I'm bored here

During the next four days, Aria had been completely forbidden by David from leaving the bed.

She would only get up to go to the washroom, and would be helped by Miss Anhao as she was not even able to stand properly, let alone walk.

On the fifth day.....

Aria sat on the bed with a book in her hands. She could sit up now, but not for more than two hours at a time. Aria looked towards the windows and saw that it was a really windy day. Aria had always been restless, she would always want to go out, whatever may be the weather, but today the wind looked especially inviting to Aria.

Aria called out, "Miss Anhao? Miss Anhao? Are you here?"

There was no response. Aria called out again, "Miss Anhao? Could you come here a moment please?"

Again there was no response. Aria got frustrated and lied down on the bed, "Hmphf. Should I get up myself?" She wondered out aloud.

"No. You should not." Joseph's voice rung into the ward.

Aria turned her head, "Joseph?"

Joseph walked over to her bed with a fresh pile of books, which he dropped on the bedside table, saying, "I stopped by the library."

Aria: "Thanks." "And could you, go return these?" She pointed to another pile of five to six books.

Joseph: "Don't tell me that you already read these?"

Aria: "You don't know the extent to which I'm bored."

Joseph asked as he sat down, "Anyway, why were you calling for Miss Anhao?"

Aria looked towards the window, "I wanted her to open a window. It's so windy, I would love to feel the wind."

Joseph: "Oh... I'll open one up for you."

He stood up and opened the window closest to Aria. The wind rushed in the room.

Aria turned her face towards the window and closed her eyes. The wind blew her open hair backwards as a smile formed on her lips.

Joseph was looking at Aria with a dazed expression when she said, "How come you're not in class?"

Joseph's trance was broken and he dropped his gaze, hoping that Aria had not noticed.

He said, "Oh, I skipped it."

Aria opened her eyes and raised her eyebrows at him.

Joseph shrugged and said, "It's such a great day. I'm not going to spend it cooped up in a classroom."

Aria: "You do know it's breaking the rules."

Joseph rolled his eyes, "I'm not much of a goody two shoes."

Aria chuckled, "Helen would probably faint if she heard her little brother talking like that."

Aria had found out two days ago that Helen and Joseph were siblings. Though Aria had been very much surprised, she had wondered how she hadn't seen it before. You could basically tell their similarities when they stood side by side. Especially the platinum blonde hair.

Joseph: "Yeah well, she never was much of a troublemaker. Can't blame her, really."

A silence settled between the two.

Aria broke it by saying, "So..... you're going for a walk?"

Joseph: "Thinking about it. Probably can't go very far as I have to be back for the next class."

Aria looked out of the window into the distance, "I wish I could go out."

Joseph: "Don't say it like that. You'll be discharged very soon."