Chapter 18: Arrival

Thomas and Kyle are still chatting together happily, having found a new friend in each other, as the zeppelin lands at an airport next to the docks.

"Here we are" Kyle says looking out at the terminal next to them.

"Servant, that way" Thomas tells him, now sitting in a wheelchair.

"Huh, who are you calling a servant" he replies as he wheels Thomas down the zeppelin.

There is a quiet hum from the engines of the zeppelin as they move across the ramp and into the terminal.

Inside is full of refugees, as is everywhere else.

"Gosh all these people" Thomas mutters.

"Don't worry, you've got priority" Kyle tells him with a wink.

Thomas gives a little smirk back at this comment.

Fresh smoke can be seen way out in the horizon.

"That's, not a good thing, is it?" Thomas suggests with concern.

"No, no it isn't" he replies.

"But hey, don't you worry buddy, we'll make sure you get out ok" Kyle reassures him placing his hands on Thomas's shoulders.

"I'll hold you to that" he replies resting his hand on top of Kyles.

Merissa and the rest of the troop have also now arrived at the docks, landing on some offshore battlements in a chinook.

"Over here!" She instructs everyone and they make their way over to another long-range gun.

"I can see Haven ships" Sebastian states looking through some binoculars.

"And … Terra Auri warships" he informs them now quite nervous.

"Arriving at De Monte eastern docks sir" a sailor informs Nathan.

"Right, lets try and rescue as many as we can" he instructs them.

"Oliver! Is Heaven's Gate operational again?" He asks opening a video link to the Sky Scraper.

"Fully operational, but it will be a while until we get to the eastern docks" he replies.

"Good" Nathan snaps and the video link goes again.

"Why didn't the rest of the crew stay onboard?" Michael asks.

"Heaven's Gate only needs a bare minimum of people to operate it, all the systems are automated, and the king wanted to get them home as quickly as possible, the escape craft fly much faster than what this thing is capable of" Oliver explains.

Back at the offshore defences, Marissa and the team are continually loading and firing the long-range gun at the enemy ships that have become visible in the distance.

The vast array of guns firing leaves no interval and the sound is deafening.

"There here" Sebastian tells everyone disheartened by what he sees.

"Sebastian, GET DOWN!" Merissa yells at him as the entire wall they are positioned on crumbles away after being hit by a projectile that explodes.