Chapter 1 – Miyano High

'Miyano High, my 3rd school in 3 years, thankfully my last'

Haru stares at himself in the mirror, a tall, slim boy wearing a dark green blazer, emblazoned with Miyano High's logo, stares back

'I should sort my hair out'

Haru uses a bit of hair spray and styles his blonde hair as best he can with as little effort as possible

'Hopefully I get through this year quickly so I can get away from here'

Haru picks up his bag and walks out to the hallway, walking to his little sister's bedroom door

"Kaya, are you ready yet? We've gotta get moving!"

"I'm not ready yet!"

"Kaya, I know you don't want to go, but we've got no choice, you know what dad will say"

"Just let me stay home, just one time"

"If you don't come out in 10 seconds, I'm coming in!"





"I'm not dressed!"

Haru smiles smugly

"That just makes me want to come in more!"


Haru reaches out and presses the door handle down

"Fine! I'm coming now"

"Good, I'll get your breakfast sorted for you"

The door opens up a little bit

"Thank you, Haru"

Haru smiles and makes his way downstairs into the kitchen

'All I need this year is to pass my exams and make sure Kaya is okay on her own'

Haru sighs deeply

'As long as she makes some friends, she'll be fine... I hope'

'I guess I'll make her some pancakes, send her to school with her favourite breakfast'

Haru mixes up the pancake batter and fries up 2 pancakes for Kaya, while pouring himself a bowl of cereal

He puts the pancakes onto a plate with a drizzle of syrup

"Kaya! I've made your favourite"

Kaya appears at the top of the stairs, her long black hair into a ponytail and her new black-rimmed glasses on

Wearing a black skirt and a white shirt, with a green ribbon on the collar

"A sister in a school uniform, any sane brothers dream!"

Kaya pouts cutely and blushes slightly


Haru puts on a mockingly offended face

"After I make you this wonderful breakfast!"

"Shut up, idiot"

Kaya walks past Haru and sticks her tongue out at him

She sits down to eat her pancakes, after taking a bite her eyes light up

"They're soooooo good!"

Kaya exclaims loudly before taking a bigger bite

"Glad you like it, maybe the next time you'll be nicer to your dear brother!"

Kaya ignores Haru and carries on eating her pancakes

Haru sits at the table across from Kaya and eats his cereal

Kaya looks up

"Did you not make yourself any pancakes?"

"Nope I put all my love into those pancakes"

"Idiot, next time make yourself some"

Kaya looks down blushing

"I need my big brother to stay strong and healthy to protect me"

Haru chuckles

"The blushing alone makes my heart skip a beat"

"Now finish the pancakes, we've got to get to the station"

Kaya finishes off her pancakes as Haru sits on the entrance step and slips on his shoes

Kaya sits next to Haru and slips on her shoes

"We're going to be okay this time, right?"

I won't let anything happen to you, I promise"

Haru offers his pinky which Kaya gladly grasps

Kaya smiles sweetly

"Thank you"

Arriving at the station just in time, Haru and Kaya get on the train to Miyano station

The train is filled with students, wearing the same green blazer as Haru with the girls wearing the green ribbon, like Kaya

More students pile into the packed train at the next station, almost pushing Kaya over

Haru grabs her arm

And holds onto it for the rest of the journey

As all the students get off the train and filter down to the street, Kaya and Haru look up the small hill at the top stands Miyano High

A brick wall surrounds the main buildings, a huge black gate is open with 2 teachers either side checking ID's

Kaya goes into her bag and grabs out her ID

Haru goes to do the same as the rummages through his bag


"What's wrong"

Haru sighs

"I've left my ID on the kitchen table, I'm going to have to get it and be late"

"I'll come back with you, we can be late together"

Haru stops

'No, she's needs to be there at the start, she's a first-year, I can't have her being the late kid on her first day'

"No, Kaya, you go in, I will walk you to the gate, you can't miss the opening ceremony"

Kaya starts looking more and more panicked as they get closer to the gate as she grasps onto Haru's sleeve tightly

Next to the gate Haru turns Kaya to look at him

"You'll be fine, I promise, you've got your phone if anything happens call me"

Haru places his hand on Kaya's head and gently pats her head

Kaya takes a deep breath

"I can do this"

She shows her ID to the teacher who lets her past, the teacher looks to Haru

"I've forgotten my ID, I'm going to have to go home to get it right"

Haru's attention switching from the teacher to Kaya getting closer and closer to the schools' doors

The teacher gives Haru a stern nod

"Sorry, but you can't come in without that ID"

Haru grunts


'Kaya has gone into the school at least, I hope she'll be okay"

Haru runs back down the hill and back to the station boarding the next train back

Haru rushes off the train and runs back to the front door, he runs inside grabs his ID

Haru glances at the kitchen clock

'I'm going to be at least an hour late'

'A transfer student late on his first day, how very cliché of me'

Haru get back on the train to Miyano and sits and takes a deep breath

'I haven't run like that in years'

'I'm so tired'

Haru steps off the train and walks down the stairs to the street, looking at the clock on the schools main building


'Almost an hour and a half late'

Haru chuckles

'Fashionably late, I guess'

Haru shows his pass to the teacher on the gate

"You're going to have to sign the late form"

Haru signs the sheet

"Three of these a term and you're suspended for a week, so be careful"

"Yeah, I will, thanks"

Haru looks through his bag, and takes out a crumpled piece of paper

'Class 3 B on the 3rd floor'

Haru makes his way up to the third floor and stands in front of the door to Class 3 B

'Well here we go'

Haru knocks the door and all noise from inside stops as he opens the door

As he walks in, he's met with the looks of the entire class as the teacher looks over to him

"Mr. Kugimiya, I presume"

Haru nods silently

"Well, introduce yourself, gives us a fact about you and sit down, see me at lunchtime"

"Urmm.... My name is Haru Kugimiya, I'm 17, I'm half English and half Japanese, hopefully, we can have a productive year"

Haru looks down and walks to his desk in the back left of the class, next to the window

Sat next to a small looking boy with messy black hair, looking completely disinterested

'I should probably get on at least good terms with this guy'

Haru slumps down in his desk, and lets out a sigh

He looks to the right

"It's nice to meet you"

The black-haired boy looks over lazily, like he couldn't care less

"Blonde hair, transfer student and late on the first day, have you already picked the girls for your harem?"

Haru looks at the boy quizzically

"Excuse me"

The boy looks more directly at Haru

"You're 100% a harem protagonist"

Haru, taken aback by the directness, smirks

"I don't need a harem, I have a little sister"

The boy shows a wry smile


Haru laughs


The boy sits up at his desk

"The name's Kohei Saito, just call me Kohei"

"Just call me Haru then"

"I'm not being your yaoi route"

Haru gives Kohei a disgusted look

"You're really... REALLY not my type"

"Hurts more than I expected if I'm honest"

As Haru is about to reply, the teacher speaks out loudly at the front of the class

"Okay, it's about time we actually do some learning, you 3rd years have important exams this year, so I won't tolerate any slacking"

The mood in the class changes from one of joy and happiness to dread in a second

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you all reach your goals, but most importantly, let us enjoy this last year"

The class perks up as the teacher starts off his first lesson

Haru has an intense look on his face

'I'll ace every test, I'll make sure my sister is happy, nothing else matters, I don't care about friends, relationships, anything meaningless like that, I'll put on a front for people, as much as I need to, but in the end, I don't care about anyone but myself and Kaya'

As lunchtime comes, the class separates into their groups, some going to the cafeteria, some pushing tables together eating in class

A Pink haired girl is loudly calling out her friend

While it seems, another is trying to keep her quiet, her long black hair covering part of her face.

'Why can't I stop staring at this black-haired girl?'

Haru shakes his head

'I should see how Kaya is'

Haru stands up and goes to walk out and find Kaya

Kohei calls out

"Leaving without your new best friend, I'm devastated"

Haru looks back

"I'll choose my sister over my best friend any day"

Kohei stands up

"Guess I will come to see this famous sister then"

Haru shrugs

"Sure, but if you say anything to her, I'll throw you off the roof"

Kohei laughs

"I'll be on my best behaviour"

Kohei gives a mocking grin

"She's in Class 1A, do you know where that is?

"Yeah, follow me"

Kohei leads Haru to the first floor and to the class 1A door

Haru peaks inside

As a couple of girls notice they start whispering between them

Haru spots Kaya, who's face is buried in a book in the back of the class

He walks up to her, takes the book and taps her on the head

Kaya looks up shocked and nervous

"Hiding away in a book again?"


Kaya exclaims happily

Seeing Kohei she grabs her book back and hides her face behind it

"Kaya, this is my self-proclaimed new best friend, Kohei Saito"

Kohei smiles while holding up a peace sign


Kaya peaks over the book

"H... H.....Hi"

Haru once again takes the book

"What did I say about hiding away on your first day"

Kaya pouts cutely

"Cuteness won't help"

The whispers continue as Haru speaks to Kaya

"Have you spoken to anyone today?"

Kaya shakes her head

Haru sighs

"Okay, I will be back at the end of the day, if you've not spoken to anyone, there will be no pancakes for 2 weeks"

Kaya pouts again


"No buts!"

Meanwhile, Kohei has been grabbed by one of the female first years, and seems to be enjoying the attention

"Ladies, I know it's exciting to have your senpai here, but calm down, there is plenty of Kohei to go around"

The girl laughs loudly

"Who's your friend?"

Kohei's face drops and tears form in his eyes

He takes a deep breath

"That's Haru Kugimiya, he's in my class"

The girl looks up to Kohei sweetly

"Senpai... Can you introduce me to your friend?"

Kohei trying to hide his blush

"Sorry ladies, but Haru isn't interested in well.... ladies"

All the girls in the class simultaneously scream out


Haru looks around shocked as the girls all look at him with sad looks in their eyes

"What happened"

Kohei laughs and puts his arm around Haru

"I just let them down gently for you"

"Let them down? What do you mean?"

"I didn't think you'd be into first years, plus with exams and all, I told them you were too busy"

Haru looks at Kohei suspiciously

"Well, thanks, I guess"

Kohei, trying his best to hold in a laugh

"No problem, that's what best friends do"

Haru looks to Kaya

"Okay I've got to go and eat lunch now, remember, try to make friends, please"

Kaya smiles sweetly

"Okay, Bro, I'll try"

Haru Smiles at Kaya and leaves

When Haru leaves, the same girl who spoke to Kohei excitedly comes up to Kaya

"I'm Horie Komachi, Is that your brother?"

Kaya looks up before replying meekly


"Does he really... You know... like boys?"

Kaya looks up surprised

"I... I don't think so"

Hories eyes light up

"He's super cute, you're so lucky!"

Kaya starts to look more at ease

"He's just 'Bro' to me, but he's always been popular with girls"

Kaya takes a deep breath

"My name is Kaya Kugimiya, could we be friends?"

Horie seems slightly taken aback by the request

"Of course, you can call me Horie, what are you reading?"

Kaya's eyes light up and a big smile rises across her face

"It's called 'Horimiya' it's my favourite romance manga"

Haru, hidden around the door peaking in, smiles

'Thank god, I'm so proud of her'

Haru turns and walks up the hall and returns to Class 3B

Haru peaks inside and see's Kohei talking to the pink-haired loud girl from earlier

'I can't be dealing with that kind of girl right now'

Haru walks up the hallway and up the stairs and finds the entrance to the roof

He tries the door and it opens

'Better place than any to relax for a bit'

As Haru's eyes adjust to the sun, he sees a figure of a girl with long hair at the fence looking off the roof

Haru walks a bit closer and notices it's the black-haired girl from his class

Haru calls out

"Hey, don't want to intrude can I chill out up here?"

As the girls turns quickly, Haru's eyes widen

As he sees tears falling from the girl's face

With a worried tone he asks

"Is everything okay?

She walks to him quickly and stops a few inches from him

Haru looks down to be met with her teary eyes

"Please, don't cry"

She quickly wipes her tears and speaks sharply

"You're the new guy from my class?

Haru steps back

"Yeah, I'm Haru Kugimiya"

"I don't need your name, you saw nothing up here, you don't know me, I'm just a girl from your class, let's keep it that way"

Haru slightly shocked by the outburst

All he can get out is a meek


The girl walks past him

"Good, now hopefully we don't have to speak again"

Before he can say anything, the girl has slammed the roof door and left Haru alone

'What on earth was that?'

'What a strange girl'

Haru walks to the fence at the edge of the roof

'Thankfully I didn't have to act like I care, that's too much effort for today'

Haru goes into his bag and pulls out a protein bar

'Pass my exams, make dad proud, make Kaya happy, I've got no room for such silly girls crying on a roof'

Haru forces a laugh and closes his eyes while taking a bite of the protein bar

'Why can't I stop thinking about that sad teary eyes'

Haru opens his eyes as a tear rolls down his cheek

'Crying on a roof, how cliché'