At the docks in Kuo Kuana
"I don't see the point in all this dust. It's like 5 shipping containers full." A ship hand says
"Ah that would be for me." Kyra says touching a container as it gets put into the Pip-boy. Moving towards the other 4.
"Um miss who are you?" A ship hand asks
"Really? I thought most people worked for my company would recognize me." Kyra says somewhat shocked.
"Miss Stark?" One of the dock workers says shocked.
"Yes?" Kyra asks
"We got your weapon in the crate over there." A different man says
"I thought I told Jarvis to send it via drone?" Kyra asks
"Yeah, but then you ordered the ship. He figured it would save resources." The man says
"Thanks what's your name by the way?" Kyra asks
"I'm Jacob, I was designated to be the manager of the Menagerie branch." Jacob says
"Ah, don't worry about profits from the start. It's sort of a run down country that is currently undergoing an improvement in infrastructure." Kyra says opening a wooden crate.
"Wow..." Kyra says looking at the Blue rose which is sporting a Midnight blue paint job now. It seems to be fixed an no longer collapsible. The blade was reworked and it seems much more solid yet flexible.
"This is definitely an improvement." Kyra says looking over the aluminum titanium alloy and Carbon fiber parts.
'Seems like he couldn't do too much to improve it besides the materials it's made of.' Kyra thinks kinda missing the Carbon steel blade she forged herself.
Kyra stores the rest of the dust filled shipping containers in her Pip-boy, before leaving the white
Kyra arrives back at the Belladonna's house it's been about a week since they arrived at Menagerie.
"So is everyone ready to go?" Kyra asks as she walks into to see Yang and Ruby hugging uncle Qrow. Maria saying good by to Ruby. Weiss called her sister on a scroll. Blake is saying goodbye to her parents. Osaka is just sitting in a chair with a bag by her legs.
"Is it really time to go?" Ruby asks
"Well we could either go to another world and get stronger or just fly around on the avenger for a few years." Kyra replies
"New world it is!" Yang says her adrenaline junkie getting the better of her.
"'So how do we get there?'"Ozpin asks
"That is a good question." Kyra says
"The power didn't exactly come with instructions. I'm assuming it works off of intent." Kyra says since that's how her magic works she can then combine it with scientific concepts to make it more powerful.
"So any safety measures you could do that would help us be safer for the journey?" Blake asks
"I could go super?" Kyra asks herself
"Well Maria and I are going to go to another country soon. Mind taking off the disguises?" Qrow asks
"Thanks for reminding me." Kyra says as touches everyone and removes their Faunus parts one at a time. However she gives Blake a tail.
"Uhh? Why did you give me a tail?"Blake asks
"The Faunus is not a race where we are going... however the Demi humans beast people are they have ears and tails." Kyra says
"It looks cute you should leave it." Yang says
"Ready to go?" Kyra asks as she subtlety transforms to super saiyan.
"Yep." Ruby says
"Bye Winter I got to go... see you in 2 years." Weiss says hanging up.
"How are me and Maria going to get off Menagerie?" Qrow asks
Kyra suddenly throws him the keys to the Avenger.
"Don't scratch it... Got it?" Kyra says in a surprisingly threatening way.
Kyra looks at her Pip-boy and goes to the world travel tab selecting the world. Imagining taking team RWBYS and Osaka/Oz with her.
Qrow watches as everyone from team Rubies and Osaka are enveloped in a bright light and suddenly gone.
"So Ruby's eyes?" Qrow asks
"She's more proficient at using them then me." Maria answers.
In a forest.
There are 6 bright flashes of light as Kyra is the only one standing up while everyone else seems to have landed weirdly.
"That felt so weird!" Yang says
"'I... my magic is refilling.'" Ozpin says through Osaka.
"That's a tall tower." Ruby says looking towards it.
"That is the Tower of Babel, The gate of god, The tower to the heavens." Kyra says looking at it.
Suddenly a holo tape falls onto the ground in front of Kyra.
"So do we go toward it?" Blake asks
"Yep, I didn't explain the world we are in to you guys did I?" Kyra asks realizing her mistake.