A large ensemble of war machines fly overhead, or clamber down on the ground over the decimated landscape.
"I'm fucking bored" Thomas states in his apparent dismay at the situation.
"We are likely going to die soon and all you can say is, 'I'm fucking bored'" Daniel remarks, using his fingers to put emphasis on the last part.
"You're just antsy because you aren't with lover boy yet" Thomas snaps back.
"When was the last time you two saw clear skies?" Angel asks the pair of them, looking up into the sky as he does so clearly intrigued.
"About ten years ago, I was fifteen" Daniel replies.
"Ohhh, how I miss those blue skies" Thomas mutters with a sigh.
Suddenly a screeching sound can be heard, followed by an instantaneous explosion as a shell hits the troop of soldiers.
Screaming erupts from where the explosion takes place as bodies are thrown in every direction, blood splatters around the impact crater along with body parts.
"Fucking hell, I only left them a week ago, they can't have gotten through this quickly" Angel remarks, looking off into the distance through a pair of binoculars.
Daniel and Thomas have taken shelter behind a tank on top of which Angel is now standing.
"Please be ok, please be ok, please be ok" Daniel mutters under his breath clenching his photograph.
"Hey, I'm sure he'll be fine mate" Thomas reassures him with an arm around his shoulder.
Tank fire can be heard all of a sudden, as the vehicles that advanced before everyone, move in on the location that the shell has come from.
"Hymm, no sign of them yet" Angel mutters.
"No sign of who yet?" Thomas asks looking up at him.
"War machines, specifically, an eight tracked tank" he replies.
"We wouldn't stand a chance if they attacked us" Daniel points out.
"All the more reason to get to that fucking Sky Scraper" Angel states.
"I've never actually seen one" Thomas tells him as he leans up against the tank.
"Well the one that was sent here disappeared about eight years ago, there's only one other still in operation, acting as a deterrent" Angel explains.
"Oh yeah, I keep forgetting the fighting isn't just going on here" Thomas mutters.
"I thought Haven wasn't fighting in the war?" Daniel asks intrigued.
"We aren't" Angel replies with a glare.
"Then why look for the Sky Scraper?" Thomas asks.
"Because it's too dangerous to be left lying around, even after eight years" Angel explains.
"Move out! Keep advancing!" Marissa yells orders at everyone as she stands on the back of an open topped truck.
By this time the evening has started to draw in, and it is quickly getting dark, well, if it can be considered darkness with the amount of bombs, shells and rounds exploding all around.
Not to mention the planes continually dog fitting and crashing to the ground or into each other, zeppelins have also made an appearance to the battlefield.
"The fighting is getting more intense the closer we get" Daniel points out walking alongside the tank with Thomas.
"That tends to be the case" Angel states hitching a ride, resting comfortably on the tank.
"Can we have a rest I'm knackered" Thomas expresses his discomfort with a yawn.
"Jump up" Angel tells him and offers him and Daniel his hand to pull them up onto the tank.
"What's … What's Haven like?" Daniel asks now resting comfortably.
"I heard it's like paradise" Thomas suggests.
"Well compared to this hell hole it is" Angel replies almost avoiding the question.
"Hey! This hell hole as you call it is our home" Thomas snaps.
"It isn't any more Tommy" Daniel mutters softly.
Angel looks around, the other soldiers who have listened into their conversation, seem equally as glum as the pair of them on the tank with him.
A zeppelin overhead bursts into flames, lighting up the sky with fire and smoke, before disappearing on the other side of the hill they are all heading towards.
"Hey Dan…" Thomas begins to say softly but realizes that he has fallen fast asleep, still clutching his photograph.
Thomas shuffles over and resting his head against Daniel's shoulder, slowly drifts to sleep himself.
Angel gently ruffles the lad's hair before getting up and taking another look through his binoculars, knowing full well that beyond the hill, is the front lines.
"We might be joining the battle sooner than you think" he mutters.