Grievous duo -5

Cervantes was forced to watch his childhood dream crumble right before his eyes , every time a lightning bolt hit Blackstone castle his face would twitch , he didn't show anything on his face , only the fire in his eyes told the world that the king is going to explode any time soon  . 

For five hours straight Queens wept in silence so did the servants but nobody prayed , not even a single call was made to the gods . Instead people supported the weak amongst them , even the butcher had a maiden crying on his chest for the first time and the goof didn't know where to put his hands so he just kept telling her everything will be fine while looking like he was waiting for 5 more women to come hug him . 

The garrison stationed in ground level barracks arrived 3 minutes after the first lightning strike and started evacuation procedures , they made sure nobody was missing and wanted to take the King far away from the base of the mountain , the King refused surprisingly , he just stood there like a mountain overlooking the death of another . Since the king wasn't going anywhere , the crowd didn't dare to move .

When the clouds started to fade , the sun came out of the far north illuminating the stone faced Cervantes who finally said something in the face of his lost countrymen . 

" Cornius* , half the garrison will search the rubble while the other half will patrol as usual . I want to see two bodies by dusk , understood " 

" Yes , Your Highness " 

" Taylor* , round up everyone and prepare temporary camp around the barracks " 

" Consider it done , Your Highness " 

Although the people had many questions like where did the bodies come from if nobody was missing ? and why did lightning strike the same place nine times ? they were still waiting for the king to address them . 

" My honest compatriots , Today what transpired was supernatural , SO , Blackstone castle collapsed due to water lesions through some of the support columns is what officially happened , Cornius will investigate the rest "  

Getting an answer was enough , nobody mentioned the two bodies , there is a tactical understanding between them , what the King doesn't mention never happened while the one he mentioned can have rumors , he may sound like a tyrant but Cervantes knows that those Religion fanatics across border will start a crusade at any given opportunity . 

While the porters were setting up camps , Cervantes ordered Taylor to clear a room in the barracks and leave him alone for a moment . A figure wrapped in black head to toe appears behind the closing door .

" Javed bring Arvind's Memo* back " 

" Yes " 

" Wait !! you are not responsible and you are allowed to take a break " 

" Yes " 

" Say something else goddammit he was your brother " 

Javed goes silent before stating the obvious 

" I was prepared for this day since he joined , the world needs you but you need us and that's enough . Our sacrifice is never in vain " 

Javed left his post for the first time today . 

*Cornius : Commander of the third Brigade specializing in small scale elite confrontation . 

*Taylor : Chief Butler responsible for logistic personnel .    

*Memo : A piece of paper in which the shadow guard record their last wish , it helps reduce stress and in case of their unfortunate demise the king is obligated to obey whatever is written unless it is detrimental for the kingdom .