Chapter 9: The Sky Scraper

By late morning, Angel looks extremely tired, as he hasn't stopped the chopper once on their journey.

"Hymm, that's not good" he mutters quietly to himself as he looks at the fuel gage.

"Looks like we're running on emptyyy woahh" he begins to tell the other two, but immediately has to swerve the chopper out of the direction of incoming projectiles.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?" Daniel shouts in desperation.


For a brief moment Angel can see an enormous white object off in the distance.

Suddenly they are struck again, and part of the chopper catches on fire.

"Oh shit, that's not good" Angel continues muttering to himself.

They crash into the ground with a huge thud, and scrap along a good distance until they grind to a halt.

"GET OUT! GET OUT!" Angel screams at the pair of them pushing them out in a panic.

Escaping outside, he keeps pushing them, getting them as far away from the chinook as possible.

A rocket shoots overhead targeting their fallen aircraft, the explosion sends them flying forwards.

"Well that didn't go too badly" Angel tells them as he rolls over to assess the damage.

"Aww man, damn things knackered" he mutters, very unimpressed with the radio from his rucksack.

Having fallen on top of it, he holds it up to have a look at it, well the two pieces of it, before chucking it over to one side.

"What the fuck just attacked us?" Michael asks, clearly annoyed as he stands up.

"That would be the Sky Scraper" he replies before resting his hands behind his head.

"I thought it was on our side?" Michael continues to ask now quite confused at the situation.

Daniel leans over noticing the metal and glass ID tag that belongs to Angel, he picks it up and sees Angel's full name, along with his rank that has been abbreviated to 'COTAF'.

"Fuck me, your name is Oliver?" he questions him in bewilderment.

"Yep, it's Oliver alright" he replies taking the ID tag off him.

"Then why the fuck, have we been calling you Angel all this time?" Michael asks.

"There is a reason, but I'm not willing to discuss it" Oliver replies.

"No! I'm not going another step forward with you, until you explain" Daniel demands as he and Oliver stand up.

"Because Terra Auri will track me down, kill me and anyone else that just so happens to be in close proximity to me" he explains.

"You must have done something big time to piss them off that much" Michael remarks.

"It's because of my rank, and being close friends with the king" he replies, and immediately starts walking in the opposite direction of the burning chinook.

"Where are you going now?" Daniel yells at him.

"Well if it hasn't entered your mind already, we weren't anywhere near that thing, and it shot us down" Oliver replies.

"Its capabilities are far greater than that, and quite frankly, I don't want to stick around to experience them first hand" he continues.

Reluctantly, the other two follow him down the side of the hill.

Stepping over a mound, all three of them immediately go pale in the face.

Huge craters lie dotted about the landscape, off into the distance, a forest to the left-hand side has been completely incinerated, and a town in front of them has been obliterated.

"What happened to this place?" Michael asks cautiously.

"Take a wild guess" Oliver replies.

"That thing … Did all this damage?" Daniel asks in disbelief.

"You lot should be ashamed of yourselves" he snarls in disgust at Oliver.

"I quite agree" he mutters, looking out at all the devastation.

Even the surrounding hillside has been obliterated.

"It's like this in every direction surrounding it, from what I've been told" he tells them.

"Hang on, if it's shooting way off into the distance over there, then why haven't we been killed yet over here?" Michael asks.

"That's why" Oliver replies pointing at the chinook.

"I'm betting it's scanners haven't picked us up as a threat yet" he continues to say and begins to walk back up the hill.

"Oliver, what are you doing mate?" Daniel asks, becoming quite concerned.

"If we go that way, we die, if we go that way, we die, if we go upwards, we die" he rambles in response.

He takes the tag from around his neck and holds it out in front of him.

"He's gone mad" Michael says to Daniel as they rush in an attempt to stop him.

An enormous white aircraft can be seen resting at the very top of the hill.

"That … Is terrifying" Daniel states looking up at deadly war machine.

"Two years of searching" Oliver mutters as he takes a rest on a nearby boulder.

"That's incredible" Michael says in shock.

A noise can be heard coming from the Sky Scraper, and a few moments later, projectiles begin firing at them.

"STAND DOWN! ALL WEAPONS SYSTEMS OFFLINE!" Oliver shouts at the craft whilst waving his hands in the air.

"FUCKING STAND DOWN!" He yells as they run away.

A drone flying overhead zooms its camera lens down onto Oliver's ID tag.

The firing from the Sky Scraper immediately stops.

The drone zooms down in front of them, itself also large in scale.

"Greetings from Heaven's Gate" it says to them.

Michael and Daniel share a baffled look at each other.

"Heaven's Gate?" Daniel asks.

"It's the official name of this Sky Scraper" Oliver explains, before turning his attention to the drone.

"You are far from home, Oliver Angel" it states.

"Can you take us safely to Heaven's Gate?" He asks.

"Yes, please hop on" the drone replies and slowly moves forwards in front of them.

They clamber onto it and hold on tight, Daniel and Michael clearly more nervous than Oliver.

The true devastation of the surrounding area can be seen as they go higher and higher in elevation.

Slowly but surely the vast scale of this aircraft also becomes frighteningly apparent.