Ch 7: Year in a recap.

It's been about a year training with Ruby, Yang, and Qrow.

'Still no clue what my semblance is.'

"I can't believe it's been a year!" Yang shouts hugging Kyra.

"Yep, I'm sad you two are going to beacon without me." Ruby says a little upset.

"Ruby let's go to From Dust till dawn tonight." Kyra says.

"Okay but you have to wear my present!" Ruby says pulling out a light blue hood similar to her red one.

"Yang, I will get my own bed at beacon right?" Kyra asks

"Nope your sleeping with me! You spent the entire year in Ruby's bed now it's my turn for the personal heat generator." Yang says

'Apparently I generate a lot of body heat in my sleep. Scared a few people when we first found out.'

"But." Kyra starts

"No Buts Ruby kept my second cute little sister for a year my turn at beacon." Yang says

It's been a crazy year, the war against the grimm has a had slight turnaround thanks to the invention of gunpowder, now even people with weak auras and no semblances can fight.

Kyra bought and modified a 4 wheeler with all sorts of crazy modifications, turbo boosting dust powered engines like tripled the efficiency and increased the horsepower by 50%.

"Here is my present for you little sister." Yang says handing Kyra a shot gun gauntlet for her right hand. Cause that Pip-boy is basically melded with her body on her left.

"Awesome!" Kyra says taking off the weight set she's worn since she's come to this world.

Falling to the floor they crack the wood.

"Oops." Kyra says picking one of them up.

Yang also grabs one.

"Yikes these things are like 500 kilos." Yang says

Turns out the power scale on the pip-boy is exponential and it gets significantly harder to increase with training pass 70, but Saiyans are training maniacs.

Intelligence went up from her experiments with dust and earth technology. Which yielded some really good results with the founding of a company called Stark industries which sells tech and weapons from the 1950s and computer technology from the 90s and early 2000s. With Kyra keeping a decent amount to herself to keep it from being used for war against humans.

'Kinda took the Stark last name for myself.'

There is a miniature cap factory running in the garage 1000 caps a day. Her total caps are around 50,000 but 100,000 is needed for a nano suit.

T-60 power armor is 10,000 caps. Luckily she had one when she crossed over. For some weird reason it's stored in the Pip-boy frame and all.

Thanks to the pip-boy and Qrow's teachings scythe wielding reached 3 and the skill is roughly equal to Ruby's.

'I think ruby has higher luck though.'

Qrow walks in through the door.

"Sorry I'm late I was working with Ozpin to see what we could do about the production of anti air platforms to defend from grimm attacks from the sky. Stark Industries is doing a lot of good." Qrow says

'Oh yeah I told Ozpin I dreamed about the fall of beacon and the thousands of flying grimm that caused it.'

Before handing him flacc cannon designs and other anti air designs. It's amazing how all WWII weapon and vehicle blueprints are on my Pip-boy.

I made the company Stark Industries with the help of Ozpin and we are competing against the Schnee dust company because it offers alternatives to dust. It's also treating Faunus' fairly cause technically I am one. Apparently we can use my tech against Atlas because their technology functions of energy and shielding from it so it doesn't stop physical objects.

I remember meeting Weiss of course I had my tail hidden, I know how humans are I used to be one.

I also found out I had a skill in Law that I'm guessing transferred over from my law class same with my managing skill I had in my previous life. I should try all my skills I had in my previous life maybe they will show up. Sadly a mechanic skill didn't show up would have been useful when walking through a factory to see if everything was functioning and part wear.

Then I met Blake while she was robbing from one of my warehouses with the white fang. At the time I was level 24 and held my own against all of them. Then revealed I was a 'Faunus' man did they look upset cause it was just after they accused me of pushing the Faunus people into slavery.

Blake left the White Fang after that I will probably see her at beacon.

Then there is Roman, man has he been busy. I couldn't talk to him at all in the past 6 months. There was this massive mafia/gang war where the leader of the biggest gang was assassinated and all the other gangs were all at each others throats for territory. Roman came out on top not hurting innocents and disrupting Salem's plans without giving himself away, to be honest well done. And that was after he went to the Branwen tribe and robbed them blind. Sadly he's being forced to work for Cinder right now well according to Junior anyway.

"How strong are you now?" Yang asks

"Strong enough to punch and kill a death stalker with my bare fists." Kyra replies

"You have bear fists?" Yang replies trying to joke.

A collective sigh is heard around the room.


Speeding down the road on a 4 wheeler.

"Why don't we run again?" Ruby asks

"Do you want to keep having to pay to replace people's windows Ruby?" Kyra asks she and ruby can both break the sound barrier but only Ruby can do it silently.

"I could pull you along like I did the first time." Ruby says

"Why do you wanna hurry there? I wanna spend more time with you. I'm getting sent to beacon ahead of you." Kyra says

"Yep, however your tail is making it hard for me to breath." Ruby says

"Die my instincts!!!" Kyra shouts flooring the 4 wheeler and pulling a wheelie.


Please see new auxiliary chapter for Special and Perks along with level.