feelings count, they just don't count for people who don't care. But they learn to care in the end. Because they may think they're better than anybody else. But they're not ended all the suffering No hard feelings I meant nothing to you nothing that's what your son used to tell me So he's got a poor and sad and he's trashed It's all this work was for nothing. So you're on your own you can live it walk in it And use your legs until the very day The last box of crackers you need with your cheeseball in your summer sausage to add some meatballs and Ranch dressing and go suck on a old fat coward just like you