Ch 57: Picking up Ozpin.

An alarm clock rings after about 6 hours warning them that they are 30 minutes from their destination.

A tail snakes it's way out of the blanket and wraps itself around the alarm clock.Throwing it into the wall on the opposite side landing on a sleeping Weiss. While the tail quickly wraps itself back around Ruby.

"Ah!" Weiss screams waking everyone else up.

"Huh? What is it?" Ruby asks sitting up in Kyra's bed using the blanket to cover herself.

"Ruby dear... you should put some clothes on." Kyra whispers into her ear.

"EEHH!!!" Ruby screams realizing she slept in the nude cuddling with Kyra all night.

Kyra just looks at Ruby with a warm smile while Ruby's face flushes completely red.

Kyra slips out of the bed to go get ready to land the Avenger.

"Say Blake? Where is your ribbon?" Kyra asks noticing her.

"I figured I wouldn't need it anymore." Blake says noticing Kyra stare at her ears with lust.

Kyra shakes her head. "I need to prepare for our landing." Kyra says blushing and speeding off trying to keep her tail from wrapping around Blake.


On a farm in Mistral.

"Osaka get up we need to start the laundry!" A woman shouts up the stairs that lead to the attic.

"Huh? Yes auntie!" Responds a girlish voice.

'Well this is certainly new...' The young Farm hand Osaka hears in her head.

"Huh?" Osaka says hearing the voice.

'Knowing her they should be here any minute... tell your aunt to expect guest.' Ozpin says to Osaka

"Auntie! I believe we may have guest coming over today!" Osaka shouts changing from her nightwear to her normal clothes.

"Who dear?" Osaka's aunt asks.

'Kyra mentioned Sandstorm had a habit of doing this.' Ozpin thinks to himself.


At Bucky Barnes' funeral Sandstorm suddenly sneezes.


In the land of Darkness.

"She failed!" Salem shouts beyond pissed.

"Yes and I was also outed aswell." Says a tall middle aged man. He has a slim build and slightly tanned skin, with black and grey hair with Green eyes. Arthur Watts

"How did she fail!!" Salem shouts shaking the ground with her pressure.

"It was a trap... somehow they knew we were coming all along." Emerald says

"Are you sure of this? Who knew." Salem says

"Her name was Sapphire Stark." Mercury says covered in bandages.

"Well where is she?" Salem says livid

"She disssapeared off the face of the Remanent. The only good thing we got out of this was Ozpins death." Says Hazel Rainart

Salem seems to visibly relax at that.

"Find this Girl and eliminate her!" Salem shouts before leaving the room.


Back in the cockpit of the Avenger.

"Alright, this should be the correct place." Kyra says throwing it into vtol mode.

And landing in an empty part of the field.

Exiting the aircraft.

"So who are we picking up?" Ruby asks

"Two people." Kyra says looking at the corn field.

"You coming out yet?" Kyra asks towards the corn.

"You seriously need to teach me how you do that." Qrow says coming out from the corn.

"Uncle Qrow!" Ruby shouts hugging him.

"How was it following us?" Kyra asks

"Annoying." Qrow says

"Be happy I didn't activate the stealth." Kyra says

"I'm excuse me who are you people?" A short girl with long hair and green eyes asks.

"We are year for Oscar Pine." Kyra says

"Umm... there is no Oscar here." The girl says confused.

Kyra looks at the girl her eyes golden eyes glow as she recognizes something.

"I guess I'm here for you then. What's your name?" Kyra says

"Osaka Pine." Osaka says looking at Qrow

"Umm..." Osaka says

"What?" Kyra asks with a smile.

"I'm supposed to tell you. I would like my cane back? " Osaka asks

"Yep! It's him." Kyra says with a smile which is then replaced with a worried face.

"I forgot the cane!" Kyra shouts

"I didn't." Qrow says pulling out and tosses it at the girl.

"'Thanks Qrow.'" Ozpin says through Osaka

"Wait... Professor Ozpin?" The rest of the team says.

"' Hello everyone.'" Ozpin says

"As much as you want an explanation you will have to wait till after we drop Penny off at Atlas." Kyra says

"Penny... Wait the robot girl from the Vytal Festival?" Osaka asks

"Yep in surprised you get television out here. So Osaka ready to go on an adventure?" Kyra says

"What's the plan?" Osaka asks

"First stop is Atlas just to drop off Penny." Kyra says while Penny is still in the Avenger.

"After that we go to take care of the white fang. On the way there, everyone is told everything, including Ozma's story. As we are passing through here again we are picking up the Grimm reaper so she can train Ruby. After that we arrive in Menagerie we go talk to Blake's parents and try to solve the white fang with as few deaths as possible. After that we need to take care of the rest of her inner circle. Which should leave her open to be sealed or sent away." Kyra says

"'Not bad. Though I'm a little reluctant to share my story. Yet if these are the people destined to save the world I won't keep it from them.'" Ozpin says through Osaka

"Also, you should have been a boy? Guessing fate interfered for her own amusement." Kyra says

"I'm lost." Ruby says

"Also everyone here knows what I am. Told them on the way here." Kyra says

"Ah, God stuff." Yang says nodding to herself.

"Yep. So ready to go?" Kyra asks motioning towards the Avenger.

"One last issue is the spring maiden." Kyra says

"You where she is?" Qrow asks

"Dead and replaced." Kyra says

"By who?" Osaka asks

"According to her it was an act of mercy since the girl was too weak for the dangers of the world. Sound familiar?" Kyra asks

"She didn't." Qrow says

"She did." Kyra responds.

"Who?" Yang asks

"Your mother." Kyra answers looking at Yang.

"Can you talk to my aunt before we leave?" Osaka asks

"Sure... my name should be enough. Just need to say you caught my interest and I wanna take you under my wing." Kyra says

"And she says she's not comfortable with harems." Yang mutters.