Ch 15: Team RWBYS [Rubies] and a Talk


In the auditorium.

"Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bronzewing, and Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as... Team CRDL [Cardinal] lead by... Cardin Winchester." Ozpin

Clapping as team bullies walks off the stage.

"Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyhrra Nikos, and Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as team JNPR [Juniper] Lead by Jaune Arc!" Ozpin says

"Huh? Lead by?" Jaune says before being love tapped by Pyrrha too hard and ends up on the ground.

"Congratulations young man." Ozpin says with a very amused face.

'Omg Ozpin is messing with him and trying to find amusement.' Kyra thinks

"And finally we have a 5 man team, Blake Belladonna, Sapphire Kyra Stark, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long. The five of you retrieved the white Knight pieces. From this day forwards you will be known as team RWBYS [Rubies]." Ozpin says

Every single student is staring at Kyra the owner of Stark industries, who is also a Faunus.

'I forgot that, that was the name on the real fake birth certificate Ozpin made me.' Kyra thinks to herself

"Lead by Ruby Rose." Ozpin

Yang and Kyra suddenly hug Ruby.

"I'm so proud of you." Yang

"Thank you, I don't have to do all the paperwork for when we accidentally blow stuff up!" Kyra shouts

Ruby's face goes pale at Kyra sentence and Weiss still looks some what angry.

"Speaking of which Miss Rose, I need you to fill out the documents for the damage done to the Emerald Forest by your team during initiation." Ozpin says making Ruby look more scared and Weiss actually looked relived.

Glynda Goodwitch suddenly shows up and starts dragging Ruby away while Ruby is fighting her for every step clawing at the ground.

"No! No! No! Help!!! Kyra! Yang! Don't!! Anything but paperwork!!" Ruby screams as she's dragged away.

"This is shaping up to be an eventful year." Ozpin says

"Can't Ruby easily break out of that?" Blake asks

"Yeah, but she actually wants to be team leader. She's just making sure everyone knows she hates paper work." Yang says

"True, that's why we always dodged having to fill our hunter reports when we went grimm hunting unofficially. Or when we tested the weapons I designed in a 'totally safe area'." Kyra says her tail swaying in the air behind her.

"So, where is our dorm at?" Weiss asks not mentioning Ruby's predicament.

"This way!" Yang says pointing and walking in that direction to be suddenly be grabbed by the collar.

"I don't trust your sense of direction." Kyra says then looks at Blake.

"What?" Blake asks

"Like the Ninja Cat doesn't have the map of the school memorized." Kyra asks

"Ninja Cat?" Weiss asks

"Weiss? What do you think of the Faunus?"

Kyra asks the spoiled rich girl.

"Animals! Rude! violent!" Weiss begins but then remembers what Kyra was and that she gave her a loaded question.

"See what I mean? If you treat us like animals that's what we will be? Nothing is more awkward than when an enemy gives a demonstration of humility because it makes you seem like the animal. However your father doesn't treat people kindly." Kyra says

"That doesn't excuse the white fang." Weiss says

"Oh I know it doesn't, I remember the day white fang tried to rob me and accused me of enslaving the Faunus. I take 2% of all profit and that actually goes to Research and Development 10% percent for safe keeping incase something happens to the company so I can still pay workers if there is a fall in sales. Materials to make products are 20-25% and the workers get 35-40% goes to workers pay and insurance for them. 20% go to big projects. And the last 3-12% get donated to the academies. Let me tell you that's not the proper way to run a business, I do it just to treat my kind better cause we are oppressed by society. Imagine walking down the street and you see a child get beaten up by adults. But no one does anything because that child is a deer Faunus, we are not the monsters."Kyra says

"That seems horrible." Weiss says

"It is but white fang doesn't make it better all they do is generate more hate for Faunus kind. If we were kind and peaceful but humanity was mean and violent. Who do you think the monster would be on the nightly news." Kyra says remembering her history class and the civil rights movement back on earth.

"That's why dad says we should stay peaceful."Blake says going into thought while Weiss went silent thinking on her own.

"What about the assassins they sent after my family?" Weiss asks

"Weiss, humans have rapists and murders too, even Roman Torchwick the top crime boss of Vale is a human, now tell me are all humans evil? " Kyra asks really trying to undo the anti Faunus programming in Weiss's head.

"No, not all humans are like that." Weiss says

"Now tell me why all Faunus are evil." Kyra asks with a small smile.

"Cause daddy said..." Weiss stops talking

'It finally clicked.' Kyra thinks happy she made progress.

"Kyra? Did you really have to go all philosophical on them?" Yang asks

"Did you want to leave that ticking time bomb of a issue for Ruby to deal with?" Kyra asks

"This should be it guys." Blake says opening the door.

"There is only 4 beds." Yang says

"I could sleep with Ruby... I always have." Kyra says

"We are all girls... we could push them together in the middle and sleep together." Yang says

"Weiss? Do you have my answer?" Kyra asks her.

"I need to think about it a bit longer." Weiss says a little uncomfortably not understanding why her father lied to her.

"Okay... can I get that corner for my stuff?" Kyra asks knowing she needs to repair the power armor.

"Sure?" Weiss says

"Yeah go for it Sis." Yang says

"As long as I I can put my books over there." Blake says pointing at the boom shelf in the other corner.

Suddenly a bright yellow power armor workstation and weapon workbench appear in the corner.

"Ok let's set up the beds and go to sleep." Kyra says yawning.

The group pushed the beds together making a giant one near the window.

"Okay Pajama time!" Yang yells

Kyra looks at her pip-boy then glances out of her peripheral vision and sees everyone frozen in time around her.

'Let's equip the vault suit.'

Putting the Pip-Boy down.

"That was fast!" Blake says in shock looking a Kyra.

"What did she do?" Weiss asks turning around and just staring at Kyra.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" Kyra asks wondering if it's a bad idea to sleep in the vault suit.

"Sis... you look stunning." Yang says staring at Kyra's body.

'Oh... uhh.' Kyra's face suddenly blushes red realizing they are staring at her body.

Weiss sleeps to the left of Kyra and Yang to her right cuddling her. With Blake to the left of Weiss.


Later that night in a Dream

"I hate paperwork" is muttered by someone quietly opening the door.

"Ruby." Kyra whispers patting the empty spot between her and Blake on the bed.

Ruby nods excitedly before flashing into her black and red Pajamas and sneaking in between Blake and Kyra.

Kyra's tail wrapped around the girl.

"I missed you." Kyra says hugging her.

"I hate paper work... try not to blow stuff up again please." Ruby says

"Maybe if you give me a kiss." Kyra responds teasingly.

Ruby suddenly kisses Kyra.

"Huh?" Kyra looks at Ruby dumbfounded.

"There you go I will give you another if you go a week without blowing something up." Ruby says noticing the confused look on Kyra's face.

"What is it love? Don't want me as your girlfriend?" Ruby asks holding back a giggle.

"I, Uh, I didn't know?" Kyra says her voice going meek.

"Your cute when your embarrassed." Ruby says with a teasing smile.

'Was she always like this.'

"It's a shame it's a Dream" Ruby says. "There wasn't room next to you so I slept next to Yang." Ruby says to Kyra

'Wut!?' Kyra thinks

"I'm going to keep practicing kissing you in this dream." Ruby says with a smile while Kyra is realizing she's Dream sharing with Ruby.

Ruby starts to unzip Kyra's vault suit but an alarm clock is heard in the Dream waking them up.