Chapter 16: Farewell

"C'mon" Oliver beckons everyone to follow him.

They all head down the corridor and down the stairwell reaching the entrance they had originally entered through.

The crew are still celebrating being outside.

"They seem so happy" Daniel states with a smile.

Some have already started to board the escape craft and are chatting excitedly to each other.

"Good morning Oliver" Angelus greets him casually zooming overhead.

"Hello Angelus" he replies looking up at the drone.

Riley lays down on the grass and rests for a moment, enjoying the texture of the grass between his fingers with a big smile on his face.

"You can go home now Riley" Oliver says softly, whilst sitting down next to him.

"I missed you so much" Riley tells him and grabs his hand tightly.

"I missed having my mate around too" Oliver replies and gives him a hug.

"Riley, time to go" the captain says to him.

"I'm staying here with Olly" Riley tells him.

"Are you sure?" The captain asks sympathetically.

"Yeah, I'm sure" he replies.

The captain pulls him into a friendly embrace before turning to the others.

"This is farewell" he states and gives a brief wave before stepping into the escape craft.

"Farewell skipper" Oliver replies and gives a wave as the escape craft take off.

They all watch as one by one the four upwards facing propellers start to spin and the four jet engines, two at the front and two at the back of the escape craft roar into life, lifting everyone up into the sky heading off in the direction of east.

"I've just figure out where you get your nickname from" Daniel states.

"Hymm?" Oliver replies.

"Angelus Mortis, doesn't that mean angel of death?" He points out.

"Not just a pretty face are you" Oliver replies.

"You still use that nickname?" Riley asks.

"Well yeah, you're the one who gave it to me" he tells him.

"Angelus is the main drone Olly was working on, and since his surname is Angel anyway, it just sort of stuck" Riley explains.

"What now?" Michael asks, the four of them now sat on the ground.

"Time for us to say our farewells to this place as well" Oliver replies and stands up.

Dusting the grass off of themselves, the four of them make their way back inside the Sky Scraper.

Heading down the corridor and up the flights of stairs before entering the control room again.

"Prepare for take-off" Oliver tells them and pushes the six levers he had pushed earlier all the way up.

The sound of the turbines increases much louder outside as the massive propellers start spinning more rapidly.

Daniel and Michael are holding onto their chairs at this point feeling the commotion of the aircraft.

"This should do it" Oliver mutters to himself.

He begins to press on the jet engines on the display activating each one of them.

"All doors seal prepare for take-off" he instructs the system.

'Doors closing, prepare for take-off' the voiceover announces.

The main door they had entered through closes, and Heaven's Gate slowly begins to rise off the hill into the air.

"Set course to the eastern docks" he continues to instruct the system.

The aircraft begins to turn leftwards before flying in the direction that the escape craft has gone.

A map displays on the screen with the location they are in now and the destination they are heading to.

"Disengage weapons systems" he continues to instruct the system.

'Weapons system offline' the voiceover announces.

"Auto pilot engaged" he gives his final instructions to the system.

'Auto pilot engaged' the voiceover announces.

"Hey, wanna go for a sky walk?" He asks Riley cheekily.

"Bet I can still beat you there" he replies and the pair of them rush out of the control room running up the corridor.

"Hey! Where are you two going?" Daniel yells after them.

"C'mon" Michael tells him with a smile.

They run up the stairway to another level before reaching the top of aircraft.

Pressing a button to open a doorway, Michael and Daniel finally understand what the pair of them are on about.

Walking outside onto a part of the aircraft that has guns stationed about the place, and a hand rale in between each one, they feel the rush of the wind go past them.

"So this is sky walking" Daniel mutters.

Riley and Oliver much more out of breath than the other two begin to laugh at each other, before leaning against the hand rale.

Daniel and Michael walk over to them and stand either side of them.

"You look around our age Riley" Michael points out.

"Riley was sixteen when he got trapped inside" Oliver explains with a sigh.

"I opted to stay at Haven" he continues.

"I'm so sorry" Daniel.

"Why are you sorry? I'M ALIVE BABY! WOUHUUUU" Riley starts to yell with a happy expression on his face.

"C'mon we need to get back to the control room" Oliver reminds them and they make their way back inside.