We all deserve a rest

Miss Anhao had been able to guess most of what Aria was thinking today, but she had guessed the last thing wrong. Aria hadn't been thinking about her friends visiting her when she asked that question. Sure, she was excited to see them and was curious about what had been happening with their lives while she lay asleep. But the reason Aria had asked that question was because she knew what was coming.

And she didn't want to face it. All those interrogative looks and casual curious questions. Then there would be Professor Thomas and Mr. Scott wanting the full version, with a bag full of questions. Aria even suspected the authorities would want to question her, might be even the queen, since all this had happened because people suspected she was the queen's daughter.

Aria sighed as she thought about how she would convince people she was not the queen's daughter. She couldn't very well tell them who she was, and she was anyway expected not to remember anything from before she was seven years old. Queen Amber would know at a glance that she wasn't the daughter she had. Wouldn't she?

"Edmond had believed that you were his daughter readily enough." A small voice whispered in Aria's mind and she sighed. Edmond Christo. That was another thing she did not want to face. He had been the queen's lover?!!?! He was the father of the unnamed abandoned girl!!!! Though he had never admitted it himself, Vincent had spoken clearly enough. Besides, all his actions and words would make sense if he was supposed to be her dad. "This is some really messed up sh*t." Aria thought to herself and sighed.

While she had been lost in her thoughts, Miss Anhao had continued to feed her and Aria realized with a start that she had already finished her dinner. Aria suddenly decided that she didn't want to face anything today. "Tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow. I'll be stronger tomorrow. Let me just rest today." she whispered to herself as Miss Anhao wiped her mouth with an elderly smile and stood up.

"Miss Anhao?" Aria called out as she began to walk away. "Yes my child?" Miss Anhao replied, turning around. Aria fumbled for words for a few seconds before she spoke, "Can you not allow anyone to visit today? I'll meet them tomorrow." Miss Anhao's face broke into an involuntarily big smile. Aria realized that was what she wanted too. For her to rest. "Of course child. We all deserve a break once in a while. And you really have earned it." she said before walking away.

Aria settled in bed and watched the tree outside the window near her bed for a few minutes before she let her mind drift off back to the night warriors hide-out, she needed to get more details out. She needed to remember more. She stayed with her thoughts for about half an hour before Miss Anhao came with a glass of milk.

"I don't want pain-reducers." Aria protested, speaking in a small voice and trying not to stretch her face-muscles too much. "It's just milk." Miss Anhao said, helping her drink it. "I know all of your tactics Miss Anhao. Enough to become your assistant." Aria said, finishing the glass.