Ch 64: Menagerie.

"Say Kyra?" Ruby asks

"Yeah Ruby?" Kyra says waking up.

"There's a ship below us getting attacked. By a Sea Feilong. You know the water dragon type Grimm according to you?" Ruby says

"Well let's man the cannons." Kyra says running to the targeting room.

Suddenly a turret comes to life on the bottom of the avenger.

Taking aim "Fire!" Kyra yells pulling the trigger on the joy stick.

Suddenly the Sea Feilong Grimm is hit in the face with an explosive round.

The bone mask of the Sea Feilong is blown off as the Grimm slowly turns to black particles.

"Easy peasy." Kyra says leaning back into the chair.


Kyra walks back into the common area and touches Qrow.

All of a sudden Qrow has a pink bunny tail.

"What did you do?" Qrow asks

"Pfft." Weiss stifles her laughter

Qrow turns around to look at his backside.

"Hell no!" Qrow suddenly shouts as everyone watching falls over laughing.

Kyra grabs Osaka and the girl suddenly has bunny ears.

Maria begins to step away slowly bumping into Kyra who for some reason is suddenly behind her.

Maria suddenly has wool pop out in patches on her skin.

"I was hoping you would get ram horns... I forgot females don't have that sorry." Kyra says leaving Maria to stare at the wool that matches her skin color.

"Wait! Change me to anything else!" Qrow shouts

"Fine." Kyra replies touching him as feathers pop out on parts of his body and the pink rabbit tail disappears.

"So where are we now?" Qrow asks

"Over top of Menagerie, about 10 minutes away from being over top of Kuo Kuana." Kyra says realizing she's going to need to land soon.


As everyone is exiting the invisible avenger.

"So where too?" Ruby asks

"I don't know maybe someone could introduce us to the chief?" Kyra asks looking at Blake who just sighs in response.

"It certainly feels cramped here." Qrow says

"That's what happens when you try to take an entire species and cram them all into a small island that's 2/3 desert. Yeah it tends to be cramped." Blake says leading everyone.

'Kinda like Egypt mixed with a Caribbean island.' Kyra thinks.

"An island isn't that bad." Yang says

"Huh?" Blake says

"Ruby and I were born on the small island of patch." Yang says

"And a desert doesn't seem that bad either." Maria says

"That's not the point." Kyra said

"Exactly we wanted to be treated as equals." Blake says

"Yep, sadly with no school system it's hard for the island to make its own geniuses. Then there is also the limited resources they get thanks to Atlas' tariffs on the country. It's being suppressed." Kyra says

Everyone gets to the top of the hill.

"*sigh*... time to head home." Blake says

"Which one is that?" Osaka asks since she's been distracted letting her eyes wonder all over the island.

"That one..." Blake says pointing at the village chiefs house.

Everyone is taking a minute to soak it in.

Suddenly Kyra's scroll starts ringing.

"Hello?" Kyra asks

"Ms. Stark, we just had a weapon delivered to a branch in atlas by Dr. Pietro." Jarvis says

"Great, could you have a drone bring it it Menagerie. Also send a ship with some supplies and workers I think it's time we expand to this continent." Kyra says

"Yes ma'am." Jarvis and is about to hang up.

"One last thing... once this white fang is taken care of we will probably be unreachable, for a year or two maybe three." Kyra says

"Okay ma'am I will watch the company from space then." Jarvis says preparing to upload a backup of his code to a satellite in case his Synth body is attacked on the ground.

"Sorry. Shall we go?" Kyra asks

Blake just nods and leads them down the road to the house.


Walking up to the door. Blake grabs the door knocker and hits it into the door.

"That was loud." Osaka says with her ears bent down.

"It was." Kyra says

A middle aged female cat Faunus opens the door.

"Blake?" She says shocked

"Hi... mom." Blake says sheepishly.

Blake is then pulled into a hug.

"My baby girl is home." She says