A large hanger door is in front of them, like Angelus had informed them earlier, sealed shut.
There are various boxes and crates scattered about the room next to machinery to lift them around.
A screen next to the hanger door displays footage from inside, the crew are doing various jobs within the hanger, whether it be working in the kitchen, cleaning the escape craft, working out or playing card games.
Everyone seems to have kept their sanity.
One of the individuals can be seen speaking into a telephone at the far side of the room.
"I thought they couldn't contact anyone?" Daniel queries.
"That's the captain, wouldn't you be trying to get in touch with anyone that could help" Oliver points out.
He walks over to the screen next to the hanger door and taps on a speaker icon.
"Hello, this is Oliver Angel the current COTAF of Haven, we will get you out as soon as we can" he states and taps the speaker icon again.
From inside the hanger rejoicing can be seen with everyone celebrating, the captain puts his head into his hands and begins to breakdown in tears.
"Eight years of being trapped inside, I can't imagine what that's like" Daniel mutters.
"Now we just need to see what the problem is, exactly" Oliver mumbles in response losing confidence at the last part.
He heads off back in the direction they have come from and the other two follow suit.
Leading them back into the control room he takes a seat and starts to scroll through information on the screens in front of him.
"What are you looking for?" Michael asks.
"I'm looking to see what happened to cause the aircraft to crash like this" he replies.
Some video footage displays on the screen and the three of them begin to watch.
"MAYDAY! MAYDAY! MAYDAY! This is captain Whiteclover, the Gate is going down, I repeat the gate is going down!" The captain can be heard yelling into a microphone.
An alarm begins to go off and everywhere in the ship crew members can be seen running towards various hangers and scrambling to get the escape craft ready.
'Warning all crew proceed to evacuate, this is not a drill'
'Warning all crew proceed to evacuate, this is not a drill'
A voiceover can be heard saying repeatedly.
Suddenly there is an electrical surge across the aircraft causing the lights to blinker for a moment.
"MAYDAY! MAYDAY! MAYDAY! We've lost power in all engines; emergency power won't keep us airborne" the captain can be heard as he continues to send a distress signal.
'Security protocol activated, defence systems online' the voiceover states.
A mighty ruckus can be heard from outside the aircraft as the weapons systems begin to engage with anything unfortunate enough to be nearby.
'Going dark' the voice over continues to state.
"We just lost all communication systems and satellite navigation is offline" a pilot nearby informs the captain.
"Captain! It's no use, we need to evacuate" a subordinate tries to reason with him.
"May God have mercy on our souls" he replies just as an enormous flash can be seen outside.
"ABANDON SHIP!" The captain instructs the remaining crew in the control room.
'Lockdown in progress' the voiceover states.
The captain along with the remaining crew make their way to hanger four where preparations to abandon the aircraft are underway.
Suddenly the hanger door closes fully, having only been halfway open at this point.
Metal shutters can be seen closing on the bay doors leading out into the open sky and a commotion of panic starts inside.
"Pause" Oliver instructs the system and it does so.
"I didn't actually see what went wrong" Michael points out.
"View footage from the start of the evacuation procedures, locating specifically the electrical serge cause" Oliver instructs the system.
The footage displays at the start of the evacuation from Engine Room 1.
An individual in blue overalls can be seen messing with some electrical panelling.
Electric sparks can be seen and the individual shoots across the room bashing into the wall on the opposite side, still holding onto some wiring.
"Right, looks like we know what happened, c'mon" Oliver mutters and beckons them to follow him.
They head down some flights of stairs to the left-hand side of the control room towards Engine Room 1.
At the bottom of the stairs is a large window displaying the outside, with a small room next to it, inside this room is a set of three chairs in front of which are a set of screens.
On the outside of each is a large gun.
They continue down a corridor and come across what is left of the blue overalls, along with the skellington inside it.
"I think I'm gonna be sick" Daniel mutters looking nauseous and leaning against the wall.
Oliver walks over to the bones and pulls what is left of the electric wiring from its grasp.
He looks over at the open panel from where the wiring came from.
"This needs repairing before we can free the crew and fly again" he informs them.
"Do you know how to fix it?" Michael asks.
"I was an apprentice engineer whilst onboard the Gate" he replies.
"Isn't that what you were doing over at the front lines?" He asks Michael.
"Yeah I was" Michael replies.
The pair of them suddenly realize that Daniel is swaying from side to side.
"I … I don't feel so good" he mutters before collapsing.
"He is really sleep deprived" Oliver mumbles as Michael catches Daniel mid fall.
"Take him upstairs, the pair of you need to go and get some rest" He instructs Michael.
"What are you going to be doing?" Michael asks.
"Repairing this damn thing" he replies as he rolls up his sleeves.
"Actually, first there is something I need to do" Oliver states appearing to change his mind suddenly.
"C'mon I'll help you get him upstairs" he says and indicates at Daniel.
The pair of them carry Daniel upstairs and Oliver leads them into one of the living quarters, they place Daniel on a bed and pull a blanket over him.
"Get some rest" Oliver instructs Michael, he doesn't argue giving a gentle nod and lies down next to Daniel.