Kyra steps out of a portal in front her home on patch.
"Hi dad." Kyra says to Tiayang
"Dad or father in-law what ever works. So your not here to tell me bad news right?" Taiyang says pointing in the direction of the Kingdom.
"Nope... well besides the fact we may have to go into hiding for a while." Kyra says knowing she's shown too much.
"Got it, I will accept a long term mission. I'm assuming you have a plan for everyone else?" He says looking at the massive shed/mini warehouse she experimented in.
"Yep." Kyra says pushing a button on her Pip-boy and an Avenger from GTA5 revealed itself. Running on nothing but fusion cores and the less powerful but more efficient arc reactors. It also can cloak itself.
"They should be taking the speed boat here with a +1 that I'm going to have to help. We will probably target the white fang." Kyra says
"Don't say too much. The less I know the better." Taiyang says knowing some of the councils may try to interrogate him if they catch him.
"I'm sorry." Kyra says crying a little upset about having to leave everything behind.
"I know, you did what was right. And by doing so you revealed yourself to the world and put those close to you in danger." Tiayang says patting the crying girl's head.
"Thanks dad." Kyra says wiping her tears.
"We are here!" Ruby shouts walking up with her backpack full of well Penny parts, and Weiss carrying Zwei.
Back a bit with Ruby and the rest.
"Come on guys it's this way!" Ruby says leading them to the docks.
"Why are we heading to the docks?" Blake asks
"Sky camper?" Yang says remembering their final back up plan.
"Yep!" Ruby says throwing off the tarp of the speed boat.
"Why are we leaving the city? We are winning?" Weiss asks still confused.
"Why do you think we are winning?" Yang asks
"I don't know?" Weiss asks
"Kyra, that's why." Ruby says as the boat engine starts and they start going towards patch.
"Are those leviathans?" Weiss asks seeing the lizard looking creature slowly dissipating while floating on the water.
"Yes..." Yang says
"How? Vale shouldn't have the weapons capable of doing that?" Weiss asks
"Kyra... she prepared for everything. Once the fights over all attention will fall on her and us. This was an organized attack on Vale, Weiss." Ruby says repeating what Kyra said over the Scroll.
"Wait? People can control Grimm?" Weiss asks shocked.
"Probably and they planned to wipe Vale off the map." Yang says
"And now that they have failed. They will try and eliminate the reason for why they failed?" Blake asks
"Which is Kyra. She designed those boats and worked with the government to build them under strict contract. The guns and laser turrets were her own doing." Ruby says since no one really saw the rocket turrets since they focused on the ground.
"Her technology is that advanced?" Weiss asks
"She also lied. She has a space program and several satellites in orbit." Ruby says
"Why?" Weiss asks
"She didn't want the governments of the countries to come after her. A single person developed all of this. Kyra said she would force the world into a global arms race. Before Stark Industries sells a weapon they think. What would the damage be if these weapons were to be turned towards the people rather than Grimm." Yang says
"That much though?" Weiss asks
"Yes however now she was forced to reveal too much. We will likely have governments and the group that planned this attack after us." Ruby says "why us?" Weiss asks
"Same team as her. They could use us against her as a hostage." Blake says understanding
"Yes, so throw away your scrolls." Ruby says tossing hers off the side of the ship.
"We need to go dark. Off the grid." Ruby says
Yang tosses hers off and says." It's fine Kyra has made better scrolls anyway."
"Okay..." Weiss and Blake say throwing theirs away.
"Also Weiss. Your dad could have theoretically protected you." Ruby says to the heiress.
"I don't think I am ever going back to that family." Weiss says thinking of her sister Winter.
"So that's the escape plan?" Yang asks looking at the Avenger.
"Yeah, enough food for 2 weeks. A lot of dust and ammo. Decent living room and it can fly itself or hold hover indefinitely." Kyra says knowing she stocked enough fusion cores in her Pip-boy too keep it flying indefinitely.
"Bunk beds?" Ruby asks
"Yep. They are on the walls they fold down. It has a small electric kitchen, A gun work table, a map of the world, a holodeck with connection to everything via Stark satellites. Set Penny inside, I will work on bringing her back after we take off." Kyra says
"You can do that?" Weiss asks
"To be honest I'm a few decades ahead of atlas in everything besides dust technology. Because I don't need dust for them to work." Kyra says
"Why?" Weiss asks
"Dust is a finite resource eventually the world will run out." Kyra says as they all walk into the rear cargo door.
"Why are there 6 bunks?" Blake asks
"One for Penny and we need to go pick up one other person." Kyra says with a smile heading into the cockpit and putting the headset on.
"We are about to take off you may wanna sit down somewhere." Kyra says flipping switches that puts it in vtol mode and the props begin to spin as the rear ramp closes.
"Where too first?" Ruby asks in the copilot seat.
"A small farm in Mistral." Kyra says
"Why there?" Ruby asks
"We are going to pick up a friend." Kyra says
"And Penny?" Ruby asks
"I will fix her once we get to cruising altitude. I wanna save power so it should take us about 11-13 hours to get to Mistral." Kyra says