Little sister

She stood there in a daze until the motion detecting lights went off. She came back to her senses and enter her penthouse.

'Was he teasing me just now? But he was also kind enough to make sure I got home safely. What is this man doing to me?'

Thursday found its way to Xia Biming and she needed to be running errands around the city all day. It was the day before her spring collection debuted in all her boutiques across the city. In all the other major cities, she had sent out all her trustworthy assistants to do her bidding while she stayed in City A.

She was just as busy if not busier running around. She needed to reach every single mall that had her boutiques in to do a last check inventory and set up personally. In City A, this totaled to be seven boutiques.

Since she was going to be running around quite a bit, she wore comfortable clothes. She had on a pair of low-heeled Chanel loafers, ankle length slim dress pants in a dark green color and a fitting beige blouse. She braided her hair to one side in a messy style that was also still elegant. She also had a large buckle bag around her arms carrying all the necessary items she needed for the day.

She drank her lunch in the form of a smoothie and by the time she reached the last mall, she was already exhausted. She planned her day accordingly and the last mall was the closest to her penthouse so she wouldn't need to drive long before finally being able to head back home.

It was just after 5 pm when she entered the last mall. This boutique in particular would need more time since it was one of the larger ones. She planned to spend anywhere from two to three hours here. With that in mind, her spirit grew and made her way to conquer the day.

When she was finally satisfied with her work, she packed her bag and dragged herself out of the boutique. She didn't put any makeup on, so her dark eyebags were a little more pronounced than normal. However, her radiant skin still made her look like the perfect lady.

She was starving to she decided to head to a restaurant in the lower floors of the mall to order take out. When she reached the floor of the restaurants, she spotted two figures from a distance. One she was familiar with, and the other, she was not.

The man was the same one she couldn't get out of her mind the past few weeks. She kept wary of him and was cautious. The woman was pretty. She was tall and slender. They actually looked really good together.

The people were no other than Xue Changmin and Han Roushan. She heard from Fang An Xi's gossip that Han Roushan had been trying to get together with Xue Changmin for the past year, but he only treated her like a little sister.

'Little sister my ass. Look at how intimate they are right now. And he wants me to date him? Makes me want to gag.' Xia Biming rolled her eyes and thanked herself for not falling into another man's trap. She could make out a little bit of their conversation.

"Brother Chang, you're so nice to me today! You even took me out shopping today and bought me all these gifts." Han Roushan's sickly sweet voiced echoed through the floor.

"No need to thank me, your mom asked me to treat you." Changmin replied in a dull voice and Roushan didn't depict it.

"You're the best brother Chang! Let's go get some dinner together!" She dragged Xue Changmin.

Before Xia Biming comprehended what was happening, she had already entered the restaurant.

Seconds after, she heard the same sick voice giggling behind her. She turned around and found the two standing behind her.

"Biming…" Xue Changmin uttered as he locked eyes with her only to be tugged back to reality by Han Roushan's nasally voice.

"Brother Chang, do you know her?" She eyed Xia Biming from head to toe and scoffed. She didn't think Xia Biming had anything special about her. She was a little pretty and didn't have a bad figure, but she was short, and her hair was messy.

Not giving Xue Changmin a chance to talk Biming said, "No. I thought it was someone I knew but it's just you two. Please go about your business."

She turned back around and headed to the attendant to let him know that she had placed an order. Xue Changmin watched her walk away and string of ache pulled at his heart. He only meant to take Han Roushan out on behalf of her mom and was planning to tell Roushan that he only saw her as a little sister.

He didn't expect to run into Xia Biming. His heart ached a little bit more seeing how fatigued she looked. Did this woman not know how to take care of herself? As he kept his thoughts to himself, Xia Biming had picked up her food walked up to them again.

"Have a good night." She bowed her head slightly before exiting the restaurant leaving Xue Changmin dumbfounded.

"Rou'er go get us a table. I'll be right back." He pushed Han Roushan ahead before exiting the restaurant to catch up to Xia Biming.

She was quick because she was nearly entering the elevator as Xue Changmin caught up to her. "Xia Biming!"

She was astounded when she felt his hand wrap around her arm and his voice entered her ears. He continued, "You look tired, are you doing okay?"

"You don't need to worry about me, we're not in any kind of relationship. You should get back to your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend."

Before Xue Changmin could clear himself Biming raised her voice, "Please let go of me! Enjoy your dinner and have a good night." She forcefully tugged her arm and got into the lift before it closed.

'What have I done?' Xue Changmin returned to the restaurant feeling dejected. He told Han Roushan to order as he ordered his meal and urged her to eat quickly since he didn't want to spend any more time with her.

"Are you going to send me home as well, brother Chang?"

"No, I've arranged a car for you. Have a good night." Xue Changmin gave off a cold aura and turned away as he saw the driver he arranged for her.

Han Roushan got in the car and questioned if the change her beloved brother Chang's mood was because of that woman at the restaurant.

Xue Changmin tried to call Xia Biming that night but not even a single call went through. He gave up that night and tried to come up with a plan to make her understand his intentions.