You're a fighter

"I really didn't come here to talk about queen Amber. I would prefer if you got to the point." Aria spoke, a little too forcefully than the tone she had been assuming upto now. All this talk about abandoning children brought up memories that she would rather have forgotten.

Edmond seemed satisfied by Aria's outburst as he stood and began pacing the room, hands clasped behind his back.

"I can see you're still bothered by the queen's behavior. It's quite understandable really. How can you forgive a person who abandons you as a child and never come back to you." Edmond droned on as Aria tried to keep her face emotionless and breathing normal. She could suddenly relate a bit too much with queen Amber's lost daughter. The only difference was that she knew she had been abandoned and the unnamed girl did not.

Aria shook her head and focused on Edmond. "What I am offering you, is a chance to take revenge. To direct all that anger towards the person who deserves it." he stopped, looking at Aria and expecting a reply, but when he didn't get on, Edmond continued, "I must confess that what I'm offering you isn't what I had in mind when we planned to kidnap you. But one look at you, and I was immediately sure that you weren't born to be a victim. You, Aria, are a fighter."

Aria still didn't reply and Edmond went on, "Seeing your mental and physical capabilities, I realized that there was someone much more suited to be the ruler than me. Someone who shares my vision for the future and has Amber's affinity to elements. Actually, with proper training, much better than her. Someone who would not only become a ruler, but a legend."

"Me." Aria replied with a single word, voice devoid of any emotion.

"Yes!! You Aria! You are this amazing person who can shake the whole country, if given the proper support." Edmond exclaimed, he was getting excited now.

"What do you want from me?" Aria asked.

"I want you to get close to the queen. Become a part of the royal court and befriend the queen and everyone around her. You're already on your way with the commander's daughter." Edmond spoke, eyes glinting with excitement, and fists balled up. "And when you have everyone eating out your hand, I want you to crush them between your fingers. Break the kingdom apart from the inside."

Aria quickly focused on Helen before replying. Another few minutes and she would be at the Scott mansion. "And how do you and the night warriors come into this scheme?" Aria asked.

Edmond seemed glad of Aria's interest as he spoke with a menacing smile, "We will be the ones providing you with all the training and everything you could ever need. And once the old hypocrites are out of the way, we will establish a new court, with a powerful leader and a new way of doing things."

Aria couldn't help but notice that Edmond had said 'you' whenever someone had to come to the front and 'we' for ruling. He was basically planning to use her as a scapegoat. But she didn't voice her thoughts, there was no point anyway. All she needed was enough time for Helen to get back safely.