The boy who slapped Kome is a handsome looking but skinny boy with a playful smile on his face. He looked between 11 to 12 year old by the name Andrew.

Andrew was amused, he never took Kome seriously in the first place, he only slapped him because the prince asked him to do so. It seems he doesn't recognize the prince and the princess he thought with a mocking smile.

Kome managed to get up, he felt something was wrong!

Why is everyone quiet? even uncle uzo is not saying anything. As thier leader, he is supposed to support and protect them from bullies but he's not saying anything. He already knew that they are cultivators but that is not enough reason for mr uzo to become mute, after all they are still in Ora kingdom and no killing was allowed here. It seems these kids are not ordinary. Who are you and why did you slap me?? Kome asked, still angry!

Mr uzo couldn't keep quiet anymore. is this kid brave or stupid? can't you see that even the adults here are not saying anything?

Mr Uzo is not really a nice person but he couldn't let the prince kill Kome because his grandma is a powerful cultivator, she might kill him out of anger if anything happens to Kome.

My Prince! please don't be offended"! Kome is always indoor, aside from his family and us, he doesn't know anyone. I apologise on his behalf!

The prince looked very handsome, he wore a gold color robe which complemented his fair skin. He looked younger than Andrew about 10 to 11 years of age, by the name Harry. He had a cold look on his face unlike Andrew who is always smiling. He looked at Kome with cold eyes devoid of any emotion and simply nodded his head.

But before mr Uzo could have a sigh of relief, the princess butted in. Why does he look so familiar if he doesn't go out? i think i have seen him before.


You think you've seen him before? Andrew asked.

Oh!! not him? he looks like someone we know. mr Osazu! they have the same face. Andrew couldn't Help but nod his head in agreement. though Kome looks younger, if one looks closely one would realize that they look almost identical!

Kome was surprised,,, he looked at the princess for the first time and asked "How did you know my father's name?