"DETONATE!" A soldier yells at his subordinate as they try to blow up the bridge they are defending.
The middle section of the bridge explodes and collapses into the river below, one side of the bridge doesn't collapse completely, leaving it halfway in, and halfway out of the water.
"Well done Michael" the commanding officer encourages him with a pat to the back.
"All of the Arma Piscinas have moved back" Michael points out.
"Yessss, they're clearly up to something" his commander states in agreement with Michael's concern.
Scarlets truck pulls up alongside them and she hops out.
The devastation here is far worse than anything they have come across, and the body count on the ground is immeasurable.
As they walk up to join Scarlet and the others, Angel takes out his binoculars and observes the distance.
They all suddenly notice that there is a silence that has drifted slowly over the city, the bombardment has stopped, and the atmosphere is eerie.
"There is a bombing run that will level the city and kill everyone in it" Angel informs her, passing over the binoculars.
"Oh shit" Scarlet replies with a clear sense of panic and urgency.
There can be heard a sudden hum of engines in the distance from the Arce Caelos, hundreds of them, all flying at different heights.
"Fall back, FALL BACK!" Scarlet commands everyone.
Without hesitation people begin to scramble and make a run for it.
Helicopters and chinooks take off at full compacity trying not to leave anyone behind.
"We've only just fucking got here" Thomas whinges as he leans up against some rubble.
"I need to find Mikey" Daniel says in a worried manner.
"I'll help you find him" Thomas reassures him, and they begin to search about the place.
"Did you say Michael?" A commander asks over hearing them.
"Yeah, this is him" Daniel explains showing them his picture.
"He's over by bridge seven, that way, but you better hurry!" They instruct him sternly.
"Right, thank you" Daniel replies gratefully.
"Do try not to die you two, I've rather grown to enjoy your company" Angel teases them as he watches them head off.
He notices that the Arma Piscinas have all started to position their guns, clearly making ready for an onslaught.
Not expecting them to suddenly open fire on the city, he falls backwards off the brick wall he has been standing on for a higher vantage point.
The screams in the city begin again as at least a third of the city is levelled.
"MIKEY!" Daniel screams in desperation searching for him.
Enemy soldiers have now started to make their way across the water and are open firing at anyone on the ground.
"HELP!" Michael screams as his leg is trapped under some wood.
"MIKEY!" Daniel continues to scream.
"Shut up, do you hear that?" Thomas snaps at him listening intently.
"HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!" Michael continues to yell.
They clamber over a lopsided tank to find him struggling to get up.
"MIKEY!" Daniel yells and rushes over to him tears streaming down his face.
"Daniel? What are you doin …" He attempts to say but is interrupted by Daniel pulling him into a hug and kissing his cheek.
"Alright you pair can we get out of here, I'd rather not die today if it's all the same to you" Thomas interrupts them.
"Right, yeah of course" Daniel replies and they attempt to lift the rubble off of Michaels leg.
The enemy soldiers have advanced quicker than anticipated and they are taking aim at the three of them.
Thomas hearing the clicking of triggers behind them, jumps in front of the other two with his arms out.
The first few guns shots fire narrowly missing him, just before there is a whooshing sound followed by an explosion where the enemy is standing.
Thomas looks over in the direction that the projectile has come from to see Angel looking rather pleased with himself, but tosses the rocket launcher to one side as it has ran out of ammo.
"THANK YOU!" He shouts over gratefully.
They lift the rubble off Michael allowing him to stand up a bit unsteady.
"You're a fucking idiot, what are you doing here?" He asks Daniel sarcastically.
"Come on you two!" Thomas demands in a panic.