34: Team assignments.

"Morning." Ruby says to Kyra

"Good morning." Blake says with bags under her eyes.

"Blake did you sleep at all last night?" Yang asks worried.

"No..." Blake says

"Was it Zewi?" Kyra asks while holding the Zewi against body.

"It couldn't have been Zewi right?" Ruby asks hugging both Kyra and Zewi.

"No..." Blake says as blood starts coming out her nose looking at Kyra and Ruby hugging in their pajamas.


"Kyra, you are still in the Vault suit as you call it." Yang says

"So? Kyra is our adopted sister and my girlfriend. Everyone else in the room is girls aswell. I'm sure she doesn't mind us looking." Ruby says as Kyra blushes.

"Ruby? You wanna take a shower?" Kyra says

"T-together!?" Ruby says blushing and becomes a stuttering mess.

"No you get first shower today remember?" Kyra says with a smile as she loves the teasing war her and Ruby are in.

"Ok but I want my good mornin-" Ruby is cut off as Kyra kisses her.

"Okay, go shower before we run out of time." Kyra says


An hour later in the Amphitheater.

"Professor Ozpin would like to share a few words before we begin." Glynda

"Today we stand together, united. Mistral, Atals, Vacuo, and Vale The four kingdoms of Remnant." Ozpin

'He forgot Menagerie they really need a official Academy.' Kyra thinks

(A/N: and I now have a future plot line for a few years down the road.)

"On this day nearly 80 years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end." Ozpin says

'Yeah a war that was started over land and resources. A war that left city's to be destroyed by Grimm while their warriors were out fighting the good fight. A war that was started by Atlas and Misteral. Why? Because of greed, they chose greed over survival. Towns cities and parts of entire countries were left defenseless to the grimm. And the last battlefield was a blood bath with the warriors having to take breaks to fight Grimm before continuing the war.' Kyra thinks pissed about general human nature. Luckily people can learn.

"It was a war of ignorance, of greed, and of oppression. A war that was about much more than where borders fell or who traded with whom. But about the very idea of individualism itself." Ozpin says

'If anyone has ever read the book matched its like that mixed with hunger games only there's no children sacrificing. 100 poems that's it that's all that exists for poems it's not possible for there to be more than 100 of any one thing. Except here poems don't exist never have you will be killed if make one. It was a dystopian society, it literally lost its soul except for in the capital.' Kyra thinks getting even more mad at Atlas who are now the 'good guys'.

"We fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self expression. As you are all aware that is something many could not stand for." Ozpin says

'You take the lead there Ozpin, retired king of Vale the hero King who's battle record became a frightening legend. I think it was 1 swing could take down 10 men or something ridiculous like that.' Kyra thinks again

"As a result, those who opposed this tyranny began naming their children after one of the core aspects of art itself, Color. It was their way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this oppression, but neither would the generations to come. And it is a trend that is held to this very day. We encourage individuality, expressionism, and unity. Through diversity." Ozpin

'Besides Atlas where all hunters are either retired or part of the military. And the Faunus are basically still slaves in a dust mine.' Kyra thinks

"As I have said, today we stand together, United. But this bond cannot exists without effort. Which is why today while the rest of the world celebrated peace, huntsmen and Huntresses will work to up hold it. As first year students. You will be tasked with shadowing a professional hunter on a mission." Ozpin says

'Ah, he's doing that to hide us as just students on a trip rather than it being some weird movement by us. Good job Ozpin.' Kyra thinks

"Some of you will be take out of the kingdom for several days. Others may work within the walls for the rest of the week. No matter which path you chose remember to be safe, remember your training, and to do your very best." Ozpin says walking away.

"So we already got a mission for the next week." Yang says

"Yep." Ruby says

"I need to go get something, see you at the meet up point." Kyra says running away at the speed of a speed semblance pick pocketing emerald as she runs by her.

"Where is she going?" Weiss asks

"She wants to demean atlas again." Ruby says knowing even talking about the war pisses off Kyra and she just heard Ozpin give a lecture on it.

"Oh yeah, I remember how big of a reputation hit they took after she demolished one of Atlas' mech suits." Weiss says

"She said something about face slapping and how I of all people with a Chinese last name should understand it." Yang says

"Any clue on what she was talking about?" Blake asks

"None what so ever." Yang says

"What's the worst she can do?" Weiss asks

"You really don't wanna know. She can be pretty shameless. Only when it comes to atlas though. Last year...Shit, I shouldn't talk about that." Yang says